UK Gender Newswire Archive
Gay Iranian Refugee, Everyone Group: "UK is a Danger for all Refugee
09-03-2008 15:51
In an article published on Friday March 7th 2008, in the The Independent, Simon Hughes, leader of the Liberal Democrats and the party's Shadow Leader in the House of Commons, stated: "The Home Office claims that a gay person can return to Iran and avoid persecution by being "discreet". All advice suggests that in Iran, to be discreet means that you would have to deny your identity. The punishment for giving in to personal feelings might well be nothing less than torture or death".
The same theory had was pointed out by the members of the NNRF (Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum) years ago: "The Home Office claims that if a gay person is less obvious about being gay or lesbian they won’t attract the attention of their persecutors," writes Richard McCance on the refugees' association's website.
The EveryOne Group, that, since its launch, has promoted, along with the Non-Violent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty, and the Nessuno Tocchi Caino and Certi Diritti associations, a campaign in support of its member Seyed Mehdi Kazemi, is going to present a written deposition to the European Union objecting to the UK Home Office's behaviour towards refugees claiming asylum.
Hollow Women of the Hegemon
09-03-2008 00:19
In honor of International Women's DayLiverpool Women Reclaim The Night...Sort Of
08-03-2008 23:32

Dissident Island Radio - Feminist edition tonight
07-03-2008 16:30

radio show from the Rampart Social Centre in London featuring interviews,
radio plays, and music. Previously on the show we have had groups such
as No Borders, the AntiFa, and Bicycology. With International Women's
Day coming up on March 8th, the Dissident Island radio show will be
highlighting various new and established London-based feminist groups,
activities and actions.
Wominspace now open!
06-03-2008 01:26
Womin only space is now open in North East London. The space is open for all womin to use. We will be holding lots of different workshops and having cafe and bar. Come and visit us and get involved. All references to womin are trans friendly.3 Women for PeaceMarianne Williamson, Medea Benjamin, Judith LeBlanc speak at th
02-03-2008 21:05

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Mancs Reclaim The Night march a success
02-03-2008 19:16
Manchester Reclaim the night March a success,despite threatened 'transqueer' counter protest.
Nottingham Gay Rainbow Heritage Exhibition
28-02-2008 01:18

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Queer Trans Block on march this Saturday
27-02-2008 18:51
Call out for show of trans queer solidarity!All genders, all sexualities, all ages, all races and all backgrounds together –
Reclaiming the night, reclaiming our rights – and the streets!
Aldermaston - we want women!
27-02-2008 10:40

Refugees and escapees of the Prozac Nation are converging at Corsica Studios
25-02-2008 08:41
Lurking behind tabloid interest in the mental health crises of artists like Britney Spears, HeathLedger and Amy Whitehouse is a vast unease around mental ill-health. The everyday
stigmatisation of the Mad affects everyone.
Mad Chicks fight this stigma by celebrating the creativity and eloquence of Mad women.
8 March; Serco picket; Iran; Reproductive Freedoms: Feminist Fightback events
24-02-2008 23:50
Upcoming events organised by Feminist Fightback.Until the Violence Stops free documentary showing
22-02-2008 13:58
This Monday 25th Feb. 7.30pm at the University of Manchester Student Union. You do not have to be a student to attend.Antifascist in Moscow stabbed by Nazis - 14th February
17-02-2008 22:51
Antifascist in Moscow stabbed by Nazis on Valentine's Day march for sexual minoritiesA Catwalk Through Time: Charity Fashion Show
13-02-2008 23:36
A journey in couture and culture illustrating the history of French costume from the 4th Century to the present day. With replica Medieval & Renaissance costume, Marie Antoinette, 20s flappers, 50s age of couture and more.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Women To Widdecombe: "Get Your Rosaries Off Our Ovaries"
13-02-2008 18:55

400 picket Ann Widdecombe's London anti-abortion meeting
07-02-2008 12:31
by Sadie Robinson Journalist for Socialist WorkerAldermaston byelaws - judicial review update
05-02-2008 16:26

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A Million Women Rise - march against gender based violence
29-01-2008 18:11
Wimmin strike back - Shout-out - National Action on 8th March 2008 in London to raise awareness and generate action around gender based violence that devastates the lives of wimmin, children and their communities.