UK Palestine Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 07 27 2011
27-07-2011 15:54

Palestine Today 07 26 2011
26-07-2011 15:37

Parachute Jump for Children Mobile Library in the Gaza Strip
25-07-2011 21:03

Palestine Today 07 25 2011
25-07-2011 15:51

This Week in Palestine week 29 2011
22-07-2011 16:03

Call for Action for Palestine
21-07-2011 18:52
September will be a grand month, the UN, for the first time will vote on recognising Palestine as a sovereign state within the 1967 borders. Politically this is the most significant mile stone since the Oslo peace accord. This isn't yet an end to the occupation, what is likely to happen is that the US will veto it, probably in the security council.So, the most likely outcome is that there will be a Palestinian state for a few weeks.
Smash EDO wants your messages!
21-07-2011 16:18
Do you have a message you'd like to send to the worker's of the notorious EDO/ITT arms factory in Brighton? Or maybe you know a poem/piece of writing about war or the arms trade that you think they should hear? E-mail your ideas to
Smash EDO 2012 Summer of Resistance Speaking Tour
21-07-2011 15:19
Smash EDO, Brighton's long running anti militarist campaign against weaponsmanufacturer EDO/ITT, are planning a 'summer of resistance' against the factory in
2012. This might seem like a long way away but as we want to involve as many people as possible across the country and beyond we are starting our outreach early. In order to engage people to take action against EDO, we are planning a tour across the country in Winter 2011 (from late October/November). We were wondering if you or any other group you are in contact with might be interested in providing a venue where we could come and give a talk in your area?
Palestine Today 07 20 2011
20-07-2011 16:19

Palestine Today 07 19 2011
19-07-2011 14:18

Israeli navy intercepts and boards Gaza-bound French boat Dignite
19-07-2011 11:17
- The Israeli navy has intercepted and boarded the French-flagged boat Dignite Al-Karame as it neared Gaza, an IDF statement said.Source: Ma'an News, Bethlehem (Occupied Palestinian Territories)
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French boat on its way to Gaza: the Dignité has sailed
18-07-2011 18:25

The French boat “Dignité/Karama” (Dignity) left the Greek island Kastellorizo around 8:30PM local time on Saturday July 16, 2011, heading south. The ten passengers onboard view themselves as representatives of the whole Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human. The rest of the Flotilla’s ships have been detained in different Greek ports, through bureaucratic obstruction, sabotage, sudden restrictions and withdrawals of flags.
Palestine Today 07 18 2011
18-07-2011 15:29

Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
18-07-2011 13:45
A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton's very own peddlers ofdeath. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!
Invitation, Olive picking, Palestine, 15th October 2011
16-07-2011 13:33
2011 will be the 8th year the annual JAI / ATG Olive Picking Program in Palestine from October 15th to 24th 2011. This event is of special significance to the Palestinian economy when all energies and efforts are mobilised.This Week in Palestine Week 28 2011
15-07-2011 17:23

Palestine Today 07 14 2011
14-07-2011 14:47

‘Flytilla’ Volunteers Arrive Back in the UK
13-07-2011 23:28

The activists were there to greet several ‘Flytilla’ volunteers deported by Israel from Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv. The volunteers had made an attempt to travel to Bethlehem in the Occupied West Bank for the “Welcome to Palestine” initiative. Up to 600 volunteers had made plans to fly into Ben Gurion from Friday onwards to form a solidarity delegation that would visit Palestinians in various towns and villages in the West Bank, illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.
Palestine Today 07 13 2011
13-07-2011 15:28

Reminder: Noise demo for Simon Levin at EDO today
13-07-2011 11:43
There will be a special noise demo in honour of friend and Smash EDO activist Simon Levin today (Wednesday 13th of July) at EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton 4-6pm.