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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Interview with Councillor Salma Yaqoob after the Birmingham Gaza protest

07-01-2009 22:13

The following is a transcript of an interview with Councillor Salma Yaqoob on 5th January 2009 after a protest against the ongoing massacre in Gaza. Between 800 and 1000 people attempted to storm the Council House in Birmingham City Centre but were effectively pacified and contained by Yaqoob and Birmingham Stop the War.

You can read and watch footage of the protest and the interview here:

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Belfast - rally for peace in Gaza

07-01-2009 20:08

March & rally for peace in Gaza - 10 Jan 2009, 12:45 gather in Art College Square

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Palestine Solidarity Initiative Slams Silence Over Gaza Genocide

07-01-2009 18:56

The founders of the Palestine Solidarity Initiative ( have condemned the university's "hypocritical silence" over the atrocities being committed against the people of Gaza by Israeli military forces.

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Mapping Gaza

07-01-2009 16:56

I realise that maps of Gaza are fairly low down people's priorities right now, but there's a real need for improved maps of the Gaza Strip for aid workers and it's one of the very real ways you could help

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Palestine: 60 years of ethnic cleansing and dispossession

07-01-2009 15:36

(Better version). Largely consisting of an article written in 1999 entitled ‘Palestine: fifty years of ethnic cleansing and dispossession’, an historical overview of the conflict in Palestine since 1947, by Dr. Ismail Zayid. Israel’s ‘defensive measures’ justified by those who talk on behalf of Israel and accepted as given by the media consistently fails to recognise that these militants fire weapons into territory which they believe belongs to them and which they view is occupied by Israeli settlers.

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Photos: Lobby of Sheffield Council to protest against the massacres in Gaza

07-01-2009 14:45

Supporters of the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign gathered outside Sheffield Town Hall on 7th January 2009 before going into the public gallery to raise the issue of the massacres in Gaza at a full Council meeting.

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Israeli attacks on Gaza/Dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population

07-01-2009 14:06

By their unlawful and systematic character,combined with the blockade of Gaza, housedemolitions and extrajudicial executions, the Israeli attacks on Gaza are a dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population

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Birmingham PSC planning meeting tonight - make your voice heard

07-01-2009 13:59

Birmingham Palestine Solidarity Campaign has organised a planning meeting to discuss future action regarding ongoing zionist invasion of Gaza at the Carrs Lane Church 7.00 pm tonight.

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Continuous VIGIL FOR GAZA to start Thurs 8 Jan 10.30, Parliament Square

07-01-2009 13:19

A round the clock vigil every day in Parliament Square, London

Starting Thursday 8 January at 10.30am and continuing 24 hours a day...


Supported by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign

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Progress on Actions for Gaza in Newcastle

07-01-2009 12:43

After a really productive organising meeting last night, which was attended by around 25-30 people from many different backgrounds and political persuasions, we are building for the following programme of events over the next week (and have a whole load more ideas we didn't even get chance to discuss fully!).

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Palestine: sixty years of ethnic cleansing and dispossession

07-01-2009 12:11

Largely consisting of an article written in 1999 entitled ‘Palestine: fifty years of ethnic cleansing and dispossession’, an historical overview of the conflict in Palestine since 1947, by Dr. Ismail Zayid. Israel’s ‘defensive measures’ justified by those who talk on behalf of Israel and accepted as given by the media consistently fails to recognise that these militants fire weapons into territory which they believe belongs to them and which they view is occupied by Israeli settlers.

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*Pedal for Palestine: Ride against the massacre in Gaza*

07-01-2009 12:04

Join a critical mass style bike ride against the invasion of Gaza: meet
at Hyde Park Corner this Friday 9th January 6pm.

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Wolverhampton Coaches to Gaza Demo in London on Saturday

07-01-2009 11:43

Stop the massacre, Israel out of Gaza - Saturday 10 January

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Israel's blonde bombshells and real bombs in Gaza

07-01-2009 09:05

The cynicism embedded in the name, selected for what Ari Shavit, one of Israel's most celebrated commentators, called "an intelligent, impressive operation," is symptomatic to the cold, meticulous and calculated cruelty with which this attack was "designed," "executed" and "marketed" to the world.

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Open Gaza Border Now! London Demo Outside Egyptian Embassy 2 January 2009

07-01-2009 08:37

Mubarak war criminal
In London on 2nd January around a thousand people demonstrated outside the Egyptian Embassy to show their disgust at Mubarak’s role in the on-going genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and to demand the opening of the Rafah crossing.

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Coach details from Birmingham to the London Gaza Solidarity demo

07-01-2009 05:11

For the Solidarity with Gaza protest in London this Saturday 10th January. Coaches leave from Carr’s lane church in Birmingham 8:00 am and pick up from Alum Rock and Handsworth.

Call 07721 427 690 for tickets.

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Birmingham stop the Gaza massacre protest

07-01-2009 05:08

During the days following the Israeli ground assault on Gaza, the people of Birmingham angrily spoke out about the atrocities being committed by the Israeli state. However what was an unprecedented protest in both numbers and emotions was policed and contained by Birmingham Stop the War.

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Zionists organizing a pro war demo at Israeli embassy Wednesday 7th

07-01-2009 00:24

Guess who's going to be trying to hold a demo outside the Israeli embassy just half an hour after the daily emergency anti-war protest? Yes the UK Zionist Federation is mobilizing a pro-war demo in support of the Israeli attacks on gaza....

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The BBC: Eyeless in Gaza

06-01-2009 23:15

Here's a very good article about how the BBC's one sided reporting in Gaza where it refers to the ongoing massacre as "The clashes" shame on these jerk off journalists !!!
The BBC's offices and studio's are a good alternative to the Israeli embassy for anti Israeli Demonstrations.

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U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel: Stop the Israeli Massacre in Gaza!

06-01-2009 22:19

Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.