UK Palestine Newswire Archive
This Week in Palestine week 9 2011
04-03-2011 17:37

PEDAL Launch Pad: 100 days to Palestine
04-03-2011 01:04

4th March Demo in Solidarity with the Middle Eastern and North African Uprisings
03-03-2011 17:56
Demonstrate Friday 4th MarchBrighton, Old Steine, 5pm
Palestine Today 03 03 2011
03-03-2011 14:41

Palestine Bike Ride to visit Calais Migrant Solidarity on 23rd March.
02-03-2011 18:57
P.E.D.A.L. planning to cycle from London to Palestine over Spring 2011 to draw attention to battles against economic, environmental and political injustice faced by communities across the world.The first stop on the journey after leaving will be to spend time in Calais for 3 days of workshops, skill-shares, film-shows, music, information and dancing.
Palestine Today 03 02 2011
02-03-2011 16:45

Police threaten to kick shop's door in to tear down Palestine flag
02-03-2011 09:05

Palestine Today 03 01 2011
01-03-2011 16:29

Brighton demo this Friday in Solidarity with the Middle Eastern Revolutions
01-03-2011 16:27
The uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa are ongoing. Gaddafi has now lost control of the majority of Libya while, an uprising has begun in Oman while resistance continues in Bahrain and Yemen.Palestine Today 02 28 2011
28-02-2011 15:15

David Rovics - West Midlands IWW benefit gig
28-02-2011 11:46

PA, with US encouragement, delayed a UN vote on the Goldstone Report into war cr
28-02-2011 06:27

Video: Shir Hever - The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation
26-02-2011 23:23

This Week in Palestine week 8 2011
25-02-2011 18:07

Israel investing $1.6 million in "new media warriors"
25-02-2011 01:08
The Israeli military establishment is once again on the offensive, but instead of high-tech weaponry and missiles, it is using computer screens, keyboards and rapid wireless connections to fight what Israeli military representatives are dubbing a "new media war."Palestine Today 02 24 2011
24-02-2011 16:57

Direct action in Warsaw over Polish-Israeli govenrment summit in Jerusalem
24-02-2011 14:56

Palestine Today 02 23 2011
24-02-2011 05:59
Violence erupted along the Gaza border a day after new Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz made his first visit to the Southern Command.Clashes began in the morning after a roadside bomb detonated next to an IDF patrol along the border. Mortar shells were then fired into the western Negev. None of the soldiers was wounded, and the IDF responded with tank fire in the direction of the terrorists.
Meanwhile, a large explosion in the southern Gaza Strip killed a 10-year old girl and wounded two others. Hamas said it was investigating the cause of the blast.
Explosions are common in Gaza. They often take place in the homes of terrorists, when explosives and other armaments detonate prematurely.
Ian McEwan: Don't shake hands with Apartheid
23-02-2011 16:06

Wording of leaflet handed to Ian McEwan in Jersalem:
Ian McEwan: Don't just criticise the Occupation
Ian McEwan did not need to receive the Jerusalem Prize in order to come to Israel/Palestine and express his views. Distinguished scholars, such as Judith Butler and Naomi Klein have visited Sheikh Jarah and other parts of Israel's backyard, without legitimizing those responsible for the crimes of apartheid and occupation committed there. By accepting the Jerusalem Prize, McEwan has allowed the perpetrators of these crimes, such as Nir Barkat, to exploit the occasion, and disseminate the blatant lie "we promote tolerance here in Jerusalem, an open city". When families in east Jerusalem are expelled from their homes to make way for Kahanist settlers, and when 9 year old children in Silwan are abducted from their beds by the Israeli police in the middle of the night, this city is neither tolerant nor open. Furthermore, McEwan's compliments to Israeli "democracy" are vacuous in view of these facts. McEwan has assisted the Israeli establishment in conveying a false message of "business as usual". He should return the prize, and atone for shaking the hands of apartheid and occupation.Palestine Today 02 22 2011
22-02-2011 17:06