UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Israel: “this country belongs to us, to the white man”
07-06-2012 19:00
Recent anti-immigrant racist extemism in Israel only serves to demonstrate that a strictly jewish state will never exist in peace.Palestine Place & Anti G4S Demo
07-06-2012 17:45
Activists to distribute Alternative Report at G4S AGM
07-06-2012 09:07
A demonstration will take place outside the meeting at the London Stock Exchange from 12:30pm. More info:
Video Highlights: Frank Barat, International Law and Palestine
07-06-2012 01:56
Highlights from the 6th June meeting at Palestine Place, a reclaimed building in central London hosting 2 weeks of events for Palestine.These highlights are taken from the Palestine and International Law talk given by Israeli-born solicitor and founder of Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights Daniel Machover and Frank Barat of the Russell Tribunal
Israeli group Boycott From Within endorse Smash EDO
06-06-2012 23:05
Boycott from Within have endorsed Smash EDO and the summer of resistance.Imagining a world without EDO: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance week six
06-06-2012 20:16
Palestine Plce to join Coalition of Protesters opposing G4S
06-06-2012 19:28
Activist across london from groups including No Borders, will tomorrow converge on Paternoster square for a demonstration against the G4S agm, and Palestine Place has pledged it's support.Smash EDO Press Release - Anti-militarists march against attack on Iran
04-06-2012 21:22
Palestine solidarity activists tell Canterbury City Council to dump Veolia
02-06-2012 11:08
Palestine solidarity activists are putting pressure on Canterbury City Council to dump the transportation giant Veolia because of its role in Israeli occupation and apartheid. Conservative MP Julian Brazier, former Bishop of Dover Richard Llewellyn and over 1,000 citizens support the campaign.Eviction Resistance Successful, many exciting Events tomorrow
02-06-2012 00:07
Despite earlier attempts by police earlier to evict Palestine Place, a successful resistance has occurred and all advertised events will be taking place....Press Release-Smash EDO prepares for march against the prospect of war with Iran
01-06-2012 08:26
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM - From 1st May to 1st August 2012.Palestine Place - partial events schedule released
31-05-2012 18:24
An act of solidarity and resistance will soon implant itself in the heart of the capital. From June 2nd Palestine Place will engulf one of London's great wasted spaces and transform it into a base for workshops and actions in support of Palestine.For more info see:
Sussex gets a new political copper: SmashEDO Summer of resistance demo report
31-05-2012 11:15
Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Smash EDO Statement on today's judgement on John Catt's appeal
30-05-2012 14:05
John Catt had appealed against the retention of data on him by the National Domestic Extremism Database. Today he lost his appeal.Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Week five
30-05-2012 11:43
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM - From 1st May to 1st August 2012.Smash EDO: June 4th coming up! All to the streets
29-05-2012 11:35
With only one week to go until the 'No to an attack on Iran -No to the arms trade' demo on June the 4th we need all of you to help us get the word out there. The facebook event for June 4th can be found here: , do invite your friends.Summer of Resistance action report - Thursday 24/05/2012
25-05-2012 12:37
Smash EDO Summer of Resistance: Bringing the Noise of War home
23-05-2012 23:32
Smash EDO: upcoming events and June the 4th
23-05-2012 22:47
Here's an update of the pre-planned events coming up in the near future, as well as on the big demo on June the 4th. If you're coming from out of town and need somewhere to stay or June the 4th, do email us.