UK Gender Newswire Archive
What will happen to Pegah now?
07-09-2007 15:39
Unfortunately it is easy to read the minds of Gordon Brown andJacqui Smith in this moment. They are angry because the problem
of the arbitrary and unjust deportations has come to light.
I hope I'm wrong, but the history of persecution generally repeats
a pattern. I believe the UK Government is once again studying
a way to refuse Pegah asylum...
20 Feminist Fightback conference, 20 October 2007
06-09-2007 14:04
Back for a second year, the Feminist Fightback activist conference is organised by a group of socialist feminists, including the Education Not for Sale student network. It aims to bring together feminists from a wide range of perspectives to debate ideas and develop practical strategies for fighting women’s oppression and exploitation.Indigenous women murdered in Ecuador.
05-09-2007 19:35
Puyo, EcuadorGloria Ushigua and Rosa Gualinga, two indigenous leaders, were attacked on Sunday August 26, after months of receiving death threats for their efforts to protect the territory of the Zapara people in the Ecuadorian Amazon. They were beaten until unconscious, thrown in the trunk of a car, and later, apparently, left for dead.
What the case of Pegah Emambakhsh teaches us
04-09-2007 23:12
The case of Pegah Emambakhsh has revealed that Europe has abandoned a long time ago the road of the respect for human rights. The fear for the fight between the different culture and the suspiciousness towards the others has slowly sunk our civilisation in a cultural and social swamp. People see enemies everywhere. The values of the freedom have been replaced from those - ambiguous and dangerous - of the security.Protest - Sep 11 against violence against women as entertainment
30-08-2007 11:39
PROTEST against the presentation of violence against women as entertainment at FACT, 88 Wood Street, Liverpool 7pm September 11.The case of Pegah Emambakhsh and the new frontiers of Human Rights
30-08-2007 11:29

autonomous knowledge and power in a society
28-08-2007 23:14
A short conclusion about the Black Block glossaries in the rural debate about militant tactics on International Brigades eve on Autumn 2007!Worth to read it:)
Pegah Emambakhsh, the United Kingdom review the case, Italy offers asylum
25-08-2007 22:16

"The First Minister Gordon Brown is paying particular attention to the case of the Iranian refugee", they have assured, “and we're approaching the case with a solution that respects the conventions for the Human Rights".
Appeal for the life of Pegah Emambakhsh
24-08-2007 06:48
The United Kingdom is violating all the international Conventions deciding to repatriate Pegah Emambakhsh to Iran, where she's condemned to death because of her homosexuality.Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Urgent help needed to save the life of Pegah Emambakhsh
24-08-2007 00:18

Assistance is needed urgently from journalists to publicise the case of Pegah Emambakhsh, who is due to be deported to Iraq from the UK within the next three days. She faces imprisonment and execution for the crime of having been in a sexual relationship with another woman. Note to Editor: Although this case was previously reported on Indymedia UK, photographs, petition link and contact details for the Home Secretary were not included. This is NOT a simple repost.
Pegah Emambakhsh Must Stay
23-08-2007 11:17

Second Feminist Fightback conference, UEL, October 20
22-08-2007 17:13
The second Feminist Fightback conference will take place at University of East London on Saturday 20 October. Last year, Fightback attracted more than 200 people.British Ambassador promises: "We will not deport Pegah Emambakhsh"
22-08-2007 16:21
Unfortunately the case records would leave us to doubt it. Theimpression we get is that it is an attempt to demonstrate the absurdity
of the situation, that is, that Pegah will not endure any form of persecution
in Ahmadinejad’s Iran and the ruthless Islamic courts!
Wanted! - Queer Activist Street / Graffiti Artists
21-08-2007 17:05
Art project looking for socially/politically engaging artists addressing issues of prejudice, inequality and repression in public and urban spaces.Urgent! - Save Pegah From Death. Don't Alow That Pegah Goes Up On The Airplane
20-08-2007 23:29
The government of the United Kingdom has anticipated the deportation of Pegah Emambakhsh and her flight towards the death is already set on the 23rd August.We don't have to allow that Pegah goes up on that airplane.
Queer Pakistan - 'Less inhibited than West!'
20-08-2007 22:50
As the socio-psychological concept of being queer in our times furbished another relinquish of anti-racist cacophony for persons in their count-ability to re stable life behavior!Lesbian facing Deportation to Iran needs your Support
20-08-2007 10:15
Pegah Emambakhsh (40) is a lesbian Iranian woman. She risks of beeing sentenced to death by the judges of the Islamic Republic of Iran because of her homosexuality. She took refuge in Sheffied, Great Britain, where she sought political asylum. This right was denied her for unconvincing reasons,among which the fact that she cannot prove she is a lesbian.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
URGENT: Don't Deport Pegah Emambakhsh
16-08-2007 11:23
Pegag Emambakhsh is an Iranian national who sought asylum in the UK in 2005. Her claim failed despite appeals and she was arrested in Sheffield on Monday 13th August and is being taken to Yarlswood detention centre from where she will be deported tomorrow, Thursday 16th August.Help free queer refugee Ali Humayun from Sydney's Villawood detention centre.
14-08-2007 13:39

letter to the Greek Ministery of Merchant Marine re NECATI ZONTUL
11-08-2007 00:44