UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 071309
13-07-2009 16:15

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday July 13th 2009.
Get off the Fence: Naomi Klein and the Boycott Movement
13-07-2009 11:37

Posted by RORCoalition on Fri, 07/10/2009 - 07:03
Below is a transcript of Naomi Klein's speech at the BNC-organized event in Ramallah on 27 June 2009. The speech was transcribed and edited by Toufic Haddad for The Faster Times
Mother Palestine and Palestinian Political Prisoners (by Latuff)
11-07-2009 23:00

EDO in Newport
11-07-2009 11:27
EDO are exhibiting in a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle military conference on the 22nd and 23rd (see below).Anyone fancy a trip to Newport ??
1. Conference: UV Europe 2009. Newport South Wales. July 22-23
Exhibiters from EDO MBM (Brighton) Bental (Israel) UAV Engines
(subsidiary of Israali arms firm Elbit Systems) and others
This Week in Palestine -Week 28 2009
10-07-2009 15:24

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 4th to the 10th, 2009.
Women volunteers wanted for work in Palestine
10-07-2009 11:42
International Women's Peace Service in Palestine is currently looking for women to join our team of volunteers in Palestine. We are looking for women able to spend a minimum of three months in Palestine and willing to support IWPS work outside.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Interview with Alex from the seized Spirit of Humanity
09-07-2009 20:09

Palestine Today 070908
09-07-2009 15:02

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday July 9th 2009.
Silence on Cynthia McKinney
09-07-2009 05:29

The silence from the corporate media is, sadly, not at all surprising. The complete surrender of black American leadership is also sad and also not surprising, but is nonetheless disgraceful, and should not pass without comment.
Palestine Today 070809
08-07-2009 14:17

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday July 8th 2009.
Palestine Today 070709
07-07-2009 15:09

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday July 7th 2009.
Pilger on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the Media, Obama’s Wars and Resisting the Empire
07-07-2009 11:16
Award-winning investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker, John Pilger, Democracy Now for a wide-ranging conversation on on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the media, health care, and Obama’s wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.MP3:

Hired Hands: Iran, Obama, Gaza, And MPs' Expenses
07-07-2009 09:54
In a recent alert, Media Lens described how the modern corporation is an inherently predatory, even psychopathic, entity. We noted that business managers are legally obliged to subordinate human and environmental welfare to profit.(See:

Manchester FreeGaza deportee 'raring to return'
07-07-2009 08:33
Interviewed on his way home from Heathrow Airport after being deported by Israel, FreeGaza boat passenger Adie Mormech talks about why he's already looking at ways of defying the Israeli siege on Gaza...Palestine Today 070609
06-07-2009 15:15

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday July 6th 2009.
Report from the Kidnapped Passengers in Ramle Prison
05-07-2009 20:43

On Monday, June 30, 21 passengers going to challenge the blockade of Gaza on board the Spirit of Humanity were seized by the Israeli Navy and taken to Israel against their will. All their equipment was taken and some of were roughed up. All were thrown into prison to await Israel's decision on how and when they would be deported.
The majority of the group ended up in Ramle Prison. Those of us who are Free Gaza organizers had been hearing some news from them, statements, interviews and letters since they arrived. From the first night, the Free Gaza 21 have been busy trying to get news out of the prison about the illegality of Israel's actions in relation to themselves and the other inmates inside Ramle Prison who have no voice.
Egyptian Gaolers refuse to release British Activists from Prison Gaza
05-07-2009 09:25

Solidarity Work
4th July, 2009 - Gaza City, Gaza Strip
Natalie Abou Shakra, UK, and Jenny Linnell, UK, two International Solidarity Movement activists who came to Gaza as part of the Free Gaza Movement voyages, both British nationals, were prevented from exiting the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing on the 28th of June, 2009 by the Egyptian border authorities. In addition to having special coordination by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) based on the request of the British Embassy in Cairo, Natalie and Jenny were given approval to pass through the Crossing on the 9th of June, prior to an official opening, by a call from the office of Mr. Yasser Othman from the MFA. Nevertheless, on the 10th of June, they were returned back by the mukhabarat (intelligence services) at the Crossing demanding they both return back when the Crossing officially opens.
Cynthia McKinney: Letter from an Israeli Jail
04-07-2009 18:58

Mother Palestine and the Two-State Solution (by Latuff)
04-07-2009 13:38

This Week in Palestine -Week 27 2009
03-07-2009 17:44

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 27th to July 3ed, 2009.