UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Gaza aid flotilla protest - Monday 2pm Downing Street
30-05-2010 23:48
I’ve been watching with some interest the progress of the Gaza aid flotilla, and their concerns about being subjected to attack by Israeli gunboats etc.Periodic updates about this situation are available by signing up to the Viva Palestina Mailing List, with additional reports coming in from talestotell.
And now I’ve just received the following call-out from the Stop the War Coalition (not an organisation with whom I’ve had much truck in recent years, although in this particular case the cause is worthwhile) for an emergency demonstration this Monday, 31st May, at Downing Street.
Hip Hop with Lowkey for Palestine
30-05-2010 19:53
The Oxford Students' Palestine Society presents...
***************LOWKEY MC***************
Tickets: £6 OTD, proceeds go to Medical Aid for Palestinians: (

pics from today's whitehall gaza protest
30-05-2010 14:37

gaza flotilla demo now in whitehall
30-05-2010 11:24
Demonstration has just begun in whitehall against the threat of military action by Israel to stop the freedom flotilla reaching Gaza.Targeting the Free Gaza Flotilla
29-05-2010 06:09

According to an article in the Jerusalem Post on May 25, 2010, the Israeli “Navy is preparing an operational plan to stop the flotilla of nine ships–loaded with hundreds of international activists and thousands of tons of supplies–– which are scheduled to try and break the sea blockade on Gaza by anchoring in the newly-expanded port later this week.” The article describes a military campaign coordinated with a major media campaign.
This Week In Palestine -week 21 2010
28-05-2010 15:55

Israel’s Disinformation Campaign Against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
28-05-2010 11:07

Palestine Today 05 27 2010
27-05-2010 16:23

Demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy 27th May - Free Gaza!
26-05-2010 17:17

Given the recent Israeli threats and the fate of the Spirit of Humanity, when in June 2009 the Israeli navy terrorised and kidnapped all on boards, there will be worldwide protests at Israeli embassies: London: Thu 27 May, 12-2pm
We will be joined by the mother of Alex Harrison, who last year was kidnapped from Spirit of Humanity, but is not giving up and is now on the flotilla.
Palestine Today 05 26 2010
26-05-2010 15:27

Palestine Today 05 25 2010
25-05-2010 14:33

Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
25-05-2010 12:09
Public MeetingSaturday 5th June
5.30-8pm, Community Base, Queen's Road, Brighton
Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
On 17th January 2009, as Israeli bombs rained down on Gaza, six people
broke into the EDO factory in Brighton and decommissioned the
production line damaging their capability to make weapons to be used
against Gazan civilians.
At this public meeting, just two days before the start of the
decommissioners trial, where they will argue that their actions were
justified, we will discuss EDO's complicity in war crimes worldwide.
Iran, Israel and the "threat to peace" (by Latuff)
24-05-2010 20:34

Palestine Today 05 24 2010
24-05-2010 14:30

Sheffield Bookfair: Tracking Corporate Complicity in the Occupation of Palestine
22-05-2010 22:52

Corporate Watch: Working for Shamir Salads in Barkan industrial zone
22-05-2010 20:55
More from Corporate Watch's research in Palestine.Visit the web-site for photos.
CW: Orange -Making the Future Bright for Israel’s Illegal Settlements
22-05-2010 20:51
Latest from Corporate Watch -Orange's complicity in the occupation of Palestine.For photos visit the webs-site.
Noam Chomsky's contradictions on Palestine
21-05-2010 18:25

This Week in Palestine – week 20 2010
21-05-2010 17:18