UK Gender Newswire Archive
Million Women Rise London March
08-03-2010 22:18

8th of March in Palestine (by Latuff)
07-03-2010 23:55

International Womens Day; mass demonstrations against Hijab Tehran 1979
07-03-2010 17:24
demonstrations for womens rights in Iran 1979Newcastle protest in solidarity with Yarl's Wood Hunger Strikers
06-03-2010 17:53

Oxford Radical Forum 2010
04-03-2010 22:30
We are proud and excited to present to you the third Oxford Radical Forum, taking place Friday - Sunday, 5 - 7 March.The Oxford Radical Forum is a FREE three-day event bringing people together to discuss and debate key issues for the left and critical political thought, from climate-change to women's liberation, culture, racism and resistance.
Million Women Rise! March and rally -Saturday 6th March - London
03-03-2010 19:22
This Saturday see the 3rd Million Women Rise! March and rally in London.There are coaches going from all over the country. For further details visit or ring 07727 419634
Solidarity With Yarl's Wood Hunger Strikers
02-03-2010 11:14
We spoke with nineteen women yesterday who confirmed they remain steadfastly on hunger strike.Big Pharma security thug threats to kill gay AR activist with crack cocaine.
15-02-2010 19:54
A thug working for a private security firm on behalf of a pharmaceutical company have threatened to kill animal rights activists with crack cocaine & make it "look like suicide". The homophobic thugs have said they will rape & kill the man his family members with crack & a noose. The thugs burgled his house and stole family photos & told the AR activist " we will rape your gran, your mum & aunt".Haitian Women’s Groups Send Out Plea for Sanitary and Other Supplies for
11-02-2010 18:53
Haitian Women’s Groups Send Out Plea for Sanitary and Other Supplies for Women and GirlsFacebook to Ban Breastfeeding Advocacy Group for "Obscenity"
09-02-2010 08:46
Facebook is yet again courting controversy, this time by threatening the imminent removal of a group of almost 250,000 breastfeeding advocates - on the charge that their breastfeeding photos are sexual.Refugees/gay Rights. Stop the deportation to Burundi of Alvin Gahimbaze
08-02-2010 00:43
“His life will be in serious danger if he is deported back to Burundi due to the ethnic clashes and the serious institutional homophobia”. The human rights activists are appealing to the United Nations and the European Parliament to save this young man's life.A day of Anarcha-Feminism - 30th Jan Brighton
27-01-2010 10:54
A completely free day of super feminism for all ages and genders10:30am onwards
The Cowley Club London Road
"Hermaphrodites" in sports: IOC and IAAF deny responsibility
17-01-2010 20:24

Until today, the governing bodies keep on denying their responsibilities and refusing dialogue, as well as seemingly reacting only when forced by public pressure, and if so pro forma only.
Case in point: The IOC's attitude with regards to their syposium on "'ambiguous' gender cases" ending in Miami today. demands justice!
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Can You Hear Us? Women’s uncensored experiences of detention and deportation
05-01-2010 18:45

Aldermaston: training, lobbying, actioneering
05-01-2010 18:28

ESRC Seminar Series: Fat Studies and Health At Every Size - Bigness Beyond Obesi
04-01-2010 13:33
The first of a series of gatherings on Fat Studies and Health At Every Size is about to take place in Durham. This radical meeting of critical scholars is free to attend, and bursaries are available for people on low incomes.Barbarism begins at home. Anarchists agains the family
23-12-2009 23:11
Family as another Modern institution to be destroyed since it proves unable to be resignified. Merry Xmas.Polish High Court Refuses Return of Australian Child
16-12-2009 05:06

Justice Denied: Women victims of torture face a lifetime of suffering
09-12-2009 13:16

Charter of Rights of Women Seeking Asylum
30-11-2009 14:10