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UK Palestine Newswire Archive

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Waitrose Supermarket Occupied on International BDS Day of Action

31-03-2010 15:04

On Tuesday 30th March, in line with the Palestinian called International Day of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, approximately 50 activists from a variety of Palestine solidarity groups, inclusive of War on Want, International Solidarity Movement, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and numerous others, entered Waitrose in the Barbican, Central London, to protest the sale of Settlement and Israeli produce.

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Defend the Gaza Protestors

31-03-2010 09:14

Chris, George & Jeremy outside the Home Office
A small group of protesters came to the Home Office on Tuesday evening to protest against the trials of protesters, mainly young Muslims, against the Israeli invasion of Gaza last year and the draconian sentences which are being imposed. London, UK. 30/03/2010 Photos Copyright (C) 2010, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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A glimmer of hope for the London-Gaza protesters

30-03-2010 12:18

All charges were dropped against 24 year old protester Jake Smith yesterday in Isleworth Crown Court after it emerged that the police had withheld crucial CCTV footage which could have exonerated him at a much earlier stage. The prosecution held onto the footage for 14 months and only released an extra seven and a half hours worth of video evidence to his legal team the day before his trial was due to take place, hidden amongst which were a few vital seconds of exculpatory evidence. Jake had been charged with two counts of violent disorder which included moving a police barricade during the protests, but what the withheld footage has now revealed was him being hit repeatedly by the police with their batons and shields and then him falling to the ground only 37 seconds before he moved the barrier, which he said he did for his own protection.

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Smash EDO in Tel Aviv!

29-03-2010 21:07

Sunday the 28th of March saw the campaign entering the belly of the beast as two Smash EDOers held a public meeting with Israeli anti occupation activists in Tel Aviv, Israel.

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Support Ka'abne School against Demolition by the Israeli Military

29-03-2010 20:20

for more info see

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7 ways to stop musical ‘ambassadors’ for Israel

29-03-2010 20:17

Protesters in London disrupted a Live Radio 3 broadcast of the Jerusalem Quartet. They drew attention to the Quartet’s strong links to the Israeli Army, Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians, particularly its illegal occupation of Palestinian land, its ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem, the apartheid nature of the Israeli state, and its attempt to starve the people of Gaza into submission.

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Global Boycott Divestment Sanctions Day Action

29-03-2010 19:46

We will be leafletting outside Tesco's on the Cowley Road from 5 to 7pm Tuesday 30th March against the continued stealing of goods by Israel from illegally occupied Palestinian Land.

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Protesters disrupted a lunchtime performance by the Jerusalem Quartet in London

29-03-2010 19:25




Protesters disrupted a lunchtime performance by the Jerusalem Quartet in London today. The concert at the Wigmore Hall was being broadcast by the BBC.

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The Buds of Peace? An Interview with Workers from Tulkarem Industrial Zone

28-03-2010 21:43

The Nitzanei Shalom settlement industrial zone was built on the land of the West Bank town of Tulkarem in the early eighties. The land was confiscated by order of the Israeli military. The name means 'the ‘buds of peace’. Presently the zone houses eight factories owned by Israelis but worked in by Palestinians. The zone has been accused of causing a deterioration in health for the nearby residents of Tulkarem, unsafe working conditions and underpaying workers.

Corporate Watch interviewed several workers from the Solor and Yamit factories:

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Pickets against Ahava build momentum

28-03-2010 21:12

ISM London joined Palestine solidarity activists descending on central London today for the second of an ongoing series of demonstrations against the Ahava cosmetics store. The Israeli company specialises in Dead Sea products made in the illegal West Bank settlement of Mitzpe Shalem.

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More jail terms for Gaza protesters

27-03-2010 14:16

26th March 2010 – Lizzie Cocker in Isleworth

Police hide video evidence from defence lawyers.

Two more youngsters charged with violent disorder during last year’s protests against Israel’s two-week massacre of the Gazan people have been handed harsh jail terms.

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Palestine campaigners threatened with legal gag

26-03-2010 13:50

March 29th will see the resumption in an Edinburgh court of an extraordinary trial with disturbing implications for freedom of expression and campaigners for Palestinian rights.

