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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Eight Children Hospitalised in Nabi Saleh Siege

01-02-2010 09:07

Around twenty residents of Nabi Salah village were injured during Friday’s demonstration, directed mainly at the Hallamish settlement which occupies the village’s farmland and primary water source. Most of those injured were children not participating in the protest, tear gassed and fired upon with rubber bullets as they sheltered in a nearby house.

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Israel and Haiti

31-01-2010 20:12

A look at the motivations behind Israel's aid operations in Haiti

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Gaza’s children: Sarah Irving talks to Manchester artist Jane Lawson

30-01-2010 11:30

Following the attacks on Gaza by Israeli forces at the start of 2009, Manchester-based artist Jane Lawson responded to the images and stories of death and destruction by creating a series of unique prints of some of Gaza’s children.

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Book review: “Gaza: Beneath the Bombs”

30-01-2010 11:28

One year on from the carnage of the so-called Gaza war the 1.5 million people of the strip are still prisoners in their own land, trapped by the active efforts of Israel and the silent complicity of her allies in the international community.

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EDO Decommissioner Elijah Smith has moved prison

28-01-2010 19:20

EDO Decommissioner Elijah Smith has recently been moved from HMP Lewes to HMP Sheppey Cluster (Elmley). He has now spent over one year on remand. Please take a moment to write to him.

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Bilin Protest Leader Kidnapped

28-01-2010 14:01

In the early hours of Thursday morning, Mohammed Khatib of the Popular Struggle Co-ordination Committee was arrested in his Bi’lin home. In the latest in a series of similar arrests, Israeli soldiers stormed the house and took Khatib on charges of incitement. ‘Incitement materials’ were reportedly taken from his home. Solidarity activists were forcibly prevented from approaching the scene.

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BBC & Israel undermine archeology

26-01-2010 16:47

The BBC described this artefact as "found in the Judean desert".
That is like saying something found in Nazi Germany was "found in the Teutonic desert". They are repeating racially biased propaganda from the Israeli state archaeology swindle.

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Border Police Assault Bethlehem Labourers

25-01-2010 12:13

Rani has been unable to walk since the assault.
Israeli Border Police assaulted ten Palestinian labourers in the early hours of Sunday morning. The men were seized on the Palestinian side of the Al-Zaiem crossing, attempting to reach the construction site they work at in East Jerusalem.

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Hogmanay in Parliament Square

25-01-2010 09:48

A 1,000 word report of December 31st (Hogmanay) 2009 in Parliament Square, London. The other Parliament Square (in Edinburgh) is also featured. 20 photos are included.

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Hajo Meyer and Haidar Eid: Never Again - For Anyone

25-01-2010 00:35

Attached is a recording of Hajo Meyer, an Auschwitz survivor, speaking in Sheffield on 25th January 2010 at a meeting organised by the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign as part of a tour organised by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network,

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Has Obama Given Up?

23-01-2010 13:57

"Expectations were too high". "We overestimated our ability". Time magazine’s interview with the President made for grim reading, unless you’re Israeli. Obama’s claim that "divisions within their societies" made "meaningful conversation...very hard" can be taken as a significant climb-down from the bold stance taken in Cairo.

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Shooting The Messenger

21-01-2010 12:28

Sheikh Jarrah protest
2009 began with a determined effort from Israel to destroy their enemies in Gaza, claiming the lives of 500 children in the process. It must have been an irritation to the military that they could not so easily wipe out the journalists, activists and relief workers who made their atrocities public. As a new year dawns, it is these voices of conscience who are becoming an endangered species.

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Smash EDO Brighton 18/01/2010

21-01-2010 00:38

Hundreds of protesters attend the Smash EDO demonstration to protest against the Brighton defence contractor which manufactures weapon components used by the Israeli's during the violence against Palestine. Brighton, United Kingdom. 18/01/2010.

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Bristol EDO Decommissioner Elijah Smith a prisoner of war for one year

19-01-2010 17:08

The following article and image has been nicked from Bristol ABC and includes a call for more/better defendant & prisoner support. Full article with links is here

Elijah (James) Smith has now been locked up on remand for one year, ever since his arrest last 18 January 2009 after the EDO/MBM ITT factory in Brighton was trashed by 6 campaigners from Bristol.

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Pix from the Remember Gaza demo Brighton 18 January 2010

19-01-2010 13:14

Pix from the Remember Gaza demo in Brighton

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Smash Edo Gaza Demo

19-01-2010 10:45

Ready to start the march
On the first anniversary of the end of the Israeli war against Gaza, Smash EDO activists in Brighton organised a demonstration against arms manufacturer EDO MBM/ITT who made some of the weapons that killed 1417 Palestinians, mainly the elderly, women and children, during the three-week assault. Pictures Copyright (C) Peter Marshall, 2010, all rights reserved

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Origins of Israel/Palestine conflict & prospects for peace

19-01-2010 00:56

Discussion with former BBC & ITN Foreign Correspondent Alan Hart aired last week on BCfm. The conflict in Israel/Palestine seems to be just about the most divisive in the world. This discussion marks the return of those who participated in the Gaza convoy.

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Press Release - Gaza Weapons Factory Under Siege

18-01-2010 20:53


For info call 07754135290 or email,

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Smash EDO Demo - 'Remember Gaza' - photos

18-01-2010 19:57

Police attempt to protect the weapons factory
Brighton hosted over 500 protesters calling for the closure of the EDO/ITT weapons factory, which manufactures bomb parts used against the people of Gaza last year.

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Smash EDO demo- First photos up on the argus website

18-01-2010 17:06

The argus have been doing a hilarious time line and have now added some photos.