UK Palestine Newswire Archive
This Week in Palestine – Week 24 2007
15-06-2007 17:12

G8: Schwerin, Caterpillar and Snatch squads
14-06-2007 22:49

Palestine-Israel: One-state solution "gaining ground" UN envoy admits
14-06-2007 22:25
The one-state solution for Palestine-Israel is "gaining ground," a senior UN diplomat has admitted in a leaked confidential report. Recently retired UN special envoy Alvaro de Soto wrote "that the combination of [Palestinian Authority] institutional decline and Israeli settlement expansion is creating a growing conviction among Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, as well as some Jews on the far left in Israel that the two State solutiuon's best days are behind it."Full article | 3 additions | 3 comments
Pictures from StWC Palestine Demo.
14-06-2007 19:59

These images shot on good old fashioned film (hence the lateness) - digital pictures to follow soon.
Mamma Mia, it's a game we play!
12-06-2007 22:56

Full article | 1 addition | 11 comments
Why your revolution is no liberation!
12-06-2007 16:33

Questa settimana in Palestina – Settimana 23 2007
11-06-2007 15:14

Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes & Lie: Israel's Attack on the USS Liberty, Revisited
11-06-2007 13:34

Only hours after the Liberty arrived it was spotted by the Israeli military. The IDF sent out reconnaissance planes to identify the ship. They made eight trips over a period of three hours. The Liberty was flying a large US flag and was easily recognizable as an American vessel.
A few hours later more planes came. These were Israeli Mirage III fighters, armed with rockets and machine guns. As off-duty officers sunbathed on the deck, the fighters opened fire on the defenseless ship with rockets and machine guns.
A few minutes later a second wave of planes streaked overhead, French-built Mystere jets, which not only pelted the ship with gunfire but also with napalm bomblets, coating the deck with the flaming jelly. By now, the Liberty was on fire and dozens were wounded and killed, excluding several of the ship's top officers.
Forty Years Later: Searching for the Truth About the USS Liberty
11-06-2007 13:07

Round up of anti-occupation demonstrations worldwide.
11-06-2007 11:43

John Pilger: "Resisting the Empire"
10-06-2007 20:35

The renowned investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has spent the better part of his life documenting American empire and the resistance it has met. Pilger has made over fifty documentaries and is the author, most recently, of "Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire," which looks at ongoing struggles in Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, India, Palestine, and South Africa. Pilger joins us for the hour to play excerpts of his documentaries and speak of the struggles he has covered.
John Pilger joins the show 11:44 mins into the show.
Six Day War Deceptions
10-06-2007 04:10
Did Israel provoke the Six-Day War? (Dutch /w English subtitles) Dutchman Jan Mühren, former UN observer stationed at the Israeli border, describes how he witnessed Israel provoke it's neighbors in the run-up to the Six-Day War. Mühren says Israel was not the small innocent country under existential threat from it's neighbors, as has been written in our history books. 'It was the exact opposite.'After 40 years of illegal military occupation of Palestine, enough!
09-06-2007 22:23

This Week In Palestine – Week 23 2007
08-06-2007 21:12

Solidarity with the Palestinians, not boycott of Israel
08-06-2007 12:12
Statement in opposition to the calls to boycott Israeli institutions in resolution 54 and resolution 53, submitted to the conference of the public services Unison which starts on 19 June 2007. To support this statement, please email us at
All signatories in a personal capacity unless otherwise stated or obvious.
Redeye - Co-op Radio: Palestine - 40 years of occupation
08-06-2007 10:20

Taking Aim: The Destruction of Palestine, Part One
08-06-2007 10:01

Sailing to Gaza
08-06-2007 09:36

One Million Pounds to be a British Muslim
07-06-2007 11:38
The following article was written by Hussein Al-alak of the Iraq Solidarity Campaign, in response to a Government report published this week, which includes allocating £1 million of public money for the training of Islamic Imams.Google suppresses the country of Palistine
07-06-2007 09:46
See :
for the screen capture images.