UK Gender Newswire Archive
Queer - 24th-26th February 2012
17-02-2012 18:54

Occupy Sheffield's Rally for the 99%
21-01-2012 15:17

Sheffield Somali Community Protest at Social Services Removal of 13 Year Old
09-01-2012 11:47

A short introduction to Reclaim the Fields
02-01-2012 12:36

Palestine Today 12 20 2011
20-12-2011 14:19

Filmshow: The God Delusion, The Cowley Club, Brighton (UK), 14/12/11, 7pm
09-12-2011 14:10
Since the last national census showed Brighton to be, in the words of the clubs nearest evangelical church, the 'most godless city in Britain', we have had a rash of Christian groups missioning here - even coming en mass from London on day trips etc. One group has taken to doing so next to the club and this filmshow is partly in response.In The Mirror - Three women, three stories, from the Chinese diaspora
07-11-2011 16:08

Whose media? Our media! (repost)
03-11-2011 19:20

Open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow
01-11-2011 17:35
Below is an open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow. If your organisation would like to sign the letter, please email
Weekly blog roundup
29-10-2011 11:03
The following is drawn from a variety of local activist blogsReclaim the night on Friday
24-10-2011 18:20

Happy 7th Billion Birthday
20-10-2011 06:36

"The Revolution is my Boyfriend" film
20-10-2011 05:48
Weekly blog roundup
01-10-2011 12:00
The following is a drawn from a variety of local activist & campaign blogs.
Sexual and physical abuse of domestic worker must be stopped
28-08-2011 10:17
While the Arab spring is bringing democracy to Libya and Egypt Saudi Arabia continues to abuse millions of domestic workers. Hundreds and maybe thousands of working class women working as virtual slave labourers in their employers houses in middle-eastern countries have been killed without. Nothing is done as working class women from poor countries are seen as expendable.