UK Palestine Newswire Archive
The Alley - New Film from Palestine
12-02-2007 13:27

Palestine! (by Latuff)
12-02-2007 10:41

Demonstration at Carmel Agrexco - Don't flirt with the Occupation
11-02-2007 18:38
Demonstrators outside Carmel Agrexco yesterday disrupted business for the Israeli company which exports produce from illegal settlements in Palestine's Occupied Territories. Demonstrators were calling for a boycott of Israeli goods, specifically urging people not to but Israeli produced flowers this Valentine's Day.Don't flirt with the occupation
11-02-2007 12:08

Hackney Palestine Solidarity members protest against Valentine’s Day flowers grown on illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land
On Saturday 10th February, Hackney PSC members joined a large group of protesters against Israeli agricultural export company Agrexco(UK) Ltd at their Hayes depot. Agrexco/Carmel are dealing with large amounts of Israeli flowers in the build up to Valentine's Day. Agrexco is Israel's largest exporter of agricultural produce into the European Union, and is 50% Israeli state owned. It imports produce from illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which appropriate land and water resources by military force from Palestinian farmers in a deliberate policy of colonial settlement. As a result of the protest on Saturday 10th February, deliveries had to be rescheduled.

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Second Day of Action Against Israeli Company Importing Valentine's Day Flowers
11-02-2007 08:38
Sunday 11th February 2007PRESS RELEASE
Photos/Interviews, Call 07845039980, email

Embroidery in Bethlehem
10-02-2007 20:51
Embroidery in Bethlehem - an account of a circus touring palestine.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Report from Carmel-Agrexco Action
10-02-2007 14:37
Over 100 protesters gathered outside Israeli company Carmel-Agrexco's UK headquarters in Hayes, Middlesex, in a mass picket of the depot. Protesters are blocking both gates. At least 2 lorries have been turned away. There are Palestinian flags waving and someone has made a coffin covered with 'Carmel flowers'. Police have been stop-and-searching people without any legal basis. They also half-heartedly attempted to coral people into pens but haven't succeeded.Palestine Today 020807
08-02-2007 17:45

A young Palestinian woman was injured on Thursday afternoon at an Israeli army checkpoint near Nablus. Ten Palestinian civilians were injured in a protest against the Jerusalem demolition, these stories and more coming up stay tuned.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
08-02-2007 14:01
Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and senior lecturer at Haifa University. He's also Academic Director of the Research Institute for Peace at Givat Haviva and Chair of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian Studies. Pappe is an expert on Israel and Zionism and the Palestinians' Right of Return to their homeland, is considered "an honourable academic with integrity and conscience," and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Council for Palestinian Restitution and Repatriation (CPRR), an organization declaring that "every Palestinian has a legitimate, individual right to return to his or her original home and to absolute restitution of his or her property."CPS Drop Prosecution of Brighton Activist Arrested Calling For Boycottt of Israel
06-02-2007 15:46
Press release7th February 2007
Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign
‘Quartet’ Corners PLO, Hamas into Critical Options
06-02-2007 11:27
By Nicola Nasser* -- In Washington on February 2, the Middle East Quartet of peace mediators promised the Palestinian people more of the same devastating status quo, perpetuating their 40-year old Israeli occupation, prolonging the international siege imposed on them, exacerbating their internal divide, and thus cornering them into a situation that they can only shake off either through civil war or unconditional surrender to the U.S.-backed Israeli-dictated fait accompli.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
The “War against Terror” is a War against the People
06-02-2007 00:12
In this interview recorded by Swiss journalist Silvia Cattori in November 2005 - more than six months before the war launched against Lebanon by Israeli army in summer 2006 – Youssef Aschkar was warning that the destabilization of Lebanon, Syria and Iran was under way, and that Lebanon was the country most threatened and most vulnerable to the Israeli menace. In the light of the recent developments in the region, the accuracy of his analysis appears impressive and almost prophetic.DAVE ROVICS/ATILLA THE STOCKBROKER in Cardiff!
05-02-2007 17:51
GIG: ATTILA THE STOCKBROKER & DAVID ROVICSSunday 11 February at Callaghans (opposite the Castle)
Tickets: £7 on the door. £5 concessions or in advance from Oyster Clothing, Castle Arcade. All profits go to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
From Brighton to Beirut Public Meeting
05-02-2007 10:30
Caiomhe Butterly, an activist who was in Lebanon during last summer's bombing, and speakers from the Smash EDO campaign will talk about the direct action response to the Israeli attack on LebanonFLASHBACK: A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties
05-02-2007 00:52

Fundaiser for a Palestinian Charity
04-02-2007 21:40
Fundraising gig on the 9th february to raise money for and awareness of a palestinian charity - The Ansar Centre near Bethlehem.Boycott Campaigners to picket Israeli Company on Feb 10th at 1pm
04-02-2007 13:47
Demo on 10th outside Carmel-Agrexco in HayesOnly a stones thsrow away from the No borders demo at Harmondsworth - why not go to both?
Queeruption 9 Feedback & Anit-G8 Benefit Party
03-02-2007 00:11

An afternoon about Queeruption 9 in Tel Aviv, Israel and Palestine.
1-8pm, donations probably to support weekly queer demos in Al-Kuds, Palestine
8pm till late
Queers against the G8, benefit party (
Saturday 3rd Febuary 2007
RampART Social Centre, 15-17 Rampart St, off Commercial Rd, London. Whitechapel tube.
See below for daytime programme and flyer for party info.
Israel Rape Forces
02-02-2007 10:21
They can have the biggest WMD arsenal in the world, but they "nuke" Palestinian women almost every day...Israel's Kafkaesque "Matrix of Control"
01-02-2007 15:00
The following article by Stephen Lendman (
Leaked Israeli Document Gives Frightening Glimpse of Apartheid

Looking to the Side, From Belsen to Gaza
John Pilger