UK Palestine Newswire Archive
6 July: Join Smash EDO at Elbit Block the Factory mass action
26-06-2015 04:42

Last summer’s assault on Gaza, which killed over 2,200 Palestinians, was one of the most brutal effects of Israel’s ongoing occupation and colonisation of historic Palestine. The massacre was carried out using drones manufactured by Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. In response, activists occupied Elbit’s factory in Shenstone, causing its operations to grind to a halt and costing Elbit over £100,000.
On 6th July, to mark the first anniversary of the assault on Gaza, groups and campaigners from across the UK are going back to Elbit’s factory to demand that the UK stops arming Israel. Join us for a day of creative action in solidarity with Palestine!
Supporting organisations have endorsed the call and will be there taking collective action to block the factory from making these weapons.
David Rovics in Concert - Casa, Hope Street, 8pm Saturday 23rd May
15-05-2015 16:12
Come and see David Rovics in Concert in Casa, Hope Street, 8pm Saturday 23rd MayWorld Social Forum 2015 in Tunis Joins the Cry "Nous Sommes Bardo!"
06-04-2015 05:59

10 Reasons Not to Play Israeli Football
30-03-2015 17:26
The latest round of European Championship qualifiers see Wales and Belgium playing Israel and the launch of a new campaign: Fair Play for Palestine – Don’t Play Israeli Apartheid, calling for action against Israel for its sabotage of Palestinian football under the occupation and siege of Gaza.There will be protests at FIFA’s congress in Zurich May 28-29 and a protest and rally is planned in Cardiff for the Wales v Israel return leg on September 6.
In the meantime here’s
Report of UN anti-racism day demonstration in Glasgow 21st March 2015
22-03-2015 20:46

Cycle '48: Remapping the Nakba
21-02-2015 18:28

Second UK-based Israeli drone factory shut down by occupation
17-02-2015 09:59

Barclays blockaded over arms trade shares
19-12-2014 13:14

One person was arrested, who had glued himself to the front doors of the bank. He was dressed as Santa wearing a placard which read 'Santa says you've been a very naughty bank this year'.
Here's the initial press report from the Argus

Peace & Reconciling the Past - a talk at the Carnegie Conference Centre
14-12-2014 10:51

Protest outside the St Andrew Square branch of Barclays Bank in Edinburgh
14-12-2014 09:04

'Grievous Censorship' By The Guardian: Israel, Gaza And The Termination Of Nafeez Ahmed’s Blog
09-12-2014 10:54

In July, regular Guardian contributor Nafeez Ahmed examined claims that Israel is seeking to create a 'political climate' conducive to the exploitation of Gaza's considerable offshore gas reserves - 1.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, valued at $4 billion — which were discovered off the Gaza coast in 2000.
Why the Guardian axed Nafeez Ahmed's blog
04-12-2014 22:13
Nafeez Ahmed’s account of the sudden termination of his short-lived contract to write an environment blog for the Guardian is depressingly instructive – and accords with my own experiences as a journalist at the paper.
Not guilty verdict for Barclays Newport protestors
17-11-2014 00:13

On trial: Anti-Nato protesters who demanded Barclays divest from the arms trade
10-11-2014 10:17
Press ReleaseISIS Beheadings Work Well As Red Herring Hiding Away Israeli Summer War Crimes
05-11-2014 22:45
It may very well be coincidence that just when Israel was starting to take some heat for its atrocious war crimes and policy in Gaza at the end of this summer of 2014 along comes a newly name-minted entity engaging in sensational beheadings for news-grabbing attention. Whether red herring cover just happens to be luck for Israel and the United States in regards to committing and tolerating war crimes or whether there was some conspiracy is not that relevant but what is relevant is that the people of the world cannot let other more recent events erase from memory what the world witnessed in Gaza.Isreali Ambassador Greeted by Protest During Cambridge Visit.
26-10-2014 16:49

Vigil for Palestine in Edinburgh ahead of commons vote
13-10-2014 00:51

Mass Lobby of British Parliament for Palestine
22-09-2014 12:03