UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 11 30 2011
30-11-2011 14:17

Palestine Today 11 29 2011
29-11-2011 14:26

Smash EDO Noise demo cancelled on the 30th
29-11-2011 13:36

Palestine Today 11 28 2011
28-11-2011 14:33

Palestinian Film wins Awards at IDFA
26-11-2011 09:26
The winners of the various IDFA (International Doc Festival Amsterdam) competition programs were announced Friday, November 25 in Escape, during the awards ceremony of the 24th IDFA.The Special Jury Award went to 5 Broken Cameras (Palestine/Israel) by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi, who also won the Publieke Omroep IDFA Audience Award.
See trailer here:

Palestine Today 11 24 2011
24-11-2011 15:00

Letter to the UK representatives of Israeli Bickel
23-11-2011 13:52
Bickel flowers are represented in the UK by Macilvin Moore Reveres in Harrow. This is the letter that was handed in to them. As the person dealing with Bickel was not there, we got his phone number and left him a long voice mail urging him to drop his clients whilst holding a picket outside.Letter to Valley Grown Salads urging them to divest from Israel
23-11-2011 13:39
This was the letter protesters attempted to hand in to Valley Grown Salads. However, they did not seem too pleased about the idea of a boycott campaign against them. Instead of accepting the letter they got violent, then making a point of shredding it.Letter urging Glinwell PLC to divest from Israeli Edom UK
23-11-2011 13:32
This was the letter handed in to the management of Glinwell PLC, who own 20% of the shared in Edom UK. They claimed to know nothing about that, but admitted that they did grow produce in Israel.British companies targeted for investment in Israel
23-11-2011 13:09
Yesterday Palestine solidarity campaigners targeted the British company ValleyGrown Salads in Roydon, Essex, and Glinwell in St Albans, for their 20% each share in Edom UK -an Israeli agricultural exporter. Campaigners also picketed Macilvin Moore Reveres in Harrow, the UK representative of Bickel Flowers.
Palestine Today 11 21 2011
21-11-2011 15:16

PSC and LFOP presents a night of Palestinian performance poetry and discussion o
21-11-2011 09:33
PSC and Liverpool Friends of Palestine present the Remi Kenazi UK tour!23 November · 19:00 - 22:00
University of Liverpool, The Courtyard, Student's Union (Guild)
PSC and Liverpool Friends of Palestine are very excited to welcome Palestinian-American radical performance poet Remi Kenazi to Liverpool for one night only!
This Week in Palestine week 46 2011
18-11-2011 17:03

Palestine Today 11 17 2011
17-11-2011 14:22

Palestine Today 11 16 2011
16-11-2011 14:34

Palestine Today 11 15 2011
15-11-2011 16:55

Palestinian Freedom Riders
15-11-2011 13:03

Smash EDO Talk at Occupy Sheffield
15-11-2011 10:28

8 December, Liverpool: Another Census Refuser's Court Hearing
14-11-2011 12:46

Palestine Today 11082011
08-11-2011 16:06