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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Religion and Violence.

19-09-2012 19:49

All criticism of Islam is seen as problematic. Yet Islam is also viewed as a religion justifiying violence. However, all Abrahamic religions have a violent aspect, which along with patriarchal forms of oppression need serious and sustained criticism. This article considers the contradictions in the concept of a higher power, however, conceptualised or personified.

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T-shirt Trouble in Jerusalem

15-09-2012 14:42

"Are you a provocateur?"

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Bubble Trouble

14-09-2012 15:52

Protest gets fizz-ical at Brighton SodaStream shop

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Protest for Palestinian hunger strikers as Israel withholds medicine

05-09-2012 11:50

Londoners protested outside the Israeli Embassy on Saturday 1st September 2012 demanding freedom for all Palestinian political prisoners as the Palestinian Prisoners Society reported that the clinic at Ramla Prison is withholding needed medication from Palestinian prisoner Ayman Sharawna, on hunger strike for 63 days, until he agrees to end his hunger strike.

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No Justice for Rachel Corrie

31-08-2012 11:03

To no-one's surprise the Israeli courts whitewashed the death of Rachel Corrie this week. Rachel was killed in Gaza in 2003 defending Palestinian homes against the Israeli Defence Force's D9 armoured bulldozers.

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Israeli court finds that Rachel Corrie's death was a 'regrettable accident'

28-08-2012 13:50

The judge in a civil case in Haifa over the death of Rachel Corrie, a US Palestine solidarity activist who was crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer while trying to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes in 2003, has ruled that the Israeli state is not culpable.

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Manufacture of components used to fire cluster munitions challenged in court

23-08-2012 22:45

Two anti-militarist activists were found guilty of aggravated trespass in Brighton today. The pair had glued themselves to the gates of the EDO MBM factory in the early hours of 27th April 2011 in protest at the sale of umbilical cables for use in Afghanistan and also to the Israeli military.

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Smash EDO blockaders found guillty, appeal planned

23-08-2012 18:10

Smash EDO Press Release

Two anti-militarist activists were found guilty of aggravated trespass in Brighton today. The pair had glued themselves to the gates of the EDO MBM factory in the early hours of 27th April 2011 in protest at the sale of bomb rack umbilical cables called Field Replaceable Connector Systems (FRCS) for use on US warplanes and also to the Israeli military.

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Smash EDO Press Release- arms trade protest case- Verdict expected this Thursday

22-08-2012 13:16

Smash EDO Press Release,. Wed 22 August 2012, Contact: Andrew Beckett or Sam Hayward - 0752655743



R-v-Nero and Pidwell

VENUE: Brighton Magistrates Court
Edward Street, Brighton
TIME: 10:am
DATE: 23 August 2012

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Free Hassan Safadi & Samer al-Barq - protest outside Israeli Embassy

21-08-2012 19:11

Outside the Israeli Embassy - 'Free All Palestinian Political Prisoners'
The newly formed Palestinian prisoners campaign group protested outside the Israeli Embassy on Saturday 18th August 2012 demanding the immediate release of Palestinian hunger strikers Hassan Safadi and Samer al-Barq.

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The Missing Option to Defuse Iran Threat

21-08-2012 11:58

Giving priority to making peace with Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian people on the land – for – peace basis would disarm Iran of its Arab, Palestinian credentials and create a new regional environment that would in turn render any Arab alliance with Iran unnecessary

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Israeli Apartheid Profiteer Sodastream opens new store in Brighton

20-08-2012 10:36

Sodastream, a carbonated beverage manufacturer is based in the Mishor Adumim settlement industrial zone. Mishor Adumim is an industrial are attached to the residential settlement of Ma'ale Adumim, East of Jerusalem in the Israeli occupied West Bank.

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Rachel Corrie's family call for action against Caterpillar ahead of verdict in civil court case

20-08-2012 10:03

The family of a woman who was crushed to death by a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer in 2003 have called for divestment from companies complicit in Israels occupation. The family have asked supporters in the US to pressure investment firm TIAA-CREF to divest from Caterpillar and other companies.

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Open letter to Ecotricity regarding its meter reading contract with G4S

17-08-2012 13:45

Dear Ecotricity,

We are writing to you regarding your contract with G4S Utility Services, which provides you with meter reading services.

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The trial of G4S rooftop occupiers begins

07-08-2012 23:55

The two activists who occupied the roof of G4S' HQ near Crawley for eight hours on 2nd July 2012 (see appeared in court yesterday to plead guilty/not guilty to an 'aggravated trespass' charge under Section 68 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

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Good Energy ditches G4S over ethical concerns

07-08-2012 01:11

Good Energy has decided to drop G4S as its meter reading contractor following complaints from customers that its contract with the notorious security giant flies in the face of its ethical policy.

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Smash EDO: End to the summer of Resistance & August break

04-08-2012 21:40

We've had an intense few months with the summer of resistance and will be taking a break from the noise demos in August to build up energy for the autumn. If any of you out there have any actions planned August might be a good time to carry them out! Below is a summary of what's been going on during the summer.

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The umbrellas of Parliament Square - musical chairs and malicious prosecution

04-08-2012 16:39

The authorities are trying to make life as difficult as possible for Parliament Square peace campaigner Barbara Tucker. What are they so afraid of that they have to take such actions as confiscating her tent, sleeping bag, umbrella and even blankets?

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Brighton arms trade corruption challenged in court

29-07-2012 10:07

Smash EDO Press Release

4:PM Friday 27 July 2012

Contact: Andrew Beckett or Sam Hayward - 07526557436

Smash EDO website:

CASE NAME: R-v-Nero and Pidwell

VENUE: Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton


DATE: 31 July 2012 – 2 August 2012

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Morrissey's Apartheid Shame

20-07-2012 16:44

The formerly anti-racist singer Morrissey is going ahead with his July 21st Tel Aviv show with nary a word mentioned of the campaign for cultural boycott.