UK Palestine Newswire Archive
The Flying Checkpoint street theatre project at the Edinburgh Festival!
22-08-2007 15:48

Palestine: When the Occupation Gets Really Filthy
22-08-2007 08:54
Following is an article by Nora Barrows-Friedman, who is in Bethlehem, about how the occupation forces are using sewage as a weapon for the destruction of land and communities and ultimately, ethnic cleansing.She was on yesterdays Flashpoints talking about this subject:

Starving Gaza
21-08-2007 09:02
Gaza has become the Sarajevo of the Middle East. Israel, in an action similar to that of the Serbs in Bosnia, has surrounded and cut off nearly a million and a half Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since the Islamic militant group Hamas took control in June. Electric fences and watch towers manned by Israeli soldiers keep the Palestinians trapped inside the strip. The land and sea blockade, the halting of all but minimal humanitarian aid and the refusal to allow Gaza to receive financial support are crushing Gaza’s industry, farming and infrastructure.Hasbara & The Israeli Propaganda Machine
20-08-2007 20:38
A discussion of what motivates the Zionist Plant(s) who loathes IMC, yet doesn't ever seem to leave its sites (Besides anger, fear, desperation, ignorance, racism, revisionist history, and hatred, of course).From the horse's mouth:
A Field Guide to Hasbara ( Propaganda) from the WUJS

Activists Deny Smear by General Manager of Carmel Agrexco
19-08-2007 19:42
Activists Deny Smear by General Manager of Carmel AgrexcoYesterday a group of 40-50 activists took part in a blockade and occupation of Carmel-Agrexco in Hayes, Middlesex, in solidarity with the 'Camp for Climate Action'.
Palestine u-19 football tour of Britain cancelled
19-08-2007 14:44
The Palestine u-19 football tour of Britain, scheduled to take place from Aug 21st to September 10th has been cancelled, after the British Consul in Jerusalem refused the entire team and its support staff visas to the UK.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
5 Arrests and Carmel Agrexco Offices Trashed
18-08-2007 13:58
Update at 14.54The Carmel Agrexco action is now being wound up. 5 activists arrested and the offices of Carmel Agrexco the arch exporter of illegal Israeli settlement goods, have been trashed.
Two arrested, Carmel Argexco up date at 13.30
18-08-2007 12:51
Carmel Agrexco occupation update at 13.30.Two arrests from inside the depo, as yet charges of those arrested unknown.
Activists Target Carmel Agrexco in Conjuction with Climate Camp
18-08-2007 12:08
At 1pm, approximately 20 activists from London, Brighton, Reading and the nearby Climate Camp entered the Carmel Agrexco site in Hayes Middlesex where some activists have D-locked the gates shut. They are being entertained by Samba. Four police arrived on the scene almost immediately.40 Climate camp Activists occupy Carmel Agrexco
18-08-2007 11:57
40 activists left Climate Camp and have occupied Carmel Agrexco, the 50 % Israeli state owned exporter/ distributor of Illegal settlement produce from the West Bank.This Week In Palestine – Week 33 2007
17-08-2007 17:55

Brighton Community Group funds building of 'illegal' School in Occupied Palestin
16-08-2007 09:39
Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Press ReleaseBrighton Community Group funds building of 'illegal' School in Occupied Palestine
For more info email

Is this Jericho or is this Hell?
15-08-2007 14:00
After more than a year in exlie, and 11 hours of hell at the border, we have been allowed back into Palestine. But the Israeli practice of blocking entry to articulate moderate Palestinians continuesBenefit night for Break the Siege - Free Gaza
11-08-2007 10:05
Benefit night for the Break the Siege - Free Gaza campaign to highlight the crippling effects of the Israeli government's blockade on the economy, politics, education, healthcare and environment of Gaza.This Week In Palestine – Week 32 2007
10-08-2007 16:19

Haifa Seven - Solidarity with Haifa (Israel) anti-racist students
09-08-2007 19:07
The Haifa university has penelised students for holding an anti-racist demo against coments made by the student union.