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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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House Demolitions in Jordan Valley

16-10-2006 21:36

These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...

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MS and Palestinian - patient refused

16-10-2006 14:25

Please find below an article of importance, that has been taken from the IMEMC
website. How can anyone in the right mind refuse a patient who suffers from MS the right to medical treatment and still call themselves civilised. A big round of applause to the international community for their inaction.

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Not just any action...

14-10-2006 20:14

Action at M&S Brighton today and next week

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Imperialism’s two failures - interview with Leila Khaled

14-10-2006 10:49

Following are excerpts from an interview conducted with Palestinian resistance leader Leila Khaled by Samia Halaby of the Defend Palestine Coalition, LeiLani Dowell of Workers World newspaper, and Sara Flounders of the International Action Center during a fact-finding delegation to Lebanon Sept. 11-17.

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Israeli Colonists Steal Palestinian olives in Tel Rumeida

13-10-2006 11:10

These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...

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Palestine Today

12-10-2006 19:03

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Thursday October 12th, 2006.

The death toll in Gaza reaches to seven, five from the same family, while in the West Bank army invades cities and takes prisoners, these stories and more coming up stay tuned.

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Abusing the Arab Peace Initiative

12-10-2006 11:28

The failed Qatari mediation in the still unresolved inter-Palestinian divide was in practice an American success in turning the Arab Peace Initiative (API) into a pressure tool that further exacerbates fractures both in Arab and Palestinian ranks.

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Oxford Boycott Israeli Goods Day of Action

11-10-2006 15:45

On October 7th Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign joined campaigners throughout the country to draw the attention of the retail trade and shoppers to the abuses suffered by the Palestinians on a daily basis as a result of the Israeli occupation. The call from them was to boycott all Israeli goods. Oxford PSC organised a picket and leafleting of the three supermarkets in Summertown, all of whom currently stock Israeli goods.

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Israeli Holidays Impede Palestinian Freedom of Movement

10-10-2006 21:45

This post comes from a Brighton based activist spending October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian lead group supporting non-violent resistance to the Israeli occupation...

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Palestine Today

10-10-2006 17:32

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Tuesday October 10th, 2006.

One Palestinian killed east of Rafah, in the West Bank, an Aqsa Brigades fighter was injured near Jenin, the army takes prisoners in morning invasions to several cities and efforts to form a national unity government between Hamas and Fatah continues. These stories and more, coming up. Stay tuned.

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Hate speech (by Latuff)

09-10-2006 22:18

Hate speech
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle agains U.S. backed IsraHell's state terrorism.

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March of Grapes Brutally Attacked

09-10-2006 19:02

March of Grapes Brutally Attacked—6 Arrested, Many Injured.
Palestinian, international and Israeli activists joined together to demonstrate against land theft, road closures and economic isolation by bringing two tons of the surplus Palestinian grape harvest to an occupation checkpoint

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Palestine Today

09-10-2006 17:25

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Monday October 9th, 2006.

One Palestinian killed and five injured in an army air strike in the Gaza Strip, while an Israeli soldiers kills a Nablus resident at Huwwara checkpoint south of the city. These stories and more. coming up stay tuned.

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The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

09-10-2006 14:40

It's about time we began talking seriously about the part of Zionist Extremism on our current situation, and of the true history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

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Soldiers disrupt Medical work in Tubas

09-10-2006 08:22

This is not Guantanomo...
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...

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Brighton Bloggers in Palestine

08-10-2006 18:39

the brightonpalestine bloggers are back

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Eye-witness account from Palestine

07-10-2006 14:34

talk: Palestinian, Manal Omar, from Oxfam, will be give an eye-witness account of her recent stay in Palestine.

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"The Government has Arab Legitimacy "

07-10-2006 11:10

"We were elected for the resistance platform we presented to the Palestinian people, we did not come with tanks, or with the coalition of Israel and the USA."

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Boycott Israeli Goods Day of Action - Actions across the UK planned today

07-10-2006 11:03

As the Lebanese people are reeling from Israel's illegal bombing campaign, and the people of the West Bank and Gaza are suffering a continuous onslaught by the Israeli military the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and the Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign (BIG) activists nationwide have joined a Boycott Day of Action against Israel.