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1000 march for Gaza in Exeter

m | 18.01.2009 18:23 | Stop the BNP's Red White and Blue festival | Palestine | Terror War

On saturday over 1000 people from all over Devon joined a march in solidarity with thepeople of Gaza.

There was a huge turnout of over 1000 people at the march in solidarity with Gaza through Exeter on Saturday.

The march was organised by the Exeter Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Exeter Stop the War Coalition and Exeter University Friends of Palestine. £1000 was collected for Medical Aid for Palestinians from passers by putting into a bucket collection.

As well as PSC, Stop the War and CND there were also banners from the Woodcraft Folk, the National Union of Teachers and the Communication Workers Union, who gave a £200 donation to MAP. There were excellent turnouts from both the University and the Mosque.

The march ended at a rally near the Cathedral. We were refused permission to use the Cathedral Green because of too brief notice (6 days) and because our publicity was not of the same “tenor” as the UN ceasefire resolution.

There were speakers from Exeter Mosque, Christian Aid, the National Union of Teachers and the University as well as two Palestinian speakers.

This was the biggest march for several years through Exeter and is by far the biggest march in solidarity with the Palestinians ever held in the Westcountry.




18.01.2009 19:07


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