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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Sabra and Shatila: Let us not Forget

19-09-2011 15:34

SHATILA REFUGEE CAMP, Beirut, Sept 18, 2011 – Plaster and decay have healed the bullet scars on the concrete walls but not the scars in the collective memory of those who continue to live here - 29 years after an Israeli-armed and commandeered Christian militia shot, knifed and beat to death thousands of unarmed Palestinian refugees during a three day killing spree for which no one has yet been brought to justice.

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Palestine Today 09 15 2011

15-09-2011 16:29

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday September 15, 2011

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Disrupt the arms dealers dinner tonight

15-09-2011 13:15

The delegates at the DSEi arms fair are having their get together this evening

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Palestine Today 09 14 2011

14-09-2011 15:11

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday September 14, 2011

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A taste of Apartheid

14-09-2011 09:27

The Israel Government Tourist Office invited Londoners to visit the InterContinental
hotel's Cookbook Cafe and 'discover one of Israel's finest Hidden Gems': its
settler-colonial conquest of Palestine, overseasoned with cultural appropriation. At
the Taste of Israel week, diners could sample Arab cuisine and goods produced on
stolen Palestinian land. Most of the tables remained empty and the £20 a head buffet
untouched for the first day of this poorly attended event; blinds were hastily
lowered by staff to obscure placards held up against the Cafe windows by boycott
activists, reading "Food and wine of apartheid Israel" and "The bitter taste of
Israeli occupation".

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Palestine Today 09 13 2011

13-09-2011 15:58

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday September 13, 2011

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Demolition in progress - Wall outside Cairo's Israeli Embassy attacked

09-09-2011 16:26

Protestors in Cairo have begun tearing down a wall that was built recently to protect the Israeli Embassy. There is discontent over the military rulers continued close ties with the Israeli regime.

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Comedian Mark Thomas Turning Conflict Into Comedy In Palestine

08-09-2011 17:08

Former TV comedian Mark Thomas is down at the Tobacco Factory from Monday to Saturday as part of a national tour with his usual biting satire and his new show about rambling in the Israeli Palestinian War Zone. Friday Drivetime's Tony Gosling spoke to Mark about his ramble round the Palestine wall and marvelled at his ability to turn conflict into comedy.....

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Palestine Today 09 08 2011

08-09-2011 14:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday September 8, 2011.

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Palestine Today 09 07 2011

07-09-2011 16:26

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, September 7th, 2011.

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Gaza blockade must stop

02-09-2011 21:28

Force used by Israel was 'excessive' even if legal.
A way to end the blockade and is suggested

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Protest against the bankers and bombers

02-09-2011 14:54

Are you a banker or arms dealer hoping to profit from repression in the Middle East? Then this is the event for you!


"With the government’s increased focus on exports, UK defence and security companies are urged to look at international emerging markets to increase their business potential. The Middle East is one of the regions with the greatest number of opportunities for UK defence and security companies."

Alternatively, don your finest pinstripes and join us outside the venue at 2.30pm on Thursday 8th September for an action to say This is NOT OK.

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BDS Activists Disrupt Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

02-09-2011 08:32

A new vocal ensemble, Beethovians for Boycotting Israel (BBI), gave its debut performance at a Prom concert at the Royal Albert Hall yesterday evening.

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Palestine Today 09 01 2011

01-09-2011 15:42

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thrsday September 1, 2011.

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Palestine Today 08 312011

31-08-2011 15:11

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday August 31, 2011.

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Bankrupt Agrexco face possible criminal prosecution

28-08-2011 21:22

Agrexco, the Israeli part-state owned agricultural export company that supports illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and has been the target of an international boycott campaign as a result, now faces possible criminal prosecution in Israel.

Auditors of the bankrupt firm have uncovered accountancy fraud apparently intended to cover up Agrexco's intimate relationship with the Israeli governments agricultural policies.

Although not expressly stated in this report, the report suggests that Agrexco was propping up illegal settlements in the OPTs with financial payments in order to support Israeli Govt settlement colonisation policies at the expense of their own profitability. If this is so, the case against Agrexco put by BDS campaigners over the past 7 years, of the company's complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity, has just been strengthened substantially.

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Campaign of the Month: Military Embargo on Israel Now !

26-08-2011 11:38

On July 9, 2011 the BNC (BDS National Committee), the largest Palestinian civil society coalition, launched a call for a mandatory, comprehensive military embargo on Israel.

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Palestine Today 08 24 2011

24-08-2011 15:26

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday August 24, 2011.

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Palestine Today 08 22 2011

22-08-2011 17:21

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday August 22, 2011.

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Sainsburys picketed in solidarity with Gaza

20-08-2011 17:21

a picket was held in Brighton outside Kemptown Sainsburys calling for a boycott of Israeli goods