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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Gaza 1417 Remembrance Die-In Trafalgar Square Saturday 16th January 2010

17-01-2010 15:31

An event was staged at Trafalagar Square to remember the Palestinians murdered by Israel during Operation Cast Lead this time last year. Despite hideous weather, approximately 200 people came out to show their solidarity and were joined by Manal Timraz, Natalie Abou Shakra and Sameh Habeeb all of whom addressed the crowd.

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Pre-Meeting for Remember Gaza Demo

17-01-2010 13:09


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Trafalgar Square: anniversary of Israeli military incursion into Gaza

16-01-2010 23:45

Two women raise a Palestinian flag in Trafalgar Square
Saturday 16 January 2010: First anniversary commemoration of the 1417 victims of the 2009 Israeli military incursion into Gaza, held in London's Trafalgar Square.

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Cambridge Remember Gaza Vigil Pictures 16-01-2010

16-01-2010 23:30

Reading The Riot Act..?
Today at midday, despite sporadic rain showers and a chilly local climate, about forty people gathered in Cambridge Market Square to mark the one year anniversary of the last military blockade of Gaza.

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Wild at Heart SCHnews 705

16-01-2010 15:48

Our comrades at SMASH EDO have announced the location of their Remember Gaza demo... plus, Gaza convoy finally allowed in after being held at port and attacked by Egyptian police, legal observer arrested at Smash EDO Carnival Against the Arms Trade finally overturns charges, European Court rules Section 44 stop 'n search illegal, the Christmas period has seen no let up for migrants in the squats and camps of Calais, and more...

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When Does It Become Genocide?

16-01-2010 00:14

During a visit to Ramallah a year ago while the Israeli bombardment of Gaza was underway, I shared my fears with a close Palestinian friend. "It may sound insane, but I think the Israelis' real objective is to see them all dead."

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For Israel, a Reckoning

15-01-2010 23:43

The farce of the climate change summit in Copenhagen affirmed a world war waged by the rich against most of humanity. It also illuminated a resistance growing perhaps as never before: an internationalism linking justice for the planet earth with universal human rights, and criminal justice for those who invade and dispossess with impunity. And the best news comes from Palestine.

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Need Accomodation before the Remember Gaza demo in Brighton

15-01-2010 18:34

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LSE Students Remember Gaza: One Year On.

15-01-2010 01:55

Press release: LSE students commemorate the attacks on Gaza last winter.

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Location Released For Smash EDO Remember Gaza demo

14-01-2010 11:27

For three weeks in January 2009, the bombs rained down on Gaza. At the end of Israel's brutal bombing campaign and ground offensive over 1400 Palestinians had been murdered, including 314 children.

Here in Brighton EDO MBM/ITT manufacture some of the weapons components that devastated so many lives. All over the world thousands of people watched appalled at the carnage on the streets of Gaza. Thousands marched and raged at the destruction of peoples' homes and lives. On January 18th 2010, the anniversary of the final day of Operation Cast Lead, we will come together to remember the people of Gaza.

We will not allow those who supported their pain and profited from their suffering to go unchallenged. We will not let this genocide be forgotten. On the first anniversary after their deaths, we will rise up. We will take to the streets. We will remember...

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Gaza Anti Arms Campaigners to Converge on Brighton Weapons Factory

14-01-2010 11:02

Smash EDO Press Release

Thursday 14th January 2010

Contact Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett on 07754135290 or email

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Witnesses Needed for Gaza Demos

13-01-2010 23:49

Were you at the Gaza Protests last year? Over 70 people are now facing serious charges and long prison sentences. This is the biggest trial since the anti Poll Tax campaign and the defendants should get our support!

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Climbing the Apartheid Wall

13-01-2010 23:28

Climbing the Apartheid Wall

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Gaza Film Mon. 18th 8pm Glasgow Social Centre

13-01-2010 22:45

Glasgow Social Centre
66/68 Osborne Street, G1 5QH
This Monday our meeting will begin at an earlier time of 6.30pm
Following which at 8pm we will screen (along with many others around the
world) the documentary 'To Shoot and Elephant'

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War criminals free, but protesters get prison - help needed

13-01-2010 22:14


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To shoot an elephant (Proiezione globale)

12-01-2010 17:24


The “To shoot an elephant” team calls for a Global Screening-Global Screaming Day for Gaza on January 18^th , 2010

The 18^th of January 2010 is the first anniversary of the end to the bombing by Israel of the Gaza Strip; an attack which began on the 27^th of December 2008, and lasted until the 18^th of January 2009, and in which 1,412 Palestinians lost their lives. The documentary /To shoot an elephant/ is an eye witness account from within the Gaza Strip of what occurred during those days. This direct and privileged narration becomes a tool with which we can confront the Israeli propaganda about what really happened there and the silence of the international community.

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Israel stages night-time Ramallah raid to arrest an international solidarity act

11-01-2010 21:23

A raid was conducted in Ramallah’s city centre tonight to apprehend Eva Nováková, a Czech citizen, who took on the role of the International Solidarity Movement’s media coordinator three weeks ago.

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Cambridge Remember Gaza Vigil

11-01-2010 16:47

Cambridge Stop the War Coalition and Palestinian Solidarity
Campaign to hold vigil to oppose the continuing suffering of the Palestinian people.

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response to bono's highly ignorant article in the NYT - fax it to his office

11-01-2010 12:22

bono wrote an op-ed in the new york times in which, among other things, he said "I’ll place my hopes on the possibility — however remote at the moment — that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their Gandhi, their King, their Aung San Suu Kyi." send him this excellent rebuttal.

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15-17 Jan, N'ham: Still time to book your place at the PN Winter Gathering

11-01-2010 12:14

There's still time to book a place at this month's Peace News Winter Gathering in Nottingham (15 - 17 January):