UK Gender Newswire Archive
Religious Bigots and Socpa
09-01-2007 19:36
Have the narrow minded, candle holding, daily mail reading bogots remembered to fill in their SOCPA requests and get the appropriate stamps? Or will they be left to peacefully protest........Publication French: Third Wave Feminism.
08-01-2007 22:38
"Féminismes. Théories, mouvements, conflits" - L'homme te la société, number 158(info & abstracts)
Philippines: shameless act of collaboration of the Arroyo regime & the U.S. govt
04-01-2007 22:39

This was the statement of Myrla Baldonado, spokesperson of Task Force Subic Rape (TFSR) on the stealthy transfer of custody of Daniel Smith from the Makati City Jail to the U.S. Embassy.
Religio Lobby unite to oppose gay equality laws-OutRage! puts 10 point plan
04-01-2007 15:54
New on etc about a campaign mounted by religionists to oppose the forthcoming gay equality laws regarding goods and services (and others)OutRage! issues 10 pont plan to ensure full compliance etc....
Solange Nlandu Therese Nsingu
03-01-2007 06:39

Ipswich Reclaim the Night photos
30-12-2006 14:45

organised a Reclaim the Night event to remember them and to make the
statement that they would not be staying indoors, afraid.
The 'Crossed Legs' Campaign: Colombian women try sex ban to stop gang violence
22-12-2006 15:28
Girlfriends and wives of gang members in Pereira, one of Colombia's most violent cities, have called a 'sex ban' in a bid to get their men to give up the gun. The idea of 'strike of crossed legs', which is backed by the mayor of Pereira, came from a meeting of wives and girlfriends over the progress of a disarmament scheme.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Ipswich Reclaim the Night march
22-12-2006 09:42
The organisers of the Ipswich Reclaim the Night march have issued the following press release:Cambridge Coach to Ipswich Reclaim the Night
21-12-2006 13:01

Audio: Princess Diana on confronting Camilla
21-12-2006 00:41
US Television network NBC aired a 'Larry King Live' special on March 1st 2004 which broadcast the hitherto secret taped conversations with Princess Diana.LAST CHANCE TO SAVE YOUR FEMINIST LIBRARY
20-12-2006 19:01
For a number of years the Feminist Library has existed in a state of permanent emergency, with a dwindling number of volunteers to take part in running the library, a precarious financial situation, uncertainty about its location, and a lack of womanpower to pursue crucial funding applications.BNP member arrested in Ipswich on suspicion of murder
20-12-2006 03:29
BNP member Steve Wright is identified as second person arrested in Suffolk of killing of five sex workers. The 48 year old fash was arrested in a dawn raid on his home in Ipswich's red light district, where he regularly took in prostitutes while his wife was at work.Cop held on prostitute killings
19-12-2006 02:39
It has now been confirmed that the man arrested over the Suffolk serial murders is a former policeman. Not only that, Police had previously searched his house and garden last month and he was accused with other sex crimes but the police choose not to continue their investigation. Romours are that Stephens is a member of the Free Maisons and pulled in favors from friends in the force to put a halt on possible prosecution.Raping and lynching in exotic Greece
16-12-2006 15:57
Raping and lynching in exotic GreeceReclaim the Night March in Ipswich
14-12-2006 21:45
After the bodies of 5 sex workers have been found murdered within 10 days of each other and the police advising women to stay at home, women in Ipswich are holding a march.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
14-12-2006 18:56
After the bodies of 5 sex workers have been found murdered within 10 days of each other and the police advising women to stay at home concerned citizens of Ipswich call you to:-Protest for abortion rights - March 2007
13-12-2006 13:51
Following the successful FEMINIST FIGHTBACK conference on 21 October, activists are organising a national march for abortion rights on Saturday 3 March - the weekend before International Women's Day (Thursday 8 March).