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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Victory in Bilin!

15-02-2010 16:22

Israel to Reroute Part of West Bank Wall Following Years of Protest

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Jenny Tonge Sacked Again

14-02-2010 11:20

Jenny Tonge and commented: "Actually I said that if Israel was worried about the allegations they should investigate. The Jewish Chronicle got it wrong as usual."

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Weekly Protest Video Round-Up

13-02-2010 13:46

Palestinian, Israeli and international activists joined demonstrations in villages up and down the West Bank yesterday. Creativity distinguished Bi’lin and Sheikh Jarrah protests, with activists playing blue creatures from James Cameron’s last film, Avatar. Here’s what happened.

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Anti-war stalls in Scotland with photos

13-02-2010 11:23

Here are a number of photos from anti-war stalls in Edinburgh and Glasgow along with a photo of a 'peace car' from the island of Coll.

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Oxford Brookes Human rights film fest 2010

12-02-2010 13:49

26th February - 5th March 2010

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22 Days of Waging Peace

12-02-2010 12:28

Campaigners against the Brimar military components factory in Chadderton in Oldham braved the snow and sub-zero temperatures to carry out a series of vigils and protests in January.

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IDF Raids ISM Media Office for the 2nd Time in 3 Nights

11-02-2010 15:30

Nine Israeli soldiers kicked in the door of the ISM media office and demanded the passports of the internationals present. The soldiers confiscated a desktop computer used by ISM volunteers.

Two internationals, Ryan Olander of the U.S. and Nick Bryer of the U..K., were awoken from their night’s rest as nine Israeli soldiers barged through the door at 4am brandishing M16 fully-automatic assault rifles. Luckily, the door had not yet been repaired from a previous raid on Sunday morning. This facilitated their entry and reduced the damaged they inflicted upon the apartment.

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Israel cracks down on peace activists at Brussels Holiday Fair

11-02-2010 10:21

Theater against arms trade leads to arrests and charges of falsification.

On 7th February 2010, 8 peace activists entered the Brussels Holiday Fair and impersonated flight attendants of the Israeli airline company El Al. They handed out fake free plane tickets to Israel, which referred to the fact that El Al contributes to the transport of arms to the country.

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Report condemns policing of Gaza demos

10-02-2010 13:57

The Islamic Human Rights Commission today released a damning report of the policing of the Gaza demonstrations in December 08 and January 09.

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The Gaza Convoy: An Insiders Experience

09-02-2010 02:08

A PUBLIC MEETING At : The Sumac Social Center Nottingham
Speaker: AMEENA SALEEM, Recently Returned From the Convoy to Gaza
Addr. 243 Gladstone Street NG7 6HX
Disabled access on Beech Ave(73) with door at street level: Web:

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International activists arrested in West Bank raid

07-02-2010 23:24

Israeli soldiers raided a Ramallah apartment around 3AM to arrest a Spanish and an Australian activist over expired visas in direct violation of the Oslo Accords.

At three in the morning, the Israeli army forcefully entered an apartment in the Area A city of Ramallah and arrested two activists from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) on suspicion of overstaying their visas. The two, Ariadna Jove Marti, a Spanish journalist, and Bridgette Chappell, an Australian student in the Beir Zeit university, were then taken to the Ofer military prison located inside the Occupied Territories, where they were handed over to the Israeli immigration police unit “Oz”.

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Police watch as violence used against Cargoflora blockaders

07-02-2010 10:00

This morning boycott Israel campaigners blockaded the gates of Cargoflora and Carmel Agrexco in Hayes, Middlesex.

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Carmel Agrexco and Cargoflora blockaded over Imports of Israeli Flowers

07-02-2010 09:48

Carmel Agrexco and Cargoflora's depots in Hayes Middlesex have been blockaded early this morning. Cargoflora's gates have been blocked by campaigners using D-Locks and superglue while the Agrexco blockaders have used panels of 'Hares' fencing.

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Zionist thugs interupt talk

07-02-2010 02:08

Zionist thugs interupt talk

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West Bank Protests Video Round-Up

06-02-2010 11:42

Local and international activists braved foul weather conditions to demonstrate in villages up and down the West Bank yesterday. As further evidence of the popular struggle’s growing power, each protest went ahead as planned. Here’s a video round-up of what happened.

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Israel's Soldiers attack Palestinian Shepherds and Torture

06-02-2010 06:54

On the morning of Thursday 7 January 2010, Israeli soldiers attacked and injured Palestinian shepherds from the Musa Rabai family >> VIDEO

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Forthcoming Gaza Convoy feedback event in Nottingham

05-02-2010 14:19

This notice will be of interest to all who are concerned at the plight of Palestinians suffering under Israel’s brutal military occupation. A recently returned member of the Viva Palestina Gaza convoy will be attending a meeting in Nottingham to share with us their experiences of the desperately needed aid convoy and its journey from the UK to Gaza.

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pixies attack EDO again

05-02-2010 12:17

paint attack in the night

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Was Boycotting Apartheid South Africa Anti-White?

03-02-2010 12:02

The background
Five SPSC members interrupted a concert by the Israeli musicians and sponsored cultural ambassadors of the State of Israel, the Jerusalem Quartet, during their Aug 2008 Edinburgh Festival performance at the Queen’s Hall.

After being removed by private security guards, they were subsequently arrested, detained in Police cells, and later charged with “breach of the peace”.

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San José Peace and Justice Award Honours Free Gaza Pioneers

02-02-2010 08:53

Pete McHugh, Kathy Sheetz, Paul Larudee, Greta Berlin, Sharat G. Lin
The San Jose Peace and Justice Center awarded its Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award to pioneers of the Free Gaza Movement who sailed the first small boats to break the Israeli siege of Gaza. The award prompted the city of Milpitas, California to present commendations and U.S. Congressman Mike Honda to award Congressional recognition to the recipients.