UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 2
27-02-2007 17:32
This is the second video clip dealing with the military operation "Hot Winter" in Nablus, occupied Palestine.Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 1
27-02-2007 03:02
Following you'll find the links to our most recent work on the current military operation (named "Hot Winter") in Nablus, Palestine.Palestine Today 022607
26-02-2007 16:55

A Palestinian man was killed on Monday by Israeli army gunfire in the West Bank city of Nablus, while a member of the executive force was injured in the southern Gaza Strip, these stories and more coming up stay tuned.
"You and I and the Next War"
26-02-2007 16:38

Questa settiamana in Palestina Italian Weekly Report
24-02-2007 19:01

Nessun progresso per quanto riguarda il summit a tre di questa settimana a Gerusalemme. Sono emerse discordanze tra il Quartetto del processo di pace che si è incontrato a Berlino per quanto riguarda la posizione da tenere nei confronti del nuovo governo di unità palestinese. I lavori vicino alla moschea di Al-Aqsa nel frattempo continuano. Vi racconteremo queste ed altre storie, rimanete sintonizzati.
UN envoy hits Israel apartheid (by Latuff)
24-02-2007 07:27

This Week In Palestine February week 8, 2007 (16 – 23)
23-02-2007 20:43

No progress was made in the three-way summit held this week in Jerusalem. Differences arose in the Mid East Quartet meeting in Berlin concerning the upcoming Palestinian national government. Israeli digging continues near Al-Aqsa Mosque inside Jerusalem. These stories and more, coming up. Stay tuned.
EDO Corp gets a new spook boss
23-02-2007 18:12
please excuse the corporate media post - i think the info here will be of interest to indymedia readersThere has been a campaign against EDO MBM, a trading unit of EDO Corp in Brighton, for the last four years
Books not Bombs - Report of Student Blockade of EDO MBM
23-02-2007 11:32

Palestina Oggi 022207
22-02-2007 17:53

Palestina oggi, un servizio dell’ International Middle East Media Centre,, per giovedi 22 febbraio 2007
Palestine Today 022207
22-02-2007 17:30

Flashpoints: John Pilger - Iran, Iraq, Palestine and Journalism in a Time of War
20-02-2007 12:49

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Palestine: Anarchists Resist the Wall
20-02-2007 10:11

Jonathan Pollak, an activist with Anarchists Against the Wall was sentenced to three months in prison, that will be activated if he is convicted of a similar charge again. Pollak was sentenced today after he was convicted together with 10 other activists for blocking a road in Tel Aviv in protest of the construction of the wall. He asked the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court to sentence him to jail time rather than community service or a suspended sentence, saying he has no intention to stop resisting the occupation. The ten other convicted activists were sentenced to 80 hours of community service.
Student Blockade of EDO MBM
19-02-2007 18:55
Smash EDO Press ReleaseContact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson For more Details
Email -
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Journey of a (“Self-Hating”) Jew
19-02-2007 11:28
There are few issues more divisive in US society, including on the left, than the issue of Israel and Palestine. Even the word “Palestine” is divisive! The state of Israel claims to represent Jews worldwide. This is a preposterous and plainly incorrect claim, but one often made and often assumed, to the detriment of much of humanity. People who vocally oppose Israeli policies are labeled anti-Semites. Jews who oppose Israeli policies -- or who dare to question the right of this apartheid state to exist as such -- are labeled “self-hating Jews.” Supporters of Israel are using historic anti-Semitism and the memory of the Nazi holocaust as a means to stifle dissent. Reason and compassion is not on their side, so they resort to name-calling. I have some personal experiences with this state of affairs, and I thought I’d recount some of them and share some thoughts on the subject.Second surprise demo at EDO
18-02-2007 12:31
EDO are Brighton's very own bomb makers...Boomchukka Circus
14-02-2007 19:49
Latest report from the Boomchukka Circus from Jenin. More details and reports on the website.Eyewitness Lebanon - Caoimhe Butterly and Guy Smallman Talk
14-02-2007 02:54
Solidarity activist Caoimhe Butterly and photojournalist Guy Smallman present a slideshow and presentation on their experiences and work in Lebanon during the last 6 months.Palestina Oggi 021307
13-02-2007 17:09

Un combattente palestinese è stato ucciso dall’esercito israeliano a est della città di Gaza, mentre truppe israeliane hanno effettuato incursioni in diverse parti della West Bank ed hanno arrestato circa 23 civili. Vi racconteremo queste ed altre storie, rimanete sintonizzati.
Palestine Today 021307
13-02-2007 16:44

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday February 13th, 2007.
One Palestinian fighter is killed by Israeli army gunfire east of Gaza city, while Israeli troops invade several West Bank areas and abduct at least 23 Palestinian civilians. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.