UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Ambulance Targeting Was Based On Turkish Disinformation
16-07-2016 08:11
It was an American-made helicopter abusing the name of a First Nations tribe which penetrated Syrian territory coming from Golan late June, in bright daylight approached a nameless Czech-made ambulance car, and fired a B7EV type air-to-ground missile killing a patient plus other inmates en route to a civilian hospital. One of many, too many casualties in a foreign-policy-fuelled war, it seemed, far too little a scandal to stand out among the daily dead – but now evidence leaked via the Alternative Intelligence Review site that this particular attack was triggered by Turkish surveillance authorities providing their Israeli counterparts with fake intelligence it would have been a senior Hamas operative wounded by insurgent snipers while seeking diplomatic contact with the Assad government. Yet instead Telaviv assassinated a Mongolian deli owner seeking stroke treatment.Palestine Solidarity: Latest news
25-03-2016 09:27
March 2016 news update about the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Sheffield, first published at Alt-Sheff.orgSOVRANO dell' OLTRETOMBA "colei che risponde" condotti alla morte VOLERE DI DIO
05-02-2016 15:11
SOVRANO dell' OLTRETOMBA "colei che risponde" condotti alla morte VOLERE DI DIO
UG#728 - Globalizing The Occupation (Israel & UK's Fusion-Intelligence Complex)
16-01-2016 13:35

Syria: UK now at war with Russia but we haven't been told by the BBC or MPs
12-12-2015 01:17

investigative reports: Interview with Mehrnaz Shahabi, an Iranian Bristolian, on Syria: Roland Dumas and his claim the British started the Syrian civil war on French TV, Wikileaks documents, and regime change in Syria – witnesses in Syria say Jihadis in crowd at early demonstrations were shooting at demonstrators and police. Interview with Dan Glazebrook, author of 'Divide and Ruin, about Syria:
UG#721 - Mind-numbering Contradictions (Israel, "Anti-semitism", Free Speech...)
15-10-2015 12:59

Smashing the Abbas icon of Palestinian non – violence
14-10-2015 09:40
Israelis by their ongoing campaign of defamation of Abbas would be missing an irreversible historic opportunity for making peace.Carry on, Corbyn!
19-09-2015 20:59

More files from Anarchists breach of DSEI arms fair's online security
18-09-2015 20:42
Additional files obtained from Hacking Team's DSEI account.Anarchists breach DSEI arms fair's online security
17-09-2015 20:23
The Information Liberation Front was able to access Hacking Team's visitor portal and EZONE account on the DSEI website and view information intended for DSEI exhibitors. We are happy to share the information below.Tel Aviv sur Seine/Promotion of the bloody Israeli occupation in Palestine
15-08-2015 20:57
Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipalgovernment, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order in order to promote Israel. No promotion
of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´
bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach.