UK Gender Newswire Archive
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Reclaim the NIght needed in Ipswich
12-12-2006 16:59
A serial killer is apparently stalking the streets of Ipswich. The police response? To warn women to stay home and to not go out at night.The streets are deserted and only the desperate women venture out which makes them even more vulnerable. We need a reclaim the night march in Ipswich and we need it soon.
The Good News Behind the Bad for Middle Eastern Women
10-12-2006 00:04
Nikki Keddie, one of the nation's leading Middle East scholars, argues that despite Western stereotypes, women in many Middle Eastern countries are making great strides in terms of civil liberties and legal rights. But America's disastrous occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan threaten to undo much of the progress.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
NW Feminists: Women are not to blame for rape
09-12-2006 23:30
Saturday, afternoon - Manchester city centre: The North West Feminists took over the city centre with placards, magaphones and info to raise awareness about rape issues.Designer, Mask-Maker, Seamstress? (or just interested). We need you NOW.
09-12-2006 10:49
.Full article | 2 additions | 121 comments
All men are responsible for stopping male violence against women
07-12-2006 05:18
All men, both violent and non violent are responsible for stopping male violence against women because globally, men as a group hold more power than women.Asylum From Rape Bulletin October/November 2006
06-12-2006 16:31
Our Asylum from Rape Project provides self-help support services to rape survivors seeking asylum. We offer help and referrals, welcome volunteers and provide guidance to organisations on how to meet women’s needs.OutRage!: Iraq death squads target gays
06-12-2006 16:28
Gay rights group news release with evidence of Iraqi death squads attacks on lgbt people in Iraq.(see also the story in the current Pink Paper-front page...The article on p10 above the continuation of this story in PP has Home Office minister Ian McCartney pledging to tackle homophobia wordlwide. Yeah right, bet he won't do much about this.....Reclaim the Night photos + report
04-12-2006 11:49

Afghanistan and liberal blindness.
03-12-2006 21:42
On Iraq, there is some dissent, some unease, some sense that there might be other purposes involved than 'liberation', but when it comes to Afghanistan there is at most a sense that the damned place may be beyond repair, despite our best efforts to create a thriving democracy with equal rights for women there. There is an almost foolproof way to establish that this is indeed the effort underway: you demand proof that anything else is the case, and when it is presented, you dismiss it as a conspiracy theory.QUEERUPTION 9 Event at SOAS, Wednesday 6/12, 6.30pm
02-12-2006 12:43

OutRage!- gay refugees abused at UK detention centre.
01-12-2006 16:42
OutRage! reveals the abuse of lgbt people held in Harmondsworth. (and demands all such places should be closed.)Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
The Weight Of A Woman
29-11-2006 13:40

Reclaim The Night- TOMORROW 6.30pm
27-11-2006 20:30
Oxford University Student Union is organising a Reclaim The Night march on the 28th November, protesting against violence against women and demonstrating for the right of women to walk the streets at night without fear. All women from Oxford and the local area are warmly invited to join the march- we want to unite the local community of Oxford for this march.Support Mercy Murua and Peter Gichura, disabled activists at risk of deportation
27-11-2006 17:23

We ask you to take action and speak out in support of Mercy Murua and Peter Gichura, two disabled activists who face almost certain persecution and death if they are deported back to Kenya. Ms, Murua is in WinVisible, and Mr, Gichura takes part in our joint activities, including the "Claim the Buses" transport action day by wheelchair users, organised by Transport for All in August 2006.
Filipino women demand justice for Nicole, speedy resolution of Subic rape case
27-11-2006 03:35

Feminist Film season continues in London
26-11-2006 20:26
Great films on December 2 and 3rd in central LondonMisjudging rape
25-11-2006 20:26
Adjudicators (now known as immigration judges) flout international law and even their own guidelines when they consider the asylum claims of women and girls seeking safety and protection from rape.Behind the Governments Veil of Deceit
23-11-2006 00:37
News feature in response to the veil (niqāb) issue raging in Europe.Reclaim The Screens!
21-11-2006 11:26
Reclaim The Screens feminist film season at Renoir Curzon Cinema: 25th November, 2nd & 3rd December