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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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EU Court of Human Rights supports criminalisation of boycott of Israeli goods

26-07-2009 13:20

The latest ruling by the European Court of Human Rights passed by a vote of 6-1 states that it is not a violation of human rights to criminalise the calls for a boycott against Israeli goods.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 30 2009

24-07-2009 17:21


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 18th to the 24th, 2009.

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Mother Palestine: Pieta (by Latuff)

24-07-2009 09:23

The Palestinian Pieta
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terror.

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Palestine Today 072309

23-07-2009 14:54


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday July 23ed 2009.

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Palestine Today 072209

22-07-2009 16:08


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday July 22nd 2009.

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Smash EDO Bikes not Bombs reminder

21-07-2009 20:35

WEDNESDAY JULY 22: Bikes not Bombs -A Critical Mass bike ride against EDO/ITT.

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Palestine Today 072109

21-07-2009 16:39


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday July 21st 2009.

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Palestine Today 072009

20-07-2009 16:04


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday July 20th 2009.

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A4e – War Criminals, Fraudsters and Bullies

19-07-2009 16:55

A4E, the bunch of scumbags contracted by the Labour Government to harrass and bully benefit claimants, have been busy attempting to set up an ‘online community of people who are dedicated to improving people’s lives.’(1)

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This Week in Palestine -Week 29 2009

17-07-2009 17:18


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 11th to the 17th, 2009.

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Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem

17-07-2009 13:59

This film, made by award-winning journalist Max Rosenthal, shows the reactions of a group of night revellers in Jerusalem to President Obama's Middle East initiatives. Many of the interviewees are American-Jewish visitors to the city. After 400,000 views on youtube, it was pulled as "inappropriate content", and Rosenthal would like to know why. He has received death threats and been accused of being a "self-hating Jew". His response, in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, was: "I am self-hating, but not because I'm Jewish."
We are following the producer's request to re-publish this film to many sites, including youtube, and let's see if this censorship happens again.

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Palestine Today 071609

16-07-2009 15:22


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday July 16th 2009.

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Support the Decommissioners Facebook group

16-07-2009 11:06

This is to clarify the details of the decommissioners Facebook group. Please circulate this info widely as growing support and awareness is important in the buildup to the courtcase.

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Israeli navy in Suez Canal prepares for potential attack on Iran

16-07-2009 10:10

From The Times Sheera Frenkel in Jerusalem

Lets take action against Israeli, US and Egyptian targets

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Palestine Today 071509

15-07-2009 15:49

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday July 15th 2009.

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Israel's Internet Fighting Team

15-07-2009 06:52

After they became an inseparable part of the service provided by public-relations companies and advertising agencies, paid Internet talkbackers are being mobilized in the service in the service of the State. The Foreign Ministry is in the process of setting up a team of students and demobilized soldiers who will work around the clock writing pro-Israeli responses on Internet websites all over the world, and on services like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. The Foreign Ministry’s department for the explanation of Israeli policy* is running the project, and it will be an integral part of it. The project is described in the government budget for 2009 as the “Internet fighting team” – a name that was given to it in order to distinguish it from the existing policy-explanation team, among other reasons, so that it can receive a separate budget. Even though the budget’s size has not yet been disclosed to the public, sources in the Foreign Ministry have told Calcalist that in will be about NIS 600 thousand in its first year, and it will be increased in the future. From the primary budget, about NIS 200 thousand will be invested in round-the-clock activity at the micro-blogging website Twitter, which was recently featured in the headlines for the services it provided to demonstrators during the recent disturbances in Iran.
“To all intents and purposes the Internet is a theatre in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and we must be active in that theatre, otherwise we will lose,” Elan Shturman, deputy director of the policy-explanation department in the Foreign Ministry, and who is directly responsible for setting up the project, says in an interview with Calcalist. “Our policy-explanation achievements on the Internet today are impressive in comparison to the resources that have been invested so far, but the other side is also investing resources on the Internet. There is an endless array of pro-Palestinian websites, with huge budgets, rich with information and video clips that everyone can download and post on their websites. They are flooding the Internet with content from the Hamas news agency. It is a well-oiled machine. Our objective is to penetrate into the world in which these discussions are taking place, where reports and videos are published – the blogs, the social networks, the news websites of all sizes. We will introduce a pro-Israeli voice into those places. What is now going on in Iran is the proof of the need for such an operational branch,” adds Shturman. “It’s not like a group of friends is going to bring down the government with Twitter messages, but it does help to expand the struggle to vast dimensions.”

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London protests against house demolitions in occupied East Jerusalem

15-07-2009 00:49

Protest tents errected in London against house demolitions in occupied East Jerusalem.

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SMASH EDO: Smashing stuff coming up

14-07-2009 19:31

Here is your sporadic Smash EDO update, with information about special noise demos and other goings on...

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Palestine Today 071409

14-07-2009 15:02


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday July 14th 2009.