UK Gender Newswire Archive
Reclaim The Night!
21-11-2006 11:22
On Saturday 25th November – to coincide with International Day to End Violence Against Women – thousands of women of all ages and ethnicities will march together through the centre of London, to Reclaim the Night.IDAHO-to lead gay decrim' campaign at UN
17-11-2006 14:41
Intl Day Agianst Homophobia organization launches major UN campaign todayJackie B. belongs in South Wales
17-11-2006 13:31
Jackie B. (not real name) and her child MThis young woman is a torture and rape victim, who was accepted by the Immigration Appellate Authority as a 'believable witness'. However her appeal was refused in 2005 on the grounds that even though she was suspected of being an LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) member and a torture and rape victim, she would not be in danger of persecution if she was returned to another part of Uganda, such as Kampala.
ILGayA: report of 10th anniv meeting in Sofia.
13-11-2006 16:38
Intl Gay and lesbian Association-Europe Report on their 10th anniversary meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria.Outrage!- Jerusalem gay Pride unites fundamentalists but...
13-11-2006 16:27
Peter Tatchell's comment blog in The Guardian on Jerusalem gay Pride...(Stand by to repel SWP type lefties claiming CIA shenanigans etc...see below)..
GALHA: Russian gay activist fights on...
13-11-2006 16:20
At a Gay & Lesbian Humanist Asso meeting last Friday in London a Russian gay activist vowed to fight on despite the threats from the far-right and religionists.legalise cannabis party rehashed
12-11-2006 23:25
The 'Legalise Cannabis Alliance' (LCA), a legally constituted political party which stood candidates in Parliamentary elections against prohibitionists in the Labour, Tory, Liberal and even the Green Party, has decided on a major change of strategy.Last ditch attempt to stop deportation of young lesbian
12-11-2006 00:20
A last ditch attempt to stop Faridah Kenyini being deported is being organised by Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR). We are asking people to take phone/fax action and if you live in the Heathrow area, to leaflet at the airport on Monday afternoon.RECLAIM THE NIGHT March- Oxford- Tues 28th November 2006!
09-11-2006 16:10
Oxford University Student Union is organising a Reclaim The Night march on the 28th November, protesting against violence against women and demonstrating for the right of women to walk the streets at night without fear. All women from Oxford and the local area are warmly invited to join the march- we want to unite the local community of Oxford for this march. The march will start at 6.30 on Cowley Place, progress across Magdalen Bridge, and end in a candlelit vigil on Broad St at 8.British bid to create part cow, part human embryo
07-11-2006 01:39

New Christian Right group in Scotland
05-11-2006 17:18
A new Christian Right Wing Group are seeking to gain seets in the Scotish Parlament.Issues of racial and economic justice to be a top priority for NTLGF
02-11-2006 22:12
“Building a movement that recognizes how racial and economic justice issues intersect with the needs and priorities of all LGBT people — of all ages, races, ethnic and language origins, nationalities, spiritualities, abilities and incomes — is a challenge that must be at the forefront of our movement.”— Russell Roybal, Director of Movement Building,
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Feminists protest against Tories
30-10-2006 21:51
On Saturday 21 October, the Feminist Fightback conference at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London attracted over 230 people. On Tuesday 31 October, activists involved with Fightback will be protesting outside the Conservatives' "Shoes, shopping and politics" event to make clear that rich women discussing shoes and how to become Tory MPs is not our idea of women's liberation!Come and join us!
"Two Million Terrorists" for Britain
30-10-2006 17:15
The director of the Muslim Council surveys the size of Britain's fifth column.Solidarity with the Intersex Community - online petition
26-10-2006 16:10
An online petition asking for Intersex people not to be patholigised by the medical profession.CEN allies with anti-abortion brigade
23-10-2006 19:59
The CEN frontpage today is a scape goating headline against those medical staff who practice abortionsCambridge Anarchist Cheerleaders! Recuiting Now!
22-10-2006 16:40

Who supports Iranian women?
21-10-2006 18:12
The struggle for equality and the emancipation of women, and the working class as a whole, of which women are a critical and integral part, is an on-going task under global capitalism, in all countries both advanced imperialist nations like the U.S. and in the held-back, developing nations like Venezuela and Iran. In today’s situation, U.S. imperialism is threatening not only the national sovereignty of Iran, but also the relative security of its working and middle class, including women from both classes. Individuals, groups or some ill-informed organizations who stand on the slippery slope with the neo-cons and old monarchists, repeating their charges and accusations that dominate the media regarding life in Iran, creates confusion as to the political identity of the Iranian women protagonists in the U.S., not to mention among the American progressive community.