UK Palestine Newswire Archive
American Jewish Professor: Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza
25-01-2009 21:40

Latest report from the plenary of the Cambridge University Law School
25-01-2009 19:00
A quick report from the plenary discussion in the Cambridge occupation, Sunday 25 January 2009 evening.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The Law Faculty occupation continues...
25-01-2009 15:36

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2nd Rolling picket of companies supporting Israel in Newcastle
25-01-2009 14:02
On Saturday 24th January 2009 Newcastle saw its first march in solidarity with Palestine after the recent siege on Gaza. This was followed by a rolling picket of companies that support Israel. Around 500-700 attended the march from the Civic Centre to Grey’s Monument for a rally. The march was organised by Tyneside Palestine Solidarity Campaign and supported by Northern TUC, local Unison branches, Tyneside Stop the War Coalition, Tyneside Community Action for Refugees, FRFI / Revolutionary Communist Group, Socialist Workers Party, the Socialist Party, local mosques and many individuals.Leeds Boycott Israeli Goods and M+S action
25-01-2009 13:27
ON Saturday 24th Jan numerous shoppers in Marks and Spencers held up till queues in Marks and Spencers with the questions regarding their concerns about purchasing Israeli Products.End the Blockade of Gaza protest, London - pictures.
25-01-2009 11:56

The BBC Refuses To Broadcast Gaza Charity Appeal (a letter of concern)
25-01-2009 10:06
Dear EveryoneI am really sorry to be writing with this information to send to any of you about this but I am writing because knowledge of events can help prevent killing and atrocities in countries like Gaza and Sri Lanka. I am writing as just rejecting news black outs (censorship) can help people who are being killed, tortured or suffering from other forms of devastation.
As an example of news black outs used to organise mass killing - The successful news black out of the Nixon (Kissinger led) and Callaghan Governments, who were working in conjunction with the Chinese allowed secret US B52 bombardment on twice the level of Hiroshima in Cambodia. This laid the path for the asian hitler Pol Pot to be born. The people of Cambodia then suffered mass starvation when our own Government along with others including the International Red Cross refused to put together a humanitarian and food aid programme after the torture and destruction of the country's agriculture and civil society by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot. At this time, journalist John Pilger produced an award winning documentary which told us what had happened and this helped the people of Cambodia enormously.
We as citizens of the world can prevent this happening in our time by simply being aware of what is happening to our fellow citizens across the world and telling our friends and refusing to accept news black outs on our own supposedly free news network. Please could everyone read about what the press is not telling us about what is happening in Gaza and Sri Lanka as you will be amazed about the impact this has.
1 The BBC is censoring Gaza aid appeals and selectively broadcasting. UN buildings as well as schools and hospitals have been destoryed and 89% of Gaza’s 1.5 million residents have received no humanitarian aid since Israel began its assault (see media lens news below for further information)
2 The Sri Lankan Government is waging a war of Genocide against Tamil people using cluster bombs. In the last month alone, Tamil groups say that 300,000 people have been displaced through internal continuous bombardment. Furthermore, cluster bombs are being used. Cluster bombs rain down deadly bomblets on an area the size of a football field with six bombs falling in every 1,000 square feet. Similarly to Cambodia bodies of people killed and tortured are being found on the river Jaffna and many other awful atrocities are taking place. I do not have any further information on what is happening in Sri Lanka but I understand this website has been created for those who may want to know more. please see for more information. The black out in Sri Lanka extends to NGOs and even the UN Human Rights Council
I would also be grateful if people would consider passing this information on but understand if you do not feel you can. I am not asking people to donate as I know the Tsunami aid money was not used to help victims and the audit systems have still not told us how this money was administered by the Disaster Emergency Committee. I would not donate to anyone other than Médecins Sans Frontières who refused to accept Tsunami money after the emergency work was concluded. Indeed, Naomi Klein has documented the use of aid money on what she calls the Disaster Economy but
Thank you in advance and sorry for disturbing any of you.
Peace and love
Donate online to the DEC's Gaza Crisis nowDonate Now: Gaza Crisis
25-01-2009 08:34
The situationAfter an 18 month blockade of Gaza and three weeks of heavy shelling the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is now completely overwhelming.
Thousands of people are struggling to survive with many having lost their homes and most down to their last supplies of food and only limited amounts of fresh drinking water.
Protest over BBC Gaza appeal veto
25-01-2009 08:13
A demonstration will be held to protest against the BBC's decision not to broadcast an appeal for aid to the people of Gaza. It is being organised by the Disasters Emergency Committee - an umbrella group for some of the big charities. Politician Tony Benn discusses why he will be attending the protest outside BBC Broadcasting House.

Montreal: professors and university employees call for Israel boycott
25-01-2009 07:54
We are a group of teachers and employees at Quebec colleges and universities who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and with the people of Gaza who have suffered through the Israeli siege as targets of Israel’s brutal military attack. It will take more than ceasefires to bring a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel. We are acting in response to an appeal for support issued January 2, 2009 by the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees. In the wake of the Israeli bombing of the Islamic University of Gaza, the Federation of Unions has urged academics around the world to support a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.14th day of hunger strike in parliament square
25-01-2009 00:27
maria gallestegui continues her hunger strike in parliament square for the people of gazasunday will be her 14th day without food
she is drinking liquids and taking basic mineral and vitamin supplements
mainstream media is still ignoring her protest even though gaza itself has quickly fallen from the headlines
Demo at Broadcasting House Calls for BBC to Broadcast Gaza Appeal
25-01-2009 00:09

Breaking Gaza ’s Will: Israel ’s Enduring Fantasy
24-01-2009 23:20

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Photos: Sheffield March Against Israel's Attack on Gaza
24-01-2009 22:39

Eyewitness Report From Gaza: 'Yesterday and Tomorrow'
24-01-2009 20:10
Yesterday and TomorrowSaturday 24th January by Ewa Jasiewicz
We're like trees, we have our roots and they allow us to grow, little by little, we grow up and then they cut us down. But, whatever they throw at us, whatever they do to us, we are still here and we will still be here – Om Bassim, Jabaliya Camp, January 2009
Met Police issues photos of 'suspects' from recent London Gaza protests
24-01-2009 17:48
The Met Police have issued on their website images of people they are seeking in connection to two demos for Gaza on the 3rd and 10th January 2009. The Met Police webpage has six photos of 'suspects'. Some of these images were also published in various newspapers this week.Solidarity Picket in town + more occupation pictures.
24-01-2009 16:36

Falmouth activist films night - On the Verge
24-01-2009 15:34
Falmouth People and Planet films and vegan cake night - Wednesday 4 February, 6-8pmSeminar Room I, Tremough Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, UK, TR10 9EZ
We will be showing 'On the Verge - the film they tried to ban'.
Free cake!
The BBC's refusal to air a humanitarian appeal for Gaza
24-01-2009 14:10
The BBC has blocked the broadcast of an appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (an alliance of apolitical humanitarian charities) calling for donations to relieve the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza caused by Israeli air strikes and blockades.Gaza Appeal - BBC Complaints Line
24-01-2009 13:52
BBC receiving a growing number of complaints regarding their decision to refuse to Broadcast Gaza Appeal.