UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Smash EDO: Event dates in North of England and Scotland coming up
08-11-2011 11:44
Next week and the first week in December speakers from Smash EDO will be touring the north of England and Scotland to tell people about the summer of resistance.The following dates and venues are confirmed - please spread the word and join us if we are coming to you.
Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
08-11-2011 11:15
Join us for a summer of resistance against Brighton's very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign
Palestine Today 11072011
07-11-2011 16:45

RIP Mark Rivers
07-11-2011 14:18

Jailed for Sailing to Gaza, Challenging the Blockade
05-11-2011 17:04

The boats—one from Canada and one from Ireland—were carrying 27 passengers, including press and peace activists from Ireland, Canada, the United States, Australia and Palestine. They were unarmed, and the Israeli military knew that. They were simply peace activists wanting to connect with civilians in Gaza, and the Israeli military knew that. Yet naked aggression was used against them in international waters—something that is normally considered an act of piracy.
This Week in Palestine Week 44 2011
04-11-2011 17:37

Palestine Today 11 031 2011
03-11-2011 14:58

Palestine Today 11 02 2011
02-11-2011 14:59

Pub quiz fundraiser for Jordan Valley Solidarity in Brighton tonight
01-11-2011 14:46
Pub quiz for Palestine tonight, Tuesday the 1st, 8 till late at the Blind Tiger Club (formerly Hector's House), Grand Parade, Brighton,The quiz will be followed by acoustic tunes from Raz, Rick n Oistar and sounds from DJ Pink Panther
Syria, the Arab Yugoslavia of Middle East
01-11-2011 11:37
U.S. and NATO seem now in a race against time to preclude the implementation of the Syrian package of reforms, until the ruling regime is coerced into compliance to trade their support of these reforms for the current Syrian foreign policy agenda.Palestine Today 10 31 2011
31-10-2011 14:36

Smash EDO: Halloween noise demo Wed 26th
25-10-2011 17:05
The traditional Smash EDO Halloween noise demo returns to the gates of EDO/ITT tomorrow, Wednesday the 26th of October, 4-6.This Week in Palestine week 42 2011
21-10-2011 20:55

Antiwar Mass Assembly - John Pilger, Julian Assange videos
10-10-2011 18:21

Palestine Today10 10 2011
10-10-2011 16:23

Palestine Today 10 05 2011
05-10-2011 16:40

Palestine: unity and liberation
27-09-2011 17:43

Bolivar Hall, Venezuelan Embassy, 54 Grafton Way, London W1T 5DL
Palestine Today 09 22 2011
22-09-2011 16:43

Palestine Today 09 21 2011
21-09-2011 15:36

Ahava’s last day
21-09-2011 09:35

This is the end result of the London campaign to expose Ahava, which has been found to be complicit in Israeli violations of international law.