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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Burin burning

19-10-2009 11:54

Issam with the remains of his car
Farming in the villages around Nablus has become a perilous task of late. Each year vandals from nearby settlements plague the olive farmers, destroying their trees and attacking workers. In the village of Burin, we saw evidence of a more sinister trend.

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Demonstration at Brighton Town Hall tomorrow

18-10-2009 17:36


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Target Brimar campaign statement, Saturday 17th October 2009

17-10-2009 15:43

Arrests at peaceful anti-arms demonstration in Chadderton

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This Week in Palestine -Week 42 2009

16-10-2009 17:23


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for October 10th to the 16th, 2009

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Press Release - Smash EDO Rally Calling for Council Motion Condemning EDO

16-10-2009 08:46

Press Release

For immediate release: 16/10/2009

Press Release - Smash EDO to Council: We should discuss weapons factory in our city?

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Target Brimar Demo - Saturday Oct 17th

15-10-2009 11:08

We're just a couple of days away from the Target Brimar demonstration this
Saturday – hope to see you all there. This is just a little recap of how
you can come along and join us, and what you can expect to find.

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Group - The Abu-Najeh Family

15-10-2009 08:00

Six members of Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group are now in the West Bank. They have been visiting communities in the Jordan Valley and Bil'in, and have a lot of plans for the next few weeks. Read their blog at to keep up to date with what is happening.

The Brighton Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group is a network aiming at fostering links between community organisations in Tubas, occupied Palestine and Brighton. The Tubas Region, which includes the Northern Jordan Valley, is an area Israel wants to ethnically cleanse and annex. Israel is doing this by making life impossible for the people of the valley.

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Palestine Today 131009

13-10-2009 16:09

Munitions store blows up at Hizballah's South Lebanon command center while high-ranking Hamas officials in Gaza keep their sons, brothers, wives, cousins living in comfort in Cairo.

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Carnival Against the Arms Trade Court Date set

13-10-2009 14:32

Five people are on trial in Brighton Magistrates Court for several offences relating to last year's Carnival Against the Arms Trade (see -

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Support the Asnar Family - Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Appeal

12-10-2009 22:01

URGENT: Support Ezat's right to visit his sick daughter in hospital

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Palestine Today 101209

12-10-2009 19:58

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday October 12, 2009

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Anti anti Semitism with Norman Finkelstein

12-10-2009 15:51

Norman Finkelstein lecturing at DePaul University
What links ex-president Jimmy Carter, Baroness Jenny Tongue and the University of California? All these have been recently been accused of anti-Semitism, vilified in the press for questioning Israel’s occupation of Palestine. It is a reflex action of pro-Israel groups to publish slander against vocal critics, and few have been more systematically targeted than political scientist Norman Finkelstein.

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Activists Occupy Sainsbury’s, S. Kensington in Opposition to the sale of Settlement Goods

11-10-2009 19:17

Activists enter Sainsburys in West London in solidarity with the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanction initiative to free Palestine from Israeli occupation. The action lasted approximately 20 minutes and despite a police presence there were no arrests.

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Easy Jet Event to Encourage Israeli Tourism Picketed by Pro-Palestine Demonstrators

11-10-2009 17:33

Pro-Palestine Supporters picketed the start of a 5 day Israeli Tourism event held in Spitalfields market, East London. Despite efforts by Israeli security to get demonstrators to move, police made no efforts to move them on to the frstration of the Pro-Israel organisers.

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U.S. ‘Personality Assassination’ of a Palestinian Ally

10-10-2009 12:08

Viewed from the Middle East, the United States, which had signed agreements with more than seventy nations worldwide to ensure that American military are immune against national and international persecution in cases of human law violations, was perceived as providing a similar shield that would ensure that the Israeli military are similarly immune and above the international law, and has embroiled the Palestinian Authority in this network of political protection of Israeli suspects of human rights violations against its own people in the Gaza Strip.

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Reports from the Brighton Tubas Solidarity Group - Update From Bil In

09-10-2009 21:28

A delegation from Brighton are in Palestine. They will be reporting on the numberous resistance projects in the Jordan Valley, where local Bedouins and other Palestinians are coming together to challenge the occupation by constructing schools, health clinics, homes, playgrounds, roads and water pipes in defiance of Israeli military restrictions Read their blog att to keep up to date with what is happening.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 41 2009

09-10-2009 17:54


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for October 3rd to 9th, 2009