UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Palestine Today, 09 22 2010
22-09-2010 16:01

Palestine Today 09 21 2010
21-09-2010 17:09

Smash EDO: Fundraiser with bands from Gaza! And Hammertime update
21-09-2010 12:36
Hammertime is getting closer! 10am, Wednesday October 13thIf you have not already done so, text or email us your mobile phone number for text updates about the meeting point for the siege (

In the meantime...come to an exciting fundraiser with bands from Gaza!
Palestine Today 09 20 2010
20-09-2010 17:50

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday September 20, 2010.
This Sat 25 Sept Palestinian Solidarity Benefit, Brum
20-09-2010 11:05

Joint Corporate Watch / Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity public meeting
19-09-2010 18:53
7.30pm, 21st September 2010Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton
Earlier this year two researchers from Corporate Watch spent several months digging the corporate dirt in Palestine. Their research took them to the Jordan Valley where they unearthed a lot of new information about the links between Israel's illegal settlements, and companies operating worldwide.
This Week in Palestine Week 37 2010
17-09-2010 19:16
Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for 11th, September to 17th, 2010
This Week in Palestine Week 37 2010
17-09-2010 19:15

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for 11th, September to 17th, 2010
Smash EDO Benefit on Sunday 26th Sept - Resistancz Riddemz
17-09-2010 13:23
Resistanz RiddemzA benefit for Smash EDO
Sunday 26th September, Cowley Club (12 London Road, Brighton)
Doors 6.30pm, bands start at 7
Palestine Today 09 16 2010
16-09-2010 16:10

Palestine Today 09 15 2010
15-09-2010 16:32

London and Cambridge contacts for Smash EDO's Hammertime
15-09-2010 11:39
ITT's Hammertime, Brighton, Wednesday 13th Oct 2010, 10am.There are already local contacts available for London and Cambridge if you are travelling from there:
For London:

For Cambridge:

Palestine Today 09 14 2010
14-09-2010 17:05

Local contacts for Smash EDO's Hammertime
12-09-2010 20:01
On October 13th 2010 Smash EDO is holding a mass siege of EDO MBM/ITT in Brighton. This is the latest in a series of successful mass demos that have been attended by people from all over the UK. We need your help... If you want text updates about the demo please text your mobile number to 07538093930 or email it to
PLEASE NOTE: If you have previously texted in your number for updates please do so again as the campaign phone got stolen and any numers lost.
Nottingham PSC Annual Garden Party
12-09-2010 14:54
Nottingham Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Jenin Friendship Group Annual Garden Party 2010 will be held on Sunday 19th September.This Week in Palestine Week 36 2010
10-09-2010 16:58

U.S. Aim in "Peace Process": Liquidation of Palestinian struggle
09-09-2010 20:13
"In his opening speech, Obama again called the current situation unsustainable. U.S. leaders urgently want to reach some kind of settlement, not due to any concern for the plight of the Palestinian people, but because they recognize that the current situation is intensifying anger in the entire region against the U.S.The real aim of Washington in these talks remains what it has been since the U.S. first openly entered into negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1991: the liquidation of the Palestinian struggle as part of a drive to pacify and dominate the Middle East as a whole."
Palestine Today 09 09 2010
09-09-2010 15:43

ten years of Intifada! ten years of resistance to Zionism!
08-09-2010 21:50
The Al Aqsa Intifada began on 28 September 2000. The Victory to the Intifada campaign has been demonstrating outside branches of Marks & Spencer in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance every week for the 10 years since then, raising awareness about the struggle on Britain’s busiest shopping streets. Join us to mark 10 years of opposition to M&S's corporate sponsorship of the occupation of Palestine.