UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Keep Up The Pressure On The BBC
27-01-2009 10:46
The BBC is refusing to show a charitable appeal for humanitarian aid to hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza -- their suffering is too "politically contentious" apparently.Keep making complains, you can do it here

The Video that the BBC (and Israel) Does Not Want You To See
27-01-2009 00:59
The Video that the BBC (Israel) Does Not Want You To SeeBBC occupied in London
26-01-2009 23:54

On a lighter note this appearance by Tony Benn on the beeb is fucking hilarious:

Cambridge occupation latest photos
26-01-2009 22:39

Rovics : Israel & the media
26-01-2009 22:08
Extract from a recent Tehran Times interview with David Rovics.In May David will be touring the UK with Attila the Stockbroker and Fiona Keanan, including Edinburgh, Bannermans, 18/05/09.
Israel Killed Everything but the Will to Resist
26-01-2009 18:46

Resisting War Crimes Is Not A Crime
26-01-2009 17:51
More than 1200 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since December 27th, more than 400 of which are children. They have deliberately targeted individuals in their homes, schools, hospitals as well as U.N compounds.EDO MBM make vital components for the Paveway4 precision guided bomb, Hellfire missiles, and bomb release clips for F15 and F16 fighter aircraft.
Edit BBC and SkyTV to remain impartial on 'being humane'
26-01-2009 17:25
The BBC’s Mike Fudge said “Some viewers think that when there is a major catastrophe, the BBC should help the Aid Agencies in their work to stop civilians suffering and dying – what we might call ‘being humane’.”“But other viewers disagree, and think that babies with limbs torn off should go through lots and lots of pain, a nasty infection, and death – what we might call ‘being inhumane’ or ‘cruel’. It is not the BBC’s place to judge which of these positions is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.”
He explained: “It is often difficult for news networks to strike a balance between humanity and cruelty. By telling the Aid Agencies to get lost, we ensure that everyone thinks we’re being fair.”
Posters for March 14th Working Class Bookfair 25th Aniversary of Miners strike
26-01-2009 16:51

Palestine Today 012609
26-01-2009 16:04, for Monday, January 26th, 2009.
Cambridge occupation latest: soup wars and proctor mumble
26-01-2009 15:52
Today was the first day of lectures, that had to co-exist with the occupation at the Cambridge law Faculty. A couple of notable events included an ultimatum to vacate from the university, the Great Soup Battle, and the the meek attempt to intimidate the occupiers by requesting them to give their names individually.Hunger striker to take protest to Prime Minister's door - come and support
26-01-2009 13:55

Meet from 8am in Parliament Square (next to hunger strike banner)
South Shields Gaza Demo confronts Hutton & Miliband
26-01-2009 13:46
South ShieldsMinister met by anti-war protesters
24 January 2009
Support The EDO Decommisioners
26-01-2009 12:31
Campaigners Decommision In The Attempt To Stop Supply Of Weapon Systems To War Criminals IsraelNames and Photos of Israeli War Criminals in Gaza
26-01-2009 11:50
I have decided to publish some names and photos of the Israeli military personnel who participated in the so-called "Operation Cast Lead". I consider each person who took part in this IOF and each one whose name appears in this report as a war criminal who should be requested by an international court of justice.Latest news and comment from the Cambridge Occupied Law School
26-01-2009 02:39
I just spent the last 6 hours at the Law School occupation in Cambridge – this is the last report from Sunday evening / Monday early morning. It seems the university has issued an ultimatum for students to clear the school by Sunday midnight, which still has to happen, as people are slowly drifting to sleep in the lecture theatres. It seems they otherwise have refused to continue negotiations which has not allowed for any progress on the demands or people to go home. The music night planned was delayed by a talk from students of Sussex University that is still under occupation, as well as a last plenary for the evening.BBC Leeds Gaza Appeal Protest this Wednesday
25-01-2009 22:56
In response to the BBC's hugely biased decision not to air the Emergency Appeal for Gaza, the following protest will take place on Wednesday. Tell your friends. Bring things to wave and make noise with.Sussex occupation: Discussion on boycott of Israel Mon 7pm
25-01-2009 21:59

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Loydstsb : we apologise for any inconvenience experienced today at our branch
25-01-2009 21:58
The following was handed out to customers (and some non customers present) at a Bath branch of Lloydtsb, as far as I'm aware its the first 'official' statement the bank has offered on its decision to force the closure of aid charity Interpals account.