UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 10 06 2010
06-10-2010 18:28

War recruiters disrupted in Oxford
06-10-2010 16:39
This evening, the Officer Training Corp (OTC) stall at Oxford University Freshers' Fair developed a conscience, grew legs, and walked away(!), leaving the organisation severely lacking in propaganda with which to indoctrinate young minds..Palestine Today 10 05 2010
05-10-2010 18:20

Palestine Today 10 04 2010
04-10-2010 18:11

George Galloway Live From Toronto
03-10-2010 21:13
George Galloway has returned to Canada after being banned by the Minister of Immigration on the grounds he was a terrorist for his work for Palestine. A recent court decision has established his banning was a political decision from the highest levels of the pro-Israel Stephen Harper government. Hear Galloway live from TorontoAhava shut down by Lock-On
02-10-2010 12:44

The Ahava store in Covent Garden's Monmouth Street has been shut down since 11.30 this morning after BDS campaigners entered the store and locked onto a concrete block. As this report is being written police are attempting to chip away at the block with a hammer. It lloks likely to take them some some time
This Week in Palestine Week 39 2010
02-10-2010 10:03

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for 25th, September through October 1st, 2010
Palestine Today 09 30 2010
30-09-2010 17:37

Smash EDO to lay siege to Brighton Weapons Factory
30-09-2010 08:29
For more info contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh, Smash EDO campaign Tel: 07526557436 E-mail:
Statistics on Palestinians in the custody of the Israeli security forces
29-09-2010 21:24

Smash EDO Announce location of ITT's Hammertime
29-09-2010 21:23
Smash EDO have announced that the ITT's Hammertime mass demo will be meeting at 10am on October 13th at the Wild Park Cafe in Mouslecomb, Brighton to besiege EDO/ITTPalestine Today 09 29 2010
29-09-2010 18:13

More local contacts for Smash EDO's Hammertime
29-09-2010 10:01
There are now several local contacts from across the country for Smash EDO's 'ITT's Hammertime!' on the 13th of October, making it all the easier to join in with friends!If your town is not on the list but you would want to help with sorting out meeting points or transport from where you live get in touch!
Palestine Today 09 28 2010
28-09-2010 16:47

Palestine Today 09 27 2010
27-09-2010 17:54

Update - Smash EDO's ITT's Hammertime is getting closer
27-09-2010 11:29
see demonstrators crash start-studded ball to protest BT’s settlement
25-09-2010 10:23
Protestors last night disrupted the British Olympic Ball to send a message to its sponsor, BT, to cut its ties with Bezeq, supplier of telecommunications services to Israeli checkpoints, military bases and illegal settlements in occupied Palestine.10 YEARS OF INTIFADA! 10 YEARS RESISTING ZIONISM!
25-09-2010 00:03
Join the demonstration outside Marks & Spencer,458 Oxford Street, Marble Arch, London W1
Saturday 25 September 12-3pm
This Week in Palestine week 38 2010
24-09-2010 17:27

Palestine Today 09 23 2010
23-09-2010 17:02