UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
21-11-2006 13:35

NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan has been successfully divided, all but in name. Animosity has been inseminated in the Levant, where a Palestinian civil war is being nurtured and divisions in Lebanon agitated. The Eastern Mediterranean has been successfully militarized by NATO. Syria and Iran continue to be demonized by the Western media, with a view to justifying a military agenda. In turn, the Western media has fed, on a daily basis, incorrect and biased notions that the populations of Iraq cannot co-exist and that the conflict is not a war of occupation but a "civil war" characterised by domestic strife between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.
Video of Occupation of Cardiff Castle for Palestine
17-11-2006 17:55
Video of Occupation of Cardiff Castle November 15 2006palestine: the united and secular state of rwanda
16-11-2006 20:44
an opinion on the middle eastBirmingham Ramallah Twinning Initiative (BRTI)
16-11-2006 16:57
As part of the grassroots initiative to twin Birmingham with Ramallah on the West Bank of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, four Palestinians from Ramallah will visit Birmingham from the 20th to the 29th of NovemberFull article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Nightime attack at EDO
15-11-2006 21:33
EDO is a Brighton based factory , US owned, making components for use in Iraq and Palestine.The unmanned drones which, EDO manufacture components for, have been used in the massacre in Beit Hanoun over the past weeks
Lobster for Iran
15-11-2006 18:06
The European and American reaction to Iran’s nuclear program was that of Uncle Tom’s slaveowner, Simon Legree, on learning of an escaped slave. How does this dusky dare to touch the white masters’ toys? Their empty talk of an “Iranian threat” is designed for the ignorant: Iran has never, ever attacked a European nation since the wars for Anatolia in the 5th century BC; whereas European imperialists have repeatedly occupied and controlled Iran, most recently in 1942, or by proxy in 1953, when they deposed democratically-elected Mosaddeq and returned to dominate this ancient nation.CNN editors pull Palestinian quotes, replace with US
14-11-2006 05:34
Once again, the media's bias towards the Zionist Extremists currently controlling Israel is exposed for all to see.Outrage!- Jerusalem gay Pride unites fundamentalists but...
13-11-2006 16:27
Peter Tatchell's comment blog in The Guardian on Jerusalem gay Pride...(Stand by to repel SWP type lefties claiming CIA shenanigans etc...see below)..
No Arab, Palestinian Cheers for U.S. Democrats
13-11-2006 13:14
Arabs, at least at the non-official level, were quick to hail President George W. Bush’s mid-term electoral defeat and the humiliating downfall of his war architect Donald Rumsfeld, but cheering the Democrats’ victory has yet to wait and may not be voiced at all.American forces arrest Palestinians in Iraq
13-11-2006 11:35
As the assault on the Palestinian's inside of Iraq continues, please find below an article on a recent attack by the US occupying forces.Indymedia-film about Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
13-11-2006 00:12
These days a new indymedia-film concerning the situation of palestinian refugees in Lebanon was released.Fourth International Week of Action Against the Apartheid Wall
12-11-2006 15:14

Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
As Predicted: US Vetoes UN SC Resolution On Gaza Massacre
11-11-2006 20:29
Once again, the US Government has proven itself to be in the pocket of the Zionist Lobby, reinforcing everything said about the relationship by its critics.UN Calls For Peace As Israeli Brutality Continues In Gaza
10-11-2006 23:41
Israel is sending a clear message to the world, that it cannot be reasoned with or made to rethink its policies of death & destruction, in its Perpetual War to wipe Palestine off the map.UPDATE ON CATERKILLER VICE PRESIDENT IN LONDON
10-11-2006 16:02
CATERKILLER VICE PRESIDENT IN LONDONReport on sectarian attack by PSC members
10-11-2006 15:20
such situations must be brought to light..Peace Perspectives for the Middle East
10-11-2006 12:03
Whoever wants peace for the region must tackle problems at the root. The problems of the Middle East can only be solved in a political process, not through war.. European experience shows that hatred and violence can be overcome.Demo in solidarity with Palestine Liberation struggle - Saturday 11 November
09-11-2006 20:00
You are invited to join our activities in solidarity with the Palestinian People as part of the international week of action against the Apartheid Wall.Freedom for Palestine!
Smash the Apartheid Wall!
Fight racism and occupation!
Saddam’s Trial in Context: Episode of Victors’ Injustice
09-11-2006 12:22
American and European official and public opinion reactions to Saddam Hussein’s guilty verdict on Sunday artificially removed both the trial and the death sentence out of context and focused instead on “flaws” in the legal technicalities of a fair trial and on death penalty as a punishment.