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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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1000 march for Gaza in Exeter

18-01-2009 18:23

On saturday over 1000 people from all over Devon joined a march in solidarity with thepeople of Gaza.

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Israel Press Freedom (by Latuff)

18-01-2009 18:18

Israel Press Freedom
Artwork made specially for the Al-Jazeera's Inside Story TV show (just aired).

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HLS client execs, Israel Ambassador get home demos

18-01-2009 17:59

On Jan 17, animal rights activists went to the homes of two senior execs of clients of Huntingdon Life Sciences.After visiting the homes of Jennifer Luray(Abbot Labs) and Alice Rivlin(NYSE), protester detoured to the Israeli Ambassador's home to protest the massacres in Gaza.

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Swindon protest for Gaza 17 Jan 2009 – videos

18-01-2009 17:28

Between 250 and 300 people assembled in Wharf Green in the centre of Swindon yesterday for the largest anti-war protest seen in Swindon since the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

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Stop the Slaughter in Gaza - Lincoln Protest

18-01-2009 17:11

A review of the events leading up to and including the protest against the slaughter in Gaza that we organised in Lincoln. Also, some lessons for the future.

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Israel's ceasefire is war by other means!

18-01-2009 16:58

The ceasefire is a sham, the continuation of war by other means. No talk of those who have committed war crimes being held to account. No talk of ending the blockade & siege of Gaza. Israeli troops that have just massacred hundreds to stay put in Gaza. Brown has actually offered to send the British Navy to 'stop the flow of weapons in Gaza' while the UK government floods weapons to Israel.

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CEASEFIRE: One dead by Israeli fire - Medics uncover reeking bodies - at least 1

18-01-2009 15:18

Gaza – Ma’an – A Gazan farmer is dead and his son injured by Israeli fire less than ten hours after Israel declared a unilateral ceasefire in the Gaza Strip Sunday morning, medical sources confirmed.

The farmer was identified as 24-year-old Abd As-Samad Abu Rejlieh, who was shot as he went out to his lands to inspect the damage from the 22-day Israeli incursion.

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Amira: Ma'an journalist finds young girl near death hiding from gunfire in his h

18-01-2009 15:11

Gaza - Ma’an - For two days 15-year-old Amira’s wound bled without medical treatment. She fled her home, and the dead bodies of her father and two brothers, to an abandoned apartment. She only had a bucket of water, no blankets or first aid equipment for two days as she hid in the building.

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Muslim & Jewish women protest outside the BBC - Monday 19 Jan, 5:30-7 pm

18-01-2009 14:50

Muslim & Jewish women: Vigil & Speakout against slaughter in Gaza

Protest the BBC's reporting of the Gaza crisis. All women welcome.

Monday 19 January 2009, 5.30-7pm

BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place, London W1A 1AA

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2009 Gaza Massacre more video links

18-01-2009 13:17

17th January 2009, Beit Lahiya, Gaza:
UNRWA school in Beit Lahiya shelled by the Israeli Army

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Gaza and Israeli embassy Sat 17th January, London - pictures.

18-01-2009 12:56

Getting to the Israeli embassy.
As the assault by Israel on the civilian population of Gaza continues, thousands gather in Trafalgar Square to continue their protests against the assault.

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EDO Arms Decommissioners- SOLIDARITY DEMO

18-01-2009 12:51

MONDAY 19th JANUARY from 10am all day

for their bail hearing

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Palestine Inspires Global Resistance!

18-01-2009 12:49

Protest outside the U.S. embassy in Mexico City
Gaza is a harbinger of wider war against oppressed people of the world. We are on the eve of a global capitalist crisis. This means massive insecurity, cutbacks in ALL social programs, unemployment for millions.

Millions of working people will seek to fight back against a system of endless war and greater and greater divide of enormous wealth for a handful and poverty for the overwhelming majority. Increasingly they will identify with and take heart from the many forms of resistance they see around them.

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The Genocide of a Nation, With the Full Support of the United States Government

18-01-2009 11:42

What is going on in the Gaza Strip is genocide, pure and simple. In all the barrage of rockets and missiles and whatever else Israel could shove down Palestine’s throat, “Israeli death squads” started moving through a Palestinian village separating the men from the women and children and then slaughtering the men, including young adults and teen-aged boys, shooting them in the back.

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Saturday January 17 - Starting again

18-01-2009 11:25

Saturday January 17 - Starting again

Read in full with links and pictures:

See new videos featuring Sharyn on the Tales to Tell facebook group page:

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E mail solidarity to families in Gaza

18-01-2009 11:23

You can e mail people in Gaza and send them pictures of your solidarity demonstrations as they are in need of understanding that they are not alone.
PLEASE, don't hesitate to write to this email address
they will make sure that your massages will be delivered, THEY REALLY NEED IT.

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Photos from protest outside Lloyds TSB in Edinburgh.

18-01-2009 10:45

Here are 8 photos from the demo outside Lloyds TSB in Edinburgh on Saturday 17th January 2009. There are links to reports of protests around the country.

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Police herd Gaza demo out of Kensington 17th January - video

18-01-2009 05:37

Video the thick yellow line
As the police blocked people marching from Trafalgar Square to the Kensington, causing chaos on many Westminster streets as a result, there was also a small demonstration at the Israeli embassy, with a massive police presence.

From 7pm the protesters were repeatedly told that their time was up, and that they had to leave the area, at 7:30 police began to push them out of the barrier cage towards Kensington High Street tube, but as on nearly every day people tried to take the road rather than the pavement. There was a standoff, and reinforcements were sent in before the protesters, now numbering around 80, were slowly marched into the underground station by at least 100 police in riot gear. Another 50 police and several horses remained at the embassy.

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The Arab League (by Latuff)

18-01-2009 05:07

The Arab League
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terror.

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Massive Gaza Solidarity protest in Cambridge. Pt 2

18-01-2009 00:27

Second part of photo story.