To shoot an elephant (Proiezione globale)
Eguzki Bideoak | 12.01.2010 17:24 | Palestine | World
The “To shoot an elephant” team calls for a Global Screening-Global Screaming Day for Gaza on January 18^th , 2010
The 18^th of January 2010 is the first anniversary of the end to the bombing by Israel of the Gaza Strip; an attack which began on the 27^th of December 2008, and lasted until the 18^th of January 2009, and in which 1,412 Palestinians lost their lives. The documentary /To shoot an elephant/ is an eye witness account from within the Gaza Strip of what occurred during those days. This direct and privileged narration becomes a tool with which we can confront the Israeli propaganda about what really happened there and the silence of the international community.
The “To shoot an elephant” team calls for a Global Screening-Global Screaming Day for Gaza on January 18^th , 2010
The 18^th of January 2010 is the first anniversary of the end to the bombing by Israel of the Gaza Strip; an attack which began on the 27^th of December 2008, and lasted until the 18^th of January 2009, and in which 1,412 Palestinians lost their lives. The documentary /To shoot an elephant/ is an eye witness account from within the Gaza Strip of what occurred during those days. This direct and privileged narration becomes a tool with which we can confront the Israeli propaganda about what really happened there and the silence of the international community.
The “To shoot an elephant” team calls for a Global Screening-Global Screaming Day for Gaza on January 18^th , 2010
The 18^th of January 2010 is the first anniversary of the end to the bombing by Israel of the Gaza Strip; an attack which began on the 27^th of December 2008, and lasted until the 18^th of January 2009, and in which 1,412 Palestinians lost their lives. The documentary /To shoot an elephant/ is an eye witness account from within the Gaza Strip of what occurred during those days. This direct and privileged narration becomes a tool with which we can confront the Israeli propaganda about what really happened there and the silence of the international community.
For its value as a testimony of the civilian population, /To shoot an elephant/ has become a legitimate account which tells of what really happened there. It is an irreplaceable image of what the mass media tries to hide, an exceptional soundtrack to be listened to by those who live under Zionist control... Fragments of reality showing what life is like inside a war where there is no possibility of escape.
As well as its narrative and informative value, /To shoot an elephant/ is an example of a collective, autonomous and horizontal effort, which aims to innovate the methods and ways in which audiovisual projects are carried out, as much in its production process as in its distribution and diffusion. By opting, with deliberation for the collective work process and Creative Commons licensing our aim is for the documentary to overcome the limits of those who produce it, and that it becomes the material of those who view it.
From the /To shoot an elephant/ team we are calling on any individual, group or collective to organise a screening on the 18^th of January 2010; it doesn't matter where, at what time, or in what way it is done, the only condition being, that there is no charge or entry fee. Be it in a town square, a cinema, a theatre, cultural centre, school or college, the headquarters of a collective, social centre, squat centre...
We are calling it a Global Screening and our wish is for it to become a global event, not only on the Net but also on a local level; and for it to become a reality in the form of antagonistic communication, and therefore constitute a victory over the existing international silence. And in so doing become a fundamental element of the networks and the diffusion of ideas.
The proposition of this Global Screening is for it to be a political event which commemorates last year's bombing, but also serves as an impulse for audiovisual material to be used as a tool for the sharing of information. So, the achievement of having it screened in as many places as possible will allow the documentary's discourse and the spreading of its message to become of a major significance as a consequence.
The documentary can be obtained in two ways: the purchase of the DVD through the website or by sending an email to We recommend that you place your orders as soon as possible so that all the copies can arrive to their destinations on time. Also, it will soon be available in /Torrent/ through a link which will be appearing on the website this week.
As well as the audiovisual content, all kinds of promotional material will also be made available on the documentary's website for use by whoever needs it (posters, flyers, postcards...) and specific promotional material of the screening for web use, such as banners and blank posters.
Continuing with the initial philosophy of this project, we are asking for a certain response in the form of communication and diffusion of what takes place at the screenings, what is discussed and debated as a result of this event. With this in mind, we will open a direct line of communication on the web, so that all this information can be made available... And through its sharing, result in everyone feeling part of a larger collective force.
If the delicate beating of a butterfly's wings can produce a hurricane, then these audiovisual whisperings could move those around us and help undermine the foundations of the Israeli Wall. This is what we are hoping from this Global Screening and for those of us who participate in it. The more people who participate, the greater the possibilities that our collective screams penetrate the thick silence that cloaks the endless nights of Gaza.
We want to see you, hear you and read about you all on the 18^th of January
The contents of this documentary, the way in which has been produced and its diffusion are the basis of the global project which is /To shoot an elephant/. Also the collaboration, creative autonomy and the freedom of access to all the information have been the principles behind this work. Principles which directly affect the heart of capitalist cultural production, severing the chains established in mainstream production and creating a space which confronts the powers that be.
The last link in this chain is that of distribution, which deserves particular attention: this is our documentary and the documentary of everyone who sees it, downloads it, puts it out on the /Net/ or screens it. For this reason we also want to propose a distribution which allows the redistribution of the money obtained from sales of the DVD's. This proposal comes from the video-activist collective Eguzki Bideoak, who are responsible for part of the production of the documentary and the publication of the DVD.
Taking advantage of the concentration of thousands of people at the screenings on the 18^th of January, we believe this an ideal occasion in which to sell the multi-language DVD which we are producing for the event. As well as showing the documentary, we would like to propose to the groups participating, the possibility of a mass distribution of the film through these events. The idea is to make copies of the DVD available to these groups for sale before, during and after the screenings. All the groups organising screenings who are interested need to place orders before the 20th ^ of December or before the end of the year. The deadline for preparing the dispatch of shipments is the 5th of January.
The retail sale price of the DVD is 12 €. The participating groups will be able to purchase the DVD at half price, which is 6 €. Therefore the different groups will be able to obtain funds for their collectives or organisations, in order to continue their respective activities. Eguzki Bideoak will be responsible for arranging the producing and sending out of the copies of the film. Due to reasons of organisation the number of DVD's can only be dispatched in multiples of 25. Payment: Each different group will have to make payment upfront of the amount which corresponds to the number of DVD's they intend to sell, plus the cost of shipping. In the event of the shipping costs amounting to more than 100 €, Eguzki Bideoak will will pay 50% of those costs.
The “To shoot an elephant” team calls for a Global Screening-Global Screaming Day for Gaza on January 18^th , 2010
The 18^th of January 2010 is the first anniversary of the end to the bombing by Israel of the Gaza Strip; an attack which began on the 27^th of December 2008, and lasted until the 18^th of January 2009, and in which 1,412 Palestinians lost their lives. The documentary /To shoot an elephant/ is an eye witness account from within the Gaza Strip of what occurred during those days. This direct and privileged narration becomes a tool with which we can confront the Israeli propaganda about what really happened there and the silence of the international community.
For its value as a testimony of the civilian population, /To shoot an elephant/ has become a legitimate account which tells of what really happened there. It is an irreplaceable image of what the mass media tries to hide, an exceptional soundtrack to be listened to by those who live under Zionist control... Fragments of reality showing what life is like inside a war where there is no possibility of escape.
As well as its narrative and informative value, /To shoot an elephant/ is an example of a collective, autonomous and horizontal effort, which aims to innovate the methods and ways in which audiovisual projects are carried out, as much in its production process as in its distribution and diffusion. By opting, with deliberation for the collective work process and Creative Commons licensing our aim is for the documentary to overcome the limits of those who produce it, and that it becomes the material of those who view it.
From the /To shoot an elephant/ team we are calling on any individual, group or collective to organise a screening on the 18^th of January 2010; it doesn't matter where, at what time, or in what way it is done, the only condition being, that there is no charge or entry fee. Be it in a town square, a cinema, a theatre, cultural centre, school or college, the headquarters of a collective, social centre, squat centre...
We are calling it a Global Screening and our wish is for it to become a global event, not only on the Net but also on a local level; and for it to become a reality in the form of antagonistic communication, and therefore constitute a victory over the existing international silence. And in so doing become a fundamental element of the networks and the diffusion of ideas.
The proposition of this Global Screening is for it to be a political event which commemorates last year's bombing, but also serves as an impulse for audiovisual material to be used as a tool for the sharing of information. So, the achievement of having it screened in as many places as possible will allow the documentary's discourse and the spreading of its message to become of a major significance as a consequence.
The documentary can be obtained in two ways: the purchase of the DVD through the website or by sending an email to

As well as the audiovisual content, all kinds of promotional material will also be made available on the documentary's website for use by whoever needs it (posters, flyers, postcards...) and specific promotional material of the screening for web use, such as banners and blank posters.
Continuing with the initial philosophy of this project, we are asking for a certain response in the form of communication and diffusion of what takes place at the screenings, what is discussed and debated as a result of this event. With this in mind, we will open a direct line of communication on the web, so that all this information can be made available... And through its sharing, result in everyone feeling part of a larger collective force.
If the delicate beating of a butterfly's wings can produce a hurricane, then these audiovisual whisperings could move those around us and help undermine the foundations of the Israeli Wall. This is what we are hoping from this Global Screening and for those of us who participate in it. The more people who participate, the greater the possibilities that our collective screams penetrate the thick silence that cloaks the endless nights of Gaza.
We want to see you, hear you and read about you all on the 18^th of January
The contents of this documentary, the way in which has been produced and its diffusion are the basis of the global project which is /To shoot an elephant/. Also the collaboration, creative autonomy and the freedom of access to all the information have been the principles behind this work. Principles which directly affect the heart of capitalist cultural production, severing the chains established in mainstream production and creating a space which confronts the powers that be.
The last link in this chain is that of distribution, which deserves particular attention: this is our documentary and the documentary of everyone who sees it, downloads it, puts it out on the /Net/ or screens it. For this reason we also want to propose a distribution which allows the redistribution of the money obtained from sales of the DVD's. This proposal comes from the video-activist collective Eguzki Bideoak, who are responsible for part of the production of the documentary and the publication of the DVD.
Taking advantage of the concentration of thousands of people at the screenings on the 18^th of January, we believe this an ideal occasion in which to sell the multi-language DVD which we are producing for the event. As well as showing the documentary, we would like to propose to the groups participating, the possibility of a mass distribution of the film through these events. The idea is to make copies of the DVD available to these groups for sale before, during and after the screenings. All the groups organising screenings who are interested need to place orders before the 20th ^ of December or before the end of the year. The deadline for preparing the dispatch of shipments is the 5th of January.
The retail sale price of the DVD is 12 €. The participating groups will be able to purchase the DVD at half price, which is 6 €. Therefore the different groups will be able to obtain funds for their collectives or organisations, in order to continue their respective activities. Eguzki Bideoak will be responsible for arranging the producing and sending out of the copies of the film. Due to reasons of organisation the number of DVD's can only be dispatched in multiples of 25. Payment: Each different group will have to make payment upfront of the amount which corresponds to the number of DVD's they intend to sell, plus the cost of shipping. In the event of the shipping costs amounting to more than 100 €, Eguzki Bideoak will will pay 50% of those costs.
Eguzki Bideoak
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