Back in August 2008, five members of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign disrupted an Edinburgh performance of the Jerusalem Quartet, who are promoted and indeed contracted to act as official ambassadors of the Israeli state and specifically the Israel Defence Forces. The protesters shouted “End the siege of Gaza”, “Boycott Israel”, “Israel is an apartheid state”, “Stand up for human rights” and similar slogans, were detained by security guards, handed over to the police and charged with a breach of the peace.

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UK Company Exporting from Jordan Valley Settlements

26-03-2010 05:30

Illegal settlement trading: another company exposed.

For picture evidence, visit

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UN Human Rights Council adopts 5 resolutions against Israel

26-03-2010 01:03

Israeli ambassador gestures during the UN Human Rights Council session on 24 Mar
The UN Human Rights Council has roundly condemned Israel in resolutions tabled under the agenda item 7, “Human Rights Situation in Palestine and Other Occupied Arab Territories”. Five resolutions have been adopted against Israel, amounting to the greatest number of condemnatory resolutions on a single country.

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Gaza Protestors Sentencing Under Scrutiny.

25-03-2010 13:12

A number of the Gaza protestors have achieved victory in recent cases.

The first appeal was heard today and the Appeal Judges took 15 minutes to rule that the defendant should not be serving a custodial sentence! The defendant is now back at home with family.

One defendant who appeared in court yesterday was found not guilty on the grounds that the prosecution withdrew their evidence as they believed it would not help result in a conviction!

The first two cases of defendants pleading not guilty were heard last week and resulted in a not guilty verdict.

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Support the Decommissioners - on Trial - May 17th

24-03-2010 13:11

The EDO Decommissioners always intended to go to trial – now set for May 17th – Not as the accused but as the accusers making the case that their action was lawful because they were disarming an arms factory which is complicit in war crimes.

Postponed from last autumn, the trial of the six people charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage at the ITT/EDO MBM offices in Brighton in January 2009 now begins on May 17th.

On 17th January 2009, as the bombs rained down on Gaza, the six defendants entered the EDO factory. They threw computers and filing cabinets out of the first floor window and took hammers to machinery used for weapons production. Their aim was to disable the war machine and to take action against those who profit from the aerial bombardment of Gaza. The offices were out of action for a month.

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“Produce of Israel”: British Company Mislabelling Settlement Goods

23-03-2010 23:36

Herbs inside the Halpert Moshe Packing House
Despite increased publicity regarding the labelling of Israeli settlement produce, and the recent DEFRA guidance on the matter which states that produce from the settlements should be labelled as such, it only took us a few minutes inside the illegal Jordan Valley settlement of Mehola to find herbs bound for a British company being mislabelled. Herbs bearing the logo of Fresh Direct, who have their head office in Oxfordshire, were spotted inside the Halpert Moshe ‘fresh herbs’ packing house which operates under the Carmel Agrexco banner. At this location herbs being prepared came with a joint Fresh Direct/Carmel Agrexco label which clearly states the product as being “Produce of Israel”, despite being packaged in an organic farm on an illegal settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank. The label we collected was for 70 grams of sage with the text written in English, indicating that the contents were intended for export to Britain. There were also herbs labelled in German (without the Fresh Direct logo) inside the packing house.

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When Facts and Propaganda Collide - The BBC and Israel

23-03-2010 15:19

When a Thai kibbutz worker was killed in Israel by a rocket launched from Gaza last week, BBC News online gave the incident headline coverage flagged up on its home page. (BBC news online, ‘Rocket fire from Gaza kills man in southern Israel’, 23:42 GMT, Thursday, 18 March 2010)

By contrast, the killing of two Palestinian teenagers, Mohammad Qadus and Osaid Qadus, by Israeli soldiers on Saturday was buried at the end of a short news report on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's Middle East visit. Even worse, the BBC’s footnote simply echoed Israeli propaganda that “no live bullets were fired, only tear gas and rubber bullets”, despite ample evidence to the contrary. (BBC news online, ‘UN chief says Gaza suffering under Israeli blockade’, 11:26 GMT, Sunday, 21 March 2010)

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Support Gaza protesters at Court - 9:30, 26th March, Isleworth

23-03-2010 12:18

Many thousands of us came out to demonstrate against Israeli war crimes committed against the people of Gaza in January 2009. Motivated by images of violent death and destruction, and a desire to express solidarity with the people of Gaza, adults and children spontaneously gathered at the Israeli Embassy in London to demand justice.

Following these protests 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.
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