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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Cancellation of Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein’s speaking arrangement to Germany

28-02-2010 11:56

Statement of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East – EJJP Germany

Dr. Norman Finkelstein has cancelled his planned flight to Germany.
He wanted to speak in Munich, Milbertshofen and Berlin on February 24, 25 and 26.

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Ending Israeli Apartheid

28-02-2010 10:52

Ali Abunimah speaks about the future of the movement to end Israeli occupation of Palestine, and much more

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Demo outside Court as more Gaza protestors are sentenced

27-02-2010 10:01

Protestors outside the court yesterday
After protestors gathered outside Isleworth Crown Court, Justice Dennis who has reserved all the cases for himself handed out more sentences. According to the Jewish Chronicle [1] "one of the protesters was sentenced to 12 months in prison. One will serve ten months in a Young Offenders Institute. Another was given 12 months conditional discharge and one given an 18 month supervision order.... Police said the men threw placards and sticks and pushed and kicked police officers."

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Listen to the heroes of Israel

26-02-2010 19:46

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger reminds us of the struggle by an extraordinary few in Israel against the repression and lawlessness of the occupation of Palestine. They are the inspiration to break the loud silence in the Jewish diaspora.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 08 2010

26-02-2010 18:18

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for February 20th, to the 26th, 2010

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Zaytoun Denied Visas

25-02-2010 13:38


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Oush Grab Land Grab: Video + Interview

23-02-2010 10:38

A peaceful march through Beit Sahour ended with shocking scenes of army brutality, as locals voiced opposition to the construction of a military base in Family Park. We spoke with Nidal Abu Zulof, head of the Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI), about the need to oppose this illegal land-grab.

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Mossad Death Squads (by Latuff)

22-02-2010 21:21

Mossad Death Squads
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against US backed IsraHell's state terror.

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Palestine Today 02 22 2010

22-02-2010 20:46

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday, February 22nd, 2010.

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Mossad’s Murderous Reach: The Larger Political Issues

22-02-2010 18:18

Mossad death squads operate directly under the Israeli Prime Minister (who personally approved the recent murder).The vast majority of Israelis proudly support these assassinations, especially when the killers escape detection and capture. The unfettered operation of foreign state-sponsored death squads, carrying out extra-judicial assassinations with impunity, is a serious threat to every critic, writer, political leader and civic activist who dares to criticize Israel.

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Further Unjust Sentences for Gaza Protestors - Friday 19th February

20-02-2010 14:58

All the young men sentenced at Isleworth County Court yesterday afternoon for Violent Disorder during Gaza protests started harsh stints behind bars last night...

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1,000 Demonstrators Marked 5 Years of Protest in Bil'in by Dismantling the Wall

19-02-2010 18:32

One week following the victory forcing Israel to begin rerouting the path of the Wall (1), and under the shadow of an unprecedented wave of repression(2) against the popular struggle, over a thousand protesters took part in a demonstration at the west Bank village of Bil'in, marking five years of struggle there. At the height of the demonstration dozens of protesters stormed the Barrier, toppled some 40 meters of it and crossed to village's lands. Protesters also managed to take over a military post adjacent to the path of the Wall for a short time.

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Gaza Protests: Harsh Sentences Likely To Deter Lawful Protest

18-02-2010 22:52

outside the embassy
Harsh sentences delivered
On Friday morning last week the waiting room inside Isleworth Crown Court started to fill with some of the protesters who had taken part in the London-Gaza protests in January last year. They were there to be sentenced for their role in those protests. The defendants had all pleaded guilty to charges of violent disorder, some because of pressure from their lawyers, others as part of a plea bargain and in fear of a heavier sentence if they stuck to their original "not guilty" pleas. Also present were family members and friends who had come to lend their moral support. The atmosphere was one of tense, nervous anticipation. Most of the defendants had been told that they could expect to be sentenced to community service, which is what the author of the pre-sentence reports had recommended. Others expected a custodial sentence but, in light of their early "guilty" plea and other mitigating factors in their favour, a relatively short one.

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Support The Gaza Protestors Currently Facing Heavy Sentences

17-02-2010 23:24

The Israeli bombardment of Gaza of 27th December to 18th January, provoked passionate protests across the UK. The familiar mass demos of the anti-war movement were supplemented by large spontaneous break-away demos and a wave of university occupations. The police used indiscriminate baton charges, kettles and heavy surveillance, in an effort to impose their control on the movement.

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assassins of top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on cctv

16-02-2010 21:55

Who killed Mahmoud al-Mabhouh?
assassins of top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on cctv !
the video released here >>> assassins of top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on cctv !

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Your sporadic Smash EDO update

16-02-2010 16:31

Upcoming Smash EDO events.

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Life in the Buffer Zone

16-02-2010 14:06

The Israelis call it the “buffer zone.” Gazan NGOs often call it the “hot zone.” But to the Palestinians who live near this wide swath of land alongside the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, it is fertile land where their children played and they made a decent living by raising wheat and olives. That is, until Israel declared it off limits.