UK Palestine Newswire Archive
URGENT ACTION: Protest against Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Today, 5pm
22-03-2010 12:25
Nir Barkat, the mayor of Jerusalem behind the announcement of 1,600 new settlement units in East Jerusalem, will be visiting London early next week. These settlements are illegal by internation law! A total of 50,000 housing units have been planned in the coming years - doubling the settler population - and reducing the Palestinian population to a third. It is essential you join us and make your voice heard!!!He will be speaking at Chatham House (10 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4LE).
Come along and protest against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from East Jerusalem.
4.30am police raid that shook a father’s faith in land of free
19-03-2010 17:42

Badi Tebani was sleeping in his bed with his wife at about 4.30am when his door was smashed in and 20 men piled into his home in Finsbury Park.
Speaking to the Tribune yesterday (Thursday), he said: “I heard lots of voices – and the voice of my son. Cries for help. Shouting. I thought it was burglars come to steal from my house. But it was the police.”
Court of Appeal Update + New Prisoner Number For Elijah Smith
17-03-2010 16:35
The crown prosecution admitted defeat, and chose not to take the arguement to the court of appeal.Evidence of British company Lee Cooper trading in illegal Israeli settlement
16-03-2010 00:03
The other day we took a trip to to the settlement Ma'ale Adumim in search of signs of dodgy business dealings -and, for the first time, we found a British company trading directly in a settlement. Lee Cooper, a British denim company established in 1908, were joined by the international businesses Western Union, Dr Fischer and a Tower Records franchise in their willingness to make a profit out of the occupation.Lebanon: Checkpoints and more (Film)
15-03-2010 13:52

Smash EDO Iraq commemoration
15-03-2010 12:01

Video: Norman Finkelstein in Prag
13-03-2010 23:14

University Bosses admit Zionist links
13-03-2010 12:24
Universities UK admit links to Board of DeputiesWest Bank administration bans ceremony for the Palestinian resistance fighter
12-03-2010 15:53

Prevent another Holocaust...BOMB IRAN! (by Latuff)
12-03-2010 13:07

Palestine Film Night in Nottingham
11-03-2010 09:19
Nottingham branch of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign in conjunction with the Nottingham Jenin Friendship Group will be holding a series of film evenings to highlight the plight of Palestinians suffering under Israel's brutal military occupation.Iran Is A Threat To Peace! Iran Is A Threat To Peace! (by Latuff)
10-03-2010 07:34

Derry Friends of Palestine (by Latuff)
09-03-2010 18:57

8th of March in Palestine (by Latuff)
07-03-2010 23:55

Russell Tribunal Palestine
06-03-2010 11:15

Mossad Comes to America: Death Squads by Invitation
04-03-2010 21:01

Wave of repression shows that Israel is beginning to take our movement seriously
04-03-2010 19:08
To read more of our Palestine Research blogs visit corporateoccupation.wordpress.comQalandiya Termainal - Entering the Corporate Nightmare
02-03-2010 16:03
To read more of our Palestine Research blogs visit corporateoccupation.wordpress.comOx Arab Soc present :- Israeli Apartheid Week
02-03-2010 10:42
An amazing series of films and lectures. The Wednesday film is amazing