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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Refusing to accept apartheid in Beit Jala

23-12-2007 12:56

View on Abu Salim's land
Last night the rains finally arrived in Beit Jala, a small town in the West Bank, one kilometer west of Bethlehem and about eight kilometers south of Jerusalem. Its alluring hills are covered with olive trees, vineyards and apricots. In 1967 Israel confiscated 22 percent of Beit Jala's land. Now, the construction of Israel's separation wall is in full swing and will cut off another 45 per cent of Beit Jala's land.

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'Father Christmas' beaten in West Bank

23-12-2007 12:51

An Israeli army spokesman said there had been disorder at the protest and that several demonstrators who were briefly detained were subsequently released.

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Open letter to Chief Constable of Sussex Police

23-12-2007 03:49

Police speak to Tony Greenstein during 2006 demo
Enclosed below is the text of a letter to the Chief Constable of Sussex Police, Martin Richards, calling for him to apologise for the behaviour of his officers at the demonstration against the bombing of Lebanon in August 2006. Also attached is an article in the Brighton Argus of 22-23 December 07.

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Urgent Callout – Funds needed to continue building Fasayil primary school

23-12-2007 00:53

Brighton- Tubas Friendship an Solidarity Group is a network aiming to foster links between grassroots groups in Tubas, Palestine and Brighton, UK

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Physicians for Human Rights Gaza Update - Another Seasonal Shame

22-12-2007 14:47

Keep in mind that these measures violate International Law as well as Israel's own laws. IMC attacks, like the ones that have been occuring worldwide, haven't been this consistent since Israel attacked Jenin. This signals that the Government is frightened of this information getting out, because it knows full well that what it's engaged in is illegal and immoral, but it just doesn't care.

It will continue in its war to wipe Palestine off the map until it is made to stop.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 51 2007

22-12-2007 08:27

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for December 15th, through December 21st, 2007.

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ITT offices targeted in Basingstoke

20-12-2007 18:53

On 20th December at 13:30 15 activists targeted the ITT offices in Basingstoke, to protest against the takeover of Brighton arms manufacturer EDO MBM by the infamous ITT corporation, expected to be completed today.

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Palestine Today 122007

20-12-2007 16:05

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday December 20th, 2007.

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Palestine Today 121907

19-12-2007 16:06

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday December 19th, 2007.

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Palestine: PFLP Launches English Website

18-12-2007 20:31

We are launching this English website today, on our historic anniversary, for a number of reasons. We stand today amidst an ongoing assault on our people, marked by occupation, exile, imprisonment, siege, assassination, destruction and invasion, an assault that has continued for sixty years.

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Palestine Today 121807

18-12-2007 16:14

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday December 18th, 2007.

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Brighton Arms Dealers to be taken Over by Company who Traded with Hitler

18-12-2007 11:12

Smash EDO Press Release


Brighton Arms Dealers to be taken Over by Company who Traded with Hitler

Contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh for more details

tel 07875708873


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Christmas Boycott of Isralie goods from occupied territories

17-12-2007 20:22

This is a small but user friendly list of specific 'festive' products that come from 'illegal' settlements in the occupied territories in Palestine. Please pass around to networks and groups and gladly print out if need be and distribute to shops, supermarkets and health foods stores

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Palestine Today 121707

17-12-2007 15:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday December 17th, 2007.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 50 2007

14-12-2007 17:52

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for December 8th, through December 14th, 2007.

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Red Cross Condemns Gaza Collective Punishment

14-12-2007 01:00

Like the Jews during the 30's, the Palestinians of Gaza must be asking "Where is the world?".

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Dead Man Walking

13-12-2007 21:49


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Palestine Today 121307

13-12-2007 15:39

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday December 13th, 2007.

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Diaries From Troubled Times

13-12-2007 00:09

My hat's off to Alan Rickman!

The willingness of the Zionist Extremists to spit upon the memory of this murdered activist only reinforces Corrie's message.