UK Gender Newswire Archive
Appeal letter from Sakin's son, Help us to stop stoning my mother!
28-09-2010 21:46

Reclaim the Night Gig Weds 29 Sept
24-09-2010 10:50

How would you Reclaim the Night?
17-09-2010 19:36
Oxford Reclaim The Night are seeking new ideas & people to get involved in making the streets safe for women.leeds 2nd Queer Film Festival
16-09-2010 18:58
Leeds 2nd Queer Film Festival - 22nd to 26th Sept 2010Benefit for Taunton Womens Refuge moved venues - 16th Sept
12-09-2010 11:44

GFEST: 2010 line-up will show a range of diversity from the gay ART PRIDE event
08-09-2010 11:21
In it’s fourth year now, GFEST will present its 2010 programme on :
Mark Fabbro (sadistically raped by a priest) to protest the Pope in London
06-09-2010 19:59
Mark Fabbro has been seeking justice from the Catholic Church for 14 years. He is travelling to London to find it. He was sadistically raped by a priest Fr Byrne at the age of 11 on school ground during school hours at a Jesuit School in Melbourne, Australia in 1971.Male's discrimination
04-09-2010 17:42
Male's discrimination: does it exist, where it exist and how does it works"UK a moral wasteland". And they wonder why we protest the Pope.
02-09-2010 23:54
A leading adviser to the Archbishop of Westminster has blamed abortion and gay rights for turning Britain into a “selfish, hedonistic wasteland” which has become “the geopolitical epicentre of the culture of death”.Season for change in Britain? Citizen-led democracy
28-08-2010 11:31
More citizen-led democracy (the original rule-by-the-people) could become an important tool-kit for positive social and environmental change.SAVE SHIVA - HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST IN IRAN
24-08-2010 17:42
Shiva Nazar Ahari, an Iranian human rights activist and a political prisoner in Evin prison (Tehran) since December 20, 2009, is now facing the charge of Moharebeh (enmity against God), and she can be sentenced to death for it. Shiva’s trial date is set for September 4, 2010. We must act now to help and support her.100 cities protest against ecxecution of Sakine
24-08-2010 16:51
Protests are taking place this coming saturday against the execution of Sakineh Ashtiani. Feel free to join the actions organised. Here are the ones listed so far... Protests are organised by mission free Iran and International Committee against StoningTaunton Benefit Gigs: Womens Refuge / Antifa / Hunt Sabs / UK Tek 6
22-08-2010 21:36

6th October - BrainDead, Comply or Die, The Vexed, 51st State & Po-lice
21st October - Sickwax, King Tuts Revenge, Hacksaw & Room 4 1 More
4th November - Ludump, Rash Decision, Ed Wood & The Hacks
100 Cities agains Stoning women under islamic law
20-08-2010 20:10

100 Cities against Stoning – 28 August 2010: How to plan an action day to save Sakineh’s life
Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
New social group in Yorkshire for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women
20-08-2010 14:58
News about a new social group in Yorkshire for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women, and women who are questioning their sexuality. Partners, friends and children are welcome too!2nd Leeds Queer Film Fest, September 22-27th
18-08-2010 14:38

English Defence League LGBT Division in support of Zionist protest in London
08-08-2010 23:44

Sakine at imminent risk of execution - what activists can do
06-08-2010 21:37
Sakine is still very much at risk of execution. She represents the face of the Iranian people struggling under the present oppresive Islamic Regime of Iran. Thousands are suffering terrible torture in prisons and hundreds being executed without proper trial. This campaign is here to highlight the cruelty of stoning and to focus the world's mind on the terrible suffering suffered by thousands of Iranians day to day.Take action against Tata - Thursday 5 August, 10.30am
03-08-2010 13:09
Show solidarity with locked out tea workers in West Bengal, exploited by Tata and victimised for demanding their rights