We arrived at 10.00am at Pitchcroft racecourse in Worcester. Immediately, an activist in jogging shorts armed with leaflets milled around the thronging crowds gathering on the racecourse and distributed scores of leaflets stating the link between breast cancer and dairy products, meanwhile outside of the course, a big display of anti-vivisection placards had been set up for all to see and hundreds of EFMA leaflets handed out to racers and their families.
A surprising amount of interest was taken in the display and in the leaflets apart from one confrontational supporter of vivisection who showed violent tendencies towards human life as well as supporting the torture and murder of innocent non-human animals. That was only to be expected.
When the (women only) race started at 11.00am, which consisted of women of all ages and sizes, the display was moved to a prominent position along the main road where every single runner who had set off from the racecourse to run around the city streets could witness the opposition to the grossly misleading animal research that blindly spearheads the battle against cancer, research that kills and maims humans and non-human animals alike as the biotech companies fraudulently pump the pharmaceutical markets full of animal tested drugs that include side effects such as siezures, heart attack and strokes.
Police stood opposite the demo keeping an eye on things but gave activists no grief. The thumbs up from some of the passing runners were intermingled with the odd 'p**s off' and 'disgusting!' but we were there to highlight the plight of the animals that suffer and die needlessly in the labs, so their adverse reaction to us ran off us like water .. and we were proud to be there!
Activists today decided to make this an annual event in Worcester (this was the first ever demo at a RFL event in Worcester) and hope for a large turnout next year. If you are nowhere near Worcester then maybe organize you own event against the RFL in your city. Visit the Race for Life website for event dates.
Always for the animals!
Source (with relevent links) http://www.vivisection.info/ssat/jun12.html
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