UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Smash EDO Press Release - Campaigners Say "Shut ITT!"
13-10-2008 09:45
13/10/2008 For immediate releasePalestine 60 years of Resistance
13-10-2008 00:17

This Week in Palestine – Week 41
10-10-2008 19:40

Holocaust Survivor Speaks up for Palestine in Shrewsbury on 14 October
10-10-2008 15:26

West Mids Palestine Solidarity Campaign NAKBA COMMEMORATION
10-10-2008 09:07

This year, 2008, is the 60th anniversary of what the Palestinians refer to as the Nakba (i.e. the catastrophe) also known as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. We are commemorating this event on Saturday with an event to highlight the situation of Palestinian refugees and to win support for their right to return.
We will have a tent with displays of photographs, maps and cultural items. We will be leafleting and collecting signatures for a petition. Do come to see us during the day to talk about Palestine and discuss how we can pursue an effective campaign to support the rights of the Palestinian people.
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
10-10-2008 00:17

Palestine Today 100908
09-10-2008 16:59

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday October 9, 2008.
Palestine Today 100808
08-10-2008 16:18

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday October 8, 2008.
Palestine Today 100708
07-10-2008 16:28

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday October 07, 2008
Palestine Today 100608
06-10-2008 17:08

Brighton Against the Arms Trade - 2nd Public Forum
05-10-2008 13:50
6th OctoberBrighton Against the Arms Trade - 2nd Public Forum
Venue Cowley Club/Time - 7.30pm
This Week in Palestine week 40 2008
03-10-2008 19:27

Open Letter to Sussex Police from Smash EDO
03-10-2008 11:09
03/10/2008Anti arms trade campaigners are planning a mass demonstration against the arms trade on Wednesday October 15th from Falmer Station. Recently Sussex Police hand delivered letters to known campaigners calling for 'organisers' to meet with the police to 'discuss their intentions'.
Palestine Today 100208
02-10-2008 16:58

Palestine Today 100108
01-10-2008 15:46

Charter of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Launched this Week
01-10-2008 11:21

Westminster Peace Procession this Sunday - Join Us
01-10-2008 10:55
Sunday 5th October sees the first monthly Peace Procession (next one on 2nd Nov). It will be a gathering of peaceful people of all faiths and none. It is also the first launch of a worldwide Peace Petition. All are welcome.Palestine Today 093008
30-09-2008 16:47

Palestine Today 092908
29-09-2008 16:13

Al Quds Day March in London meets opposition
28-09-2008 21:45

Pictures © 2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.