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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Activists invade Agrexco Carmel

15-07-2007 12:54

At 1.10 p.m. this afternoon, human rights protesters occupied the depot of Israel import company Agrexco Carmel. Ten people went into the depot and replaced the company's flags, changing it's Israeli flag with a Palestinian flag and switching the Union Jack with a red and black flag.

Agrexco Carmel are half-owned by Israel. Their produce is illegally produced in the occupied territories by Settlers. Agrexco Carmel is the main distributor of settlement produce.

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Fortress Carmel Agrexco breached by Peace Activists

15-07-2007 12:20

Sunday the 15th of July, ten activists entered Carmel Agrexco depot in Hayes Middlesex. The Israeli flag that usually flies was replaced with a Palestinian flag and the black flag of anarchy took the place of the Union Jack.

Carmel Agrexco import illegal produce from Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

These settlements, exist in serious breach of international law, are guarded by the Israeli army using numerous check points and the Apartheid wall, as a result of land theft from the Arab population in breach of international peace agreements

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Saturday 14th July: Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Events

13-07-2007 23:19

A Voice from Gaza, Palestine
On Saturday the 14th July there are two events, a protest in town and a public meeting.

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This Week in Palestine – Week 28 2007

13-07-2007 16:48

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 7th through July 13th, 2007.

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Volunteers Required in Fasayil, Jordan Valley - From Brighton Group

13-07-2007 16:38

From the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group

Volunteers are needed to give solidarity to the people of Fasayil this

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Deacon Dave Returns to Palestine

12-07-2007 21:12

You are warmly invited to join us for a Palestinian fundraiser to help pay for the trip to Palestine. Naji will be cooking his wonderful Palestinian food, starters and main course for £7.50 or a donation.
New Roots Café, 86 Spital Hill, Sheffield; Friday 27th July
7pm Food - 8pm Tel Rumeida Project film

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Smash Edo Video Update

12-07-2007 16:48

First in a series of video updates froom the Smash EDO Campaign

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piddle powered clones are go!

12-07-2007 11:21

We is into Palestina after many -ings: waitings, stressings, questionings, searchings....
We are meeting many active Israelis up for going through walls,
we did play with clown army friends in Jerusalem
and now we are proper starting with a 2 week project in Bethlehem tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone in Europe for all your support (even the knockers, the anti clowns, the zionist stooges and the negative energy vampires - you inspired us to keep doing this and never give up - so perversely thankyou too)

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Why do we hate them?

07-07-2007 08:41

When I came over to Britain some thirteen years ago, I found a very tolerant place. I was amazed to see so many people of so many colours, not just living together in peace, but living in full harmony. At Essex University, the institute where I was doing my postgraduate studies, everyone was enthusiastic about post-colonialism. The Brits, so it seemed to me at the time, were repenting over their embarrassing colonial past. I was mildly impressed but not totally overwhelmed. At the end of the day, it isn’t that difficult to denounce your grandfather’s crimes.

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Israel divides and rules

06-07-2007 23:19

During the past half century the search for a pacific solution to the Palestine question has been no more then a fake trail laid down by the old Zionist plan of an Eretz that includes all of the West Bank.
The old plan is doing well: By this year only 22 per cent of the original Palestine remains in Palestinian hands.
So, why then are we subjected periodically to the charade of a solution?

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This Week in Palestine – Week 27 2007

06-07-2007 16:03

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 30th through July 6th, 2007.

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Alan Johnston is released - what about all the invisible captives?

04-07-2007 13:39

Alan Johnston is released and this is of course very welcome news. But what about the 10,000 Palestinians held hostage by the Israeli occupation or the 20,000 or more Iraqis held by the American and British occupation? How about the hundreds of hostages held in Guantanamo and Bagram?

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The Palestinian Refugee question and the ideology of transfer

04-07-2007 05:42

In contrary with the allegations of zionist non-deniers, the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 was no ad hoc war-crime, but a yearlong deliberatetely planned strategy

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Postcard from Gaza

02-07-2007 09:45

report on current situation in Gaza by Yasser Nassar, who works for Oxfam on Water and Sanitation
- also included is Palestine Solidarity Campaign's recent statement on UK govt's role in crisis in West Bank, Gaza & East Jerusalem
- See also at foot of this posting the Joint Aid-Agency Press Release humanitarian
crisis facing Gaza from July 2006.

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Tony Blair: What, me worry? (by Latuff)

30-06-2007 22:34

Peace envoy Tony Blair, the worst joke of the year!
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Blair's future is Brown

30-06-2007 20:37

As Tony Blair left Downing Street, leaving Britain 's Prime Ministership to his long time rival and co-leader of the Labour Party, Gordon Brown, the protesters outside Blair's office were greeted with the news that Blair had just been appointed as the new "Middle East Envoy" for the Quartet. (US/EU/UN/Russia)

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Palestinian Children Visit to Oxford - Summer 2007

30-06-2007 19:46

A public party event will take place at the Pegasus Theatre on August 4th
Eight children (4 girls and 4 boys) are coming to Oxford for 2 weeks. They will visit our city, as well as London, the Cotswolds and make a trip to the sea side. During the 2nd week, they will take part in the Pegasus Theatre Summer Youth Workshop. There will be many opportunities for the people of Oxford to participate.

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Peace envoy Tony Blair (by Latuff)

30-06-2007 05:56

Peace envoy Tony Blair
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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This Week in Palestine – Week 26 2007

29-06-2007 18:02

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 23 through 29, 2007.

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Tony Blair: Middle East peace envoy (by Latuff)

28-06-2007 07:02

Peace envoy Tony Blair
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.