UK Gender Newswire Archive
good night macho pride 2014 in ukraine
17-01-2014 16:20

For the 24th to 28th of april 2014 the 3rd "good night macho pride" anarcha-feminist gathering is announced to take place in kiev, ukraine.
Ill Health and Social Corruption in Edinburgh.
16-01-2014 12:23

They're Dun Blaming me cuz now I'm exposing Them.
07-01-2014 09:56

Coca-Cola publish photos of protest against themselves
28-12-2013 21:45

Bristol: graffiti/solidarity action @ Clifton Cathedral
24-12-2013 14:39
Early morning mass was blackened this Christmas eve for the catholic Cathedral in Bristol's wealthy Clifton neighborhood. Overnight we glued locks on their doors, spraypainted "without god", "without law", and anarchy symbols on the grand exterior and signed "queers x".The Black Rose Syndicat Morphs Into Syndicat a La Black Rose with Lady Gaga as I
20-12-2013 16:42

on the use value of psychology in current Kiev upsurge in fascism
10-12-2013 09:50
This post is a direct news-related reaction to the discussion started at
Two tendencies of Western EUropean and US discussions do not seem to be terribly helpful in our current fight against the fascistic upsurge in Kiev:
- seeing the East as something far apart and just catastrophic and
-assuming that desturbed minds are on their way just where corporate media choose to show them these days: with folks close to Kiev working classes
Mind, that psychology, as most beople know and practice it is still a distincltly ruling class ideology, especially its "textbook" vulgarisations. Bourgeois psychology wants to keep you normal, average consumer, average subject, average wage earner (just keep your contributions NORMAL). This is completely detached from social reality, a new religion for the toiling class. Hunting for profits in the upper strata of today's European "business community" means asserting your strategy in a bonfire of highly and cynically crazy macho individuals.
New People's Daily Building in China
07-12-2013 01:16

Inside the paranoid Maoist cults of 1970s Britain
01-12-2013 13:05

Queer, Queer, Queerlective, and Feminist Happenings at 195 Mare Street
12-11-2013 01:00
News and information about the ongoing Queer and Feminist events, happening at 195 Mare Street, a huge squatted social centre in Hackney; and information about upcoming happenings.LaDIYfest Sheffield 2013 - Saturday 30th November
19-10-2013 19:37

The left and women's rights: leading RMT member accused
15-10-2013 12:00
RMT leader Steve Hedley has been accused of domestic violence, and documented as making deeply misogynistic comments towards a young women. This case is just as serious as the SWP/Martin Smiths sexual assault cases.#126: the Common House, Bent Bars, anarchism in Brazil & DJ BPM
22-09-2013 09:56
another fantastic radio show from london's DIY radical radio crew, recorded and aired on 20 September 2013:A Letter to Deep Green Resistance
09-08-2013 11:51
The following is the text of an open letter from a group of concern activists in the Earth First! network to be circulated at this weekends EF! Summer Gathering (
Palestinian Anarchists in Conversation: Recalibrating anarchism in a colonized country
21-07-2013 20:17
“I’m honestly still trying to kick the nationalist habit,” jokes activist Ahmad Nimer, as we talk outside a Ramallah cafe.Police Spies Fashion Show
19-07-2013 08:14
It was recently revealed that eight women involved in social and environmental activism were deceived into having long term relationships with undercover police.This is an exclusive invitation to The Police Spies Fashion show. A bold and sexy catwalk display featuring the Metropolitan Police’s most provocative new look line up.
The State Repression Collection!
London Queer Social Centre: Location Announced & Programme of Events
20-06-2013 22:55

63 Sancroft Street, London SE11 5UG – in an abandoned pub called The Duchy Arms.
Here’s a map:

We’ve been working away at making it nice, and we think you’ll like it. It’s wheelchair-accessible (though without adapted toilets unfortunately), and has space for all the events we have planned, plus a nice outside area for smoking.
We open on Saturday. Be sure to check our full programme of events, and come by and see us.
UG#648 - The Monoculture of Modernity (Reflections on The Many Ways To Live)
17-06-2013 20:50

At Your Service (Tales From Community Service) Part Two- Faggot Till I Die
13-05-2013 22:58
Article written by contributor who is currently serving a 120 hour community payback order, in which they are required to do a program of unpaid work for the terrible “community”1. This Article forms the First part of a short series detailing different aspects and analysis of the community payback program, from thinking about the actions being performed and their implications to offering a kind of insight into what this shit is actually like. Please distribute to anyone you know who might be about to get sentenced to community payback.