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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Palestine Today 052808

28-05-2008 14:31

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday, May 28th, 2008.

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Smash EDO Press Release - Welcome to the Carnival Against the Arms Trade

28-05-2008 09:32



Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh

07875 708873

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Olmert: Only delusional people think we'll keep post-'67 borders

27-05-2008 17:03

"The guideline of our policy has always been the idea that a permanent situation of no peace and a latent war is the best situation for us, and that it must be maintained at all costs. ... we are becoming stronger year by year in a situation of impending conflict where it is possible that actual fighting may break out from time to time. SUch wars will usually be short and the results guaranteed in advance, since the gap between us and the Arabs is increasing. In this way we shall move on from occupation to further occupation. ... this criminally mischievous policy has led us into the crisis we are living through today"
(Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)

"We have not been seeking peace for twenty-five years -- all declarations to that effect have been no more than coloured statements or deliberate lies. There is of course no assurance that we could have made peace with the Arabs if we had wanted to. However, it has to be heavily emphasized that we have not only made no attempts to seek peace, but have deliberately and with premeditation, sabotaged every possibility of doing so."
(Yeshayahu Leibowitz, 30 November 1973)

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Palestine Today 052708

27-05-2008 14:37

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday, May 27th, 2008.

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Palestine Today 052608

26-05-2008 15:09

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday, May 26th , 2008.

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Lebanon: Writings on the Walls of Nahr al-Bared Camp

25-05-2008 11:04

The anarchist film collective 'a-films' has just published another short film from North Lebanon. It documents many racist, sexist, humiliating and insulting graffiti that Lebanese soldiers had written on the walls of the houses in the destroyed Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 21 2008

23-05-2008 17:40

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 17h, through to May 23rd, 2008.

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Smash EDO Fundraiser tonight

23-05-2008 14:02

smashEDO fundraiser @ the Cowley Club Friday 23rd May 8pm till 2am

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Go Indymedia, go! - Response to the SHIfT article

23-05-2008 12:07

The following is a response by some IMC UK activists to a defamatory article by an anonymous author published in the new, Manchester-based magazine SHIFT (issue 3, May-Sep 2008), under the title "Go Hamas Go"? Why Indymedia UK is losing support [1]. Although this may generate for SHIFT publicity they don't deserve, we thought it our duty to clarify the facts and refute these false allegations and accusations.

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Palestine Today 052208

22-05-2008 14:51

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday, May 22nd, 2008.

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Palestine Today 052108

21-05-2008 15:12

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday, May 21st, 2008.

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Public Meeting in London about the Carnival against the Arms Trade

21-05-2008 14:33

Public Meeting about the Carnival against the Arms Trade

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Chief Palestinian Negotiator to Israel: Acknowledge 'Right of Return'

21-05-2008 10:16

By Nicola Nasser

Palestinian chief negotiator Ahmad Qurei urged Israel to reach a solution for the Palestinian refugee problem “based on the principle of acknowledging the Right of Return, and compensation for the sufferings of the Palestinian people.”

Following is the full text of Qurei’s article:

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Palestine Today 052008

20-05-2008 14:46

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday, May 20th 2008.

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Call for actions! Don't let Israel celebrate 60 years of occupation

19-05-2008 22:34

Calling all individuals, clowns, groups, journalists, first aiders, legal support, cameras & filmmakers: come along and show your disgust at 'celebrating' a nation built on war, terror and ethnic cleansing. Let's see the thousands who supported the people of Tibet also show their solidarity with the people of Palestine. End all occupations!

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Palestine Today 051908

19-05-2008 14:51

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday, May 19th 2008.

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Smash EDO Activists Denied Legal Aid will Defend themselves in Court

19-05-2008 08:13



Press Contacts - Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh

tel 07875708873, email

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Public Meeting about the Carnival Against the Arms Trade this Wednesday

17-05-2008 20:25

shut down the Brighton Bomb Builders...

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Knesset members: 'Bush more Zionist than Olmert'

17-05-2008 10:58

Following the US President's speech at the Israeli Knesset last Thursday, marking the 60th anniversary of Israel's founding, several right wing members of Knesset said that "Bush seems to be more Zionist than Olmert" and that "it is better to have Bush as a PM instead of Olmert". The Arabs48 news website reported that some of the Knesset members even said "Bush appears to be the one person who will achieve the Zionist aspirations"!!

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This Week In Palestine – Week 20 2008

16-05-2008 18:37

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 10th, to through to May 16th, 2008.