UK Palestine Newswire Archive
UN school attacked by IDF - Interview with Alberto Arce
06-01-2009 22:15
To listen to the recorded Interview use this link:
Jabalia - 4th Jan 6pm - 5th Jan 5pm
06-01-2009 20:43
The Interview with Alberto about the attack on the Al Awda hospital can be heard here:
This article has been censored two times on indymedia germany...
Thank you for giving us asylum.
Bloody day in Gaza: 82 killed in 24 hours Date: 06 / 01 / 2009 Time: 21:45
06-01-2009 20:21

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, more than 640 have been killed over eleven days of Israeli attacks on Gaza. More than 2,850 have been killed.
The Crime of the Zionists and the Transnational Elite and the Stand of the Left
06-01-2009 19:54
It is, therefore, obvious that the crimes of the Zionists will never be forgiven and forgotten by the peoples of the world in general and the Arab peoples in particular, unless the Jews in Israel and their communities abroad begin a systematic campaign to overthrow this criminal regime and its ideology and replace it with a multicultural regime for all the peoples of Palestine as the first step towards the creation of a confederal Inclusive Democracy there, i.e. a genuine democracy involving the equal distribution of power among all citizens.Images from the Gaza solidarity demo, 03.01.09
06-01-2009 19:52

The day commenced with a march from Embankment through Westminster to Trafalgar Square.
Later in the evening there was a larger, more aggressive demo outside the Israeli Embassy near High Street Kensington.
Resistance against the War in Israel
06-01-2009 19:12

National Gaza demo in pictures.
06-01-2009 18:17

Saturdays demo was very loud and angry. The Police, following their usual government agenda, said that a mere 10,000 were in attendance. Meanwhile the Stop the War Coalition doubled the figures to 50,000. Both faction should be congratulated for their consistency if nothing else.
After the demo a march heading for the embassy was stopped by Police in an underpass while several thousand others made their way there by tube.
Massacre: 42 killed by Israeli shelling at UN school in Jabaliya Refugee Camp
06-01-2009 17:37
Updated 18:07Gaza – Ma’an – Israeli forces killed at least 42 Palestinians at a UN school that was sheltering displaced people in Jabaliya Refugee Camp in the northern Gaza Strip late on Tuesday afternoon, medical officials confirmed to Ma’an.
According to initial reports, the school was destroyed, collapsing on top of Palestinians who took shelter inside from the intense bombardment by Israeli air and ground forces.
Unconventional Weapons against the People of Gaza
06-01-2009 17:25

Manchester Gaza vigils continue
06-01-2009 16:56
Dates and times for Manchester Gaza vigilsPolicing of Palestine demo 'like Hillsborough'
06-01-2009 16:33
Anger over the policing of last Saturday's Palestinian solidarity demonstration in London continued today, with activists saying the police were "asking for another Hillsborough disaster".U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel: Stop the Israeli Massacre in Gaza!
06-01-2009 15:58
Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.Personal account of riot police charges in Hyde Park underpass
06-01-2009 14:46
This is an account of someones experience of police thuggery on saturdays demo for Gaza.Israel spreads death and destruction as it advances into Gaza
06-01-2009 14:29
The toll of Palestinians killed and wounded continues to rise rapidly as Israel intensifies its combined air and ground assault on the largely defenseless and starved Gaza Strip.Safe Place for Gaza
06-01-2009 14:27
The memorial tent is the safe place, a space of reflection for people to come together to remember those Gazans murdered during Israel’s horrific attacks on a civilan population.Political and religious dispute should not prevent us from gathering and simply honouring those who have lost their lives in this collective punishment, Israel’s means of terrifying an entire nation.
To date 531 people have died and 2500 have been severely injured, 40 % of which are children.
But these are just numbers not the lives behind the figures nor all the pain and suffering of those still living, facing starvation and constant assault by air, land and water.
In memory of those lost in this bloody act of genocide we ask you to erect a tent in a central location in your local area and invite all, to sit and remember those people lost to our world.
Screening: Occupation 101 - Palestine Solidarity film & Discussion 7th/8th Jan
06-01-2009 11:08
Palestine Solidarity NOWAn Open Letter From Anti-Zionist Jewish Youth in Canada January 5th, 2009
06-01-2009 07:53
Like much of the world, we have spent the last week watching in shock and disgust as Israel continues its assault on the Gaza Strip. With the body count rising and a new tragedy in full bloom, we feel that it is important to speak out as Jewish youth in Canada and to denounce what Israel is doing in our name. The Jewish diaspora is diverse and divided on its positions on the state of Israel's policies. At this juncture in history, as Israel has committed its worst massacre in Gaza since it began its illegal occupation in 1967, we feel that it is crucial that Jews speak out and denounce Israel's actions that amount to no less than war crimes committed by an apartheid state.As Jewish youth, we are diverse, but we are unified in our solidarity with
our Palestinian brothers and sisters in Gaza.
Wednesday Noise Demo at EDO
05-01-2009 22:52
After stuffing their faces all Christmas the workers of Edo/ITT are back at work this week to continue to make parts to kill and maim innocent people in Gaza.Traveling to National Gaza Demo in London from Brighton next Saturday
05-01-2009 22:36
All activist groups in Brighton are called upon to join the national protest to stop the massacre in Gaza