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Origins of Israel/Palestine conflict & prospects for peace

Tony Gosling | 19.01.2010 00:56 | Analysis | History | Palestine | World

Discussion with former BBC & ITN Foreign Correspondent Alan Hart aired last week on BCfm. The conflict in Israel/Palestine seems to be just about the most divisive in the world. This discussion marks the return of those who participated in the Gaza convoy.

There has been conflict between Israeli immigrants and native Arabs ever since the founding of the State of Israel in the Holy Land was first contemplated in the early 1900's. In this broadcast we hear the views of former ITN and Panorama Foreign Correspondent Alan Hart who knew Moshe Dayan, Yasser Arafat and Golda Meir personally. Specifically what are the origins of the conflict and what are the prospects for peace in 2010?

Participants: Alan Hart, Martin Summers, Tony Gosling.

Tony Gosling
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