UK Palestine Newswire Archive
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Ilan Pappé: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
13-03-2008 23:08

Palestine Today 031308
13-03-2008 15:53

Green MEP To Slam ‘Illegal And Immoral’ Foreign Policy At Stop The War march
13-03-2008 13:09
13 March 2008 - Press release to announce appearance of Caroline Lucas MEP at the 5th anniversary Stop The War Coalition rally in Trafalgar Square on Saturday 15 March.4 men assassinated in Bethlehem
12-03-2008 22:18

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Smash EDO Press Release - Secret Poice Evidence Clears Karaoke Four
12-03-2008 16:07
For more info contact Chloe Marsh or Ian Mckay on 07875708873
Palestine Today 031208
12-03-2008 15:43

Palestine Today 031108
11-03-2008 15:49

Gaza: Western logic (by Latuff)
11-03-2008 14:25

Break the Silence ! Music video against genocide
11-03-2008 11:14
Break the Silence ! Check out this hip-hop music video by the Palestinian musician Doc Jazz. Contains highly graphic images, so be warned!Media Lens Alert: Israeli Deaths Matter More
11-03-2008 10:21
The horrific shooting of eight young people at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem last Thursday was followed by saturation media coverage. International statesmen lined up with condemnations of the attack and condolences for the victims and their families.Palestine Today 031008
10-03-2008 15:48

Indy Global Report from Nablus on 10th March 2008 for Resonance FM104.4
10-03-2008 14:16

Camera man Carlos Handal describes about covering Thursday's house demolition In Bethlehem, from under the green lazer sights of Israeli Snipers, he still managed to come away with the footage.
Reuters camera man, Nablus-ite, Hassan Teeti, talks about his work as a war camera man in Palestine and Baghdad.
This week in Palestine from, brings you a general round up of news from across the West Bank and Gaza.
Indy Global Reports on Resonance fm104.4 from 23.00 until midnight, every Monday, inshallah!"
The meaning of Gaza’s ‘shoah’: Israel plots another Palestinian exodus
10-03-2008 02:43
Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai’s much publicised remark last week about Gaza facing a “shoah” -- the Hebrew word for the Holocaust -- was widely assumed to be unpleasant hyperbole about the army’s plans for an imminent full-scale invasion of the Strip.More significantly, however, his comment offers a disturbing indication of the Israeli army’s longer-term strategy towards the Palestinians in the occupied territories.
Gaza Emergency Demo, London March 8
09-03-2008 18:53

Pictures copyright © 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
Israeli Ambassador Cancels Visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in Face of Protest
09-03-2008 15:55
Israeli Ambassador cancels visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in face of planned protests.Anti-Arms Trade Campaigners on trial for singing 'We are the Champions'
08-03-2008 17:10
10th March 2008Smash EDO Press Release
Anti-Arms Trade Campaigners on trial for singing 'We are the Champions'
For more info contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
tel 07875708873 or email

Brazillian cartoonist uses artwork to condemn Israeli attacks on Palestine
08-03-2008 09:47

Attack Struck at Heart of Israeli Hard-line West Bank Settlers' Movement
07-03-2008 21:13
Palestinian attack today on Jewish yeshiva (rabbinical seminary) in Jerusalem struck at the heart of Israel's hard-line religious West Bank settler's movement